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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. You don't get something from nothing, ie they still need to add some fertiliser.
  2. Do they ever catch the suppliers, or are they to close to home
  3. "Soaking" it, ok, how does this remove the stubble, it needs ploughing in... also, it's dry season, where does the water come from. Again we see words, with little, actually no, thought on how to achieve it.
  4. Just what does he mean by "lack of ventilation?" I guess next we'll see trucks with mounted fans....
  5. it's a pity you don't understand... most non yanks would.
  6. and you completely missed the point.... are you a yank.
  7. true, they just do not understand, far to self centred
  8. OMG... it is due to poor unthinking government policies... do you actually live in Thailand
  9. And you don't see a problem with your "privacy" being invaded...
  10. They have often said the same things... I doubt anyone believes anything they said... unless you are new to thailand, or very gullible
  11. there is no active Red Bull notice, there hasn't been for a number of years, the last one, that the RTP posted online, I have the link, was never actually seen on interpol. It was either issued, and withdrawn immediately, or the one shown, hate to tarnish the good (555) reputation of the RTP, was a fake. Here is the link https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2020/10/07/real-or-fake-cops-show-interpol-notice-for-boss-red-bull/
  12. Because Thailand works on the same principle as the UN... corruption
  13. and where's the market......there is no market in Thailand, or export, for most of what you mention, even fruit, there's already an abundant supply, the market is not limitless, in fact the opposite
  14. What you say about the US is correct... but different for the UK, and that is what this article is about... did you even read my comment, it's all there.
  15. thyen name some crops that would provide food and profit... you come up with a lot of words, but no real solutions.. do you even live in Thailand, because you come across as very ignorant, and naive.
  16. Although, in principle, I agree, I think you live in lala land, you need ideas that will actually be possible to achieve, in Thailand.... as Thailand is not China, and there is little incentive for farmers to stop the practice.
  17. They do seem to forget history. "In 7 January 1942, allied planes began bombing raids on the Thai capital city of Bangkok. With this added pressure, the Phibun government decided to declare war on the Allies. Later, Thailand declared war on the United Kingdom and the United States on 25 January 1942." "By July 1944, Phibun was forced to resign and his 1942 declaration of war was determined to be unconstitutional and therefore legally void. As a result, Thailand never needed to official surrendered to the allies."
  18. "Ties" that were actually broken, during WW2... but they conveniently choose to ignore those years
  19. Where in Hua Hin were you.... it seemed ok to me at Baan Khun Food Court
  20. And what would you suggest to help support these farmets after a food crop, and their only income is removed... I don't think you thought this through
  21. Oh and you conveniently forgot the thousands of mum and dad rice and sugar growers whe grow for sale and family consumption... your own agenda is showing
  22. An the cops should track her down for posting false information on the internet, which is illegal in Thailand. We know what would happen if a farang posted false information, but in xenophobic/racist Thailand, there seems to be different "interpretations" of all laws.
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