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Everything posted by Geordieabroad

  1. A reasonable salary for her position, can't understand why some people are getting their knickers in a twist
  2. How can they propose charging us foreigners living in Thailand ANOTHER 1,000 baht to leave the country. We ALREADY pay 1,000 for a re entry permit to get back in. Just another proposed government scam
  3. Totally agree with everything you listed, plus we had to take a guest to IO who had been at our wedding reception to act as witness, ludicrous, that was in 2018. I changed to retirement extension straight after that
  4. Forget about extension based on marriage, i did it for the 1st 2 years, too invasive and too much hassle. 5 years ago i changed to retirement based extension, much simpler and easier
  5. I don't know how much an android box "should" cost but i bought a one for 2,000 baht 3 years ago, fully loaded with apps and i've added a couple myself. Money very well spent
  6. Never seen any Russians here wearing anti Ukraine t shirts so why do you want to get involved and create more bad feelings. Unless you're from Ukraine then mind your own business and enjoy Pattaya
  7. Just a young thug who thinks there are no consequences to his actions. A year in jail in an 80 man cell and then deportation should wake him up
  8. Nothing wrong with Wise. Only upload passport as ID. I have a £ account with them, transfer £ as and when i see decent exchange rate, low fees (£6 in £1,000) and the money is in my Thai account within seconds
  9. I have renewed my driving license twice at Pattaya (the transport office just off route 36) and have never seen a form
  10. I've never read anything in the rules either but....last November i was going to Laos for a few days holiday, the wife said she was passing Jomtien immigration so she would get my re entry permit, next thing i know she phoned me from immigration and said the IO said i have to be there for it to be issued, so who knows
  11. If i was ever in court i'd hate to see you on the jury, guilty until proven innocent
  12. Never had a problem with Kerry, and as you said we always get a phone call about 5 minutes before delivery
  13. You can get done for drink driving 3 times in a year before you get a 90 day ban and then get your points back on January 1st, then start all over again, what a joke
  14. So you want people to have to submit a police report in order to travel to Thailand on top of all the other ribbish
  15. A few people on here had a go at me a while ago when i suggested mixing dope with drink driving wasn't the greatest idea....oh well, we'll see
  16. My HP laptop was driving me crazy (it was 6 years old), turn on and it was 25 - 30 minutes before i could do anything with it. hit the shut down and it took 5 - 6 minutes to shut down, tried everything after getting advice from everyone in the world. Then i found the answer, invest in a new one. Now start up and shut down are instant
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