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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. pedantic... I believe most readers had no trouble understanding what I meant.
  2. not sure what you are trying to say.
  3. You do realise that under UN rules that's illegal... Same rules for everyone, otherwise how do you expect foreigners to behave differently, they do as Thais do, believing it's ok, perhaps this is hard, for you, to comprehend.
  4. He specifically said "Thai laws don't stand up in NZ, so probably won't in England" so was clearly comparing what wouldn't stand up in NZ, and probably won't in UK law..... mate, you seem to have trouble understanding simple English, comprehension is not your strongest point. I know your ego doesn't not allow you to admit your wrong, so I will leave it up to all readers to draw their own conclusion... have a nice day... this is all I have to say, on this topic.
  5. and remember, as most of us do, Move Forward was betrayed, by their coalition "friends," the Poo Thai party.... yes Thaksin's party
  6. Not sure about UK law, but in Australia, if you cohabitate for more than 6 months, you are deemed in a "marriage."
  7. Wow, up until this comment, I was agreeing with you... even so, this comment is correct... BUT, irrelevant, as he was comparing NZ and UK law... NOT thai law.
  8. ah, here we go, without knowing the FULL story, then you, and I suspect other, will assume their own stories.... wow, what a sad lot.
  9. Does anyone keep stats, on the number of these boats, that sink, or are disabled, each year.
  10. um, well mate, the first one is you... you also get extra points for posting the most irrelevant post.
  11. There's a typo... shouldn't "Pattaya" be "Thailand?"
  12. certainly can.... all the way to the ground.
  13. They "boost" it so often there should be more police than tourists.
  14. Oh dear, a maga is in the room, there goes any chance of an intelligent discussion... maga don't think.
  15. I have had 2 transactions, under $500, from Australia, to Bank of Thailand take 22, and 23, hours, Wise could not explain why, I did find out that Wise's Thai agent is Kasikorn, who then transfer on, so maybe Kasikorn is the culprit.
  16. Traffic signs, traffic lights, I've even seen police on point duty, all completely ignored, so how do they think this "AI" will work, and has it proven to work elsewhere.
  17. Tou forget one major issue, the stubbke needs to be ploughed in.
  18. Thanks guys, I think I have everything needed. TM30... to be on the safe side... from my landlord/agent, or 1 night in hotel TM7... from BluePort immigration cross fingers, and hope for the best
  19. he will be saying with me...so I assume a TM30 from my landlord/agent
  20. he will be mainly in Hua Hin
  21. I think I've asked this before, but have forgotten if I have... it happens. My mate (Australian) is coming, to Thai, surprise surprise, on a 60 day visa free, but he is interested in extending it, I have heard of a 30 day extension, giving him a total of 90 days, how does he go about obtaining the extension, and what documents does he need, he wants to come with all necessary documents. Regards
  22. I have been going with a thai lady, for a few years, she wants to marry me, I am not against the idea, but, her husband will not give her a divorce, does anyone know what her options are... Please, no other comments, except those that address what is asked, I am fully aware of the type of snide remarks that we get on these forums. Regards
  23. I will not be surprised if tourism is affected, this has made print, online, and TV news, in Australia, so it is possible more nations are now aware... with health warnings being issued
  24. But he is NOT in government... 555 This guy has no shame... and the judicial system simple proves how corrupt it is, to allow him to do as he pleases.
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