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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. Hang on, where did you determine you had any form of humour.
  2. Sorry, but if the police actually enforced the law every single day, it just might drive offences down, leading to less deaths/accidents/injuries/etc, this, along with enforced driving lessons, from qualified instructors.
  3. I have no idea what you mean, I see no humour, can you please explain what you see.
  4. Mate, all I need to do is refer you to Thai news channels... or even Thai English newspapers... or even Asean Now. The percentage does not change the fact. Do you even live in Thailand.
  5. I really do think you should know what my comment was referring to, before you make any comment... you might just understand things a little better.
  6. Congratulations, first post to blame the foreigner... ya lowlife
  7. Hang on, how did you determine he is a "bikey [sic] gang" member
  8. First lowlife, blame the foreigner comment, well done on being the first.
  9. Are you actually on this planet, nevermind in Thailand... every day we see angry Thai men being violent, usually many v one, or they will use a weapon.
  10. Since when has the military's power been slowly wrested away.
  11. There wasn't any to miss... oh dear.
  12. Do you actually know anything about Thailand's military control, over the government... just google Thailand's coups, since 1935.
  13. Seems to me those who say "Don't like it?Leave!" are incapable of any intelligent discussion, beyond 4 words.
  14. I don't think he's thai, so your comment is irrelevant
  15. oh dear... you missed his humour
  16. stop... most want the resort, and not an overcrowded artificial ski jump, and it's still cold on the snow, and that's the reason for my comment... stop being foolish... everyone else knows what I meant, you pedantic bogan
  17. No-one asked, or invited you, to come, so please, do us a favour, stay away.
  18. this is about Japan, if you want Hawaii snow, go to Hawaii, where there are no ski resorts, or ski lifts... have fun
  19. "Since joining this forum I have noticed it is mostly white, older, male, English speakers contributing The older single western male is more into the bar scene and living and hanging out with the prostitutes in public. Thai kids going home from school share Pattaya songteows with drunken sex tourists taking hookers back to their hotels." Can you actually prove your comments... I ask for PROOF, not some tossers opinion.
  20. She is an obedient Thai daughter, honoring her father, and respecting his wisdom.... wait, that means she is a puppet... damn, for a second I thought I something going.
  21. Has the ruling party... read military, agreed to these changes...distant coup drums are beating
  22. so you would prefer a warm snow season... mmm
  23. All lies, the man simply wants live have a quiet life, with his grandchildren, he only gives advise when asked, does not instruct his daughter, the PM, on what to do... he has told us this.. why do people not believe this honorable gentleman.... wait, I'm going to puke
  24. Pedantic so and so... now, counter my comment.
  25. you make the assumption people are on holiday for 10years.. which is, in the majority of cases, very false assumption.. but hey, it doesn't change the FACT, our passport. for whatever reason, is the most expensive, when it shouldn't be.
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