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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. Did anyone blame a Rhai you seem obsessed with protecting Thais even when no need to
  2. Does anyo e believe a major drug ring, run by foreigners, on Koh Phangan, can operate without police knowledge, or the local mafia not being involved.
  3. as usual, in Thailand, if it will affect tourism (read money) then denial comes to the forefront, who do we believe, someone with a motive, or reports from many tourists, from different areas, of Thailand, who originate from different countries.
  4. I do not believe this story, Thaksin is an honest, honorable, righteous man, who puts Thailand, and the Thai people, before himself, and any want for money and power, how dare some people defame this honorable man.. I'll be back soon, I need to throw up.
  5. Same in Australia, we HAVE to go to the RAC... no online application... so backwards. So expensive AU$51... on top of the most expensive passports (AU$398 10 year passport) in the world.
  6. obviously you are one of those delinquents, that has no understanding of what was, and what has changed, so that makes you part of the problem, and probable tells us why you ran away from you home country.
  7. Mate, geez, how long you been on zthailand, if they can make many, they will celebrate anything, Christmas is become a thai celebration, same as Halloween and New Year ( a celebration they have 3 times a year.)
  8. And yet we see thai vehicles with decorative lights, even flashing red and blue, never mind the trucks and buses.
  9. It's sad you had such a bad experience, but hey, look how undisciplined pommy kids are today, compared to when you were young, or your parents were young.
  10. some certainly were, but NOT to the degree of today
  11. You don't know me well enough, to assume such things.... seems you are the aggressor.
  12. Um, explain what Thailand already has.
  13. Shock, horror,... wait, nah... we knew this would be the result.
  14. If that is how Brit humour has evolved to, thank goodness us Aussies have evolved to not follow you lot.
  15. Big mistake Thailand, you are heading diwn the same path as the west, with delinquent kids running wild, being agressive/abusive/undisciplined/uncontrollable with no set boundaries, this law has the possibility of changing your society.... the only good thing, like most laws, Thais will ignore it.
  16. um, what about bribing officials
  17. Am repeating my previous comment, far too many spelling errors... should not comment shortly after waking, and using my mobile. "I also live there, permanently, and there's no comparison with the numbers of tourists, or "nightlife" as Pattaya or Phuket, even the bars, Soi 80 and Soi BintaBaht are out of the way"
  18. I also live there permanently, and these no comparison with the numbers, or "nightlife" as Pattaya or Phuket, even the bars, Soi 80 and Soi BintaBaht ate out of the way
  19. There's not that many, when was the last time you were in Hua Hin, nothing like the numbers in Pattaya or Phuket.
  20. You have a sick sense of "fun."
  21. I had to stop reading comments, I was getting really pissed off, so many, so quick, to start blame the Swiss guy, what type of human are you lot. You can say what you like about me with your lowlife replies... I don't care, and you're too worthless for me to reply.
  22. Wow, first comment, on this story, and ready to put the boots into the foreigner...smh, what a poor example of a human. You're lower than a snakes belly.
  23. then please explain your comment, because Hua Hin has little in common with Pattaya or Phuket
  24. Oh, it is not... you need to get out more.
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