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Posts posted by pokoal2000

  1. HI

    I am about same age and I lived with much younger girl (20 years younger) in england.We were together for ten years and really got on well.Still are best of friends.She had few young lovers, but always come back to me.So what? You should accept something like that when you get such a age difference.No big deal. Maybe that is not what you want to hear, but sometime they are more important things to consider. Does it sound weird?Well everybody is different.


  2. Did you know that Thai person could be send to jail(home) for rest of his or hers life if a Social Worker decide that you are not quite normal( what ever that means)?They don't need court order or psychiatry examination, only person who can get you out is your mother.If she can't be find, tough luck.Quite frightening , no?( if interested read my story .Beggars in the forum)


  3. Hi

    I think that they managed to win.I visited Pe today and her mind is completely messed up.She can not speak English any more, she is full of anger and act like a insane person.( I am not suprised- they took everything from her- her freedom and all the personal possetion she liked and feed her drugs when she is unhappy))She looks very tired and I think she would need weeks of intensive therepy to make her back as she was before they took her in.They need to be congratulated- they managed to ruin this young womans life very quickly.


  4. YES, Please anybody can make enquiry.Just say you are her friends.

    Her name is Pigul Sintumud

    And she is held in the prison---Nonthanburi Reception Home for Destitute

    78/12 Moo1

    Tiwanon Rd

    Bangtalard Sub District

    Pak Kred


    Tel: 02583 0044

    Fax:02580 3295

    Maybe it would help.You never know.I am running out of ideas.

    If I had the means I would hire couple SAS to get her out.


  5. Keep up the good work!

    Do you have anymore info as in an area they lived or where she worked here before. I can ask around.

    Not much.Something must have happen to her in Chang Mai. She does not want to talk about it. One time she said that she worked for a Money Exchange in Chang Mai.Thats all I have.

    Thanks for trying to help


  6. Please this is quite urgent.I am trying to trace family in Chang Mai.Its a long story, if you are interested please read story call : Beggars- on the main forum. Its a Thai family called Sintumud and they have a daughter about 26 years old called Pigul. She is locked up in sort of prison in Nothanburi and nobody can release her exept member of her family.Please try to help, ask your Thai friends or landlords.The girl is well educated, but slightly disturbed.

    Thank you Alex

  7. Hi,

    Who knows how to contact social services in Bangkok about a mentally ill homeless person in my neighborhood? There is a situation that is getting worse and worse on my street in Sathorn / Sribumpen neighborhood.

    Does anyone know of any social services organization who help mentally ill people who are homeless?



    If you really hate this begger do contact Social Services, if not please read story call Beggars

  8. Hi

    Just a little update for interested people.I visited Pigun today, she hardly recognised me, she could not speak well, she was druged up.I have a bit of experience in this and I would say she was overdosed.She told me that when they confiscated her phone she cried and they give her something and since then she have to take it every day.I believe there is something sinister going on here.Few people I contacted phoned the centre and made enquiry.Everybody was told that Pigun is very well and under medical attention.I believe they keep giving her drugs so she can't tell anybody what she really wants.Now she does not make much sense.I feel very angry about the whole business, went to the office and (as suggested by Pavena Corporation) presented them with my bank statement and my Work contract, so I can prove that I will be able to look after this woman.They basicaly just loughed in my face and told me to get lost.I am farang and I can do anything like this.Tell you the trueth I feel like punching the director in the face.They thought it was very funny, that I want to look after this woman and told me that she will have to spend a rest of her life in the institution.They seems to enjoy the POWER the have over everybody and don't really care very much.Its a shame that in the process they going to ruin this womans life, who was basicaly OK, just a little mixed up and all she needed was a stable place and nice people around her, maybe a little therapy.I am at the loose end and don't really know where to go next.Wrote to newspapers, television,Amnesty International, but nobody is interested.If I think of anything else I let you know.

  9. would anybody , please help me to find contact e-mail for Thai TV station.I am sure they would be interested in the story.and maybe that would help.



  10. How strange it is that she has come to be in that situation if she previously held that occupation.

    Don't really know.Something must have happened.If I have a chance I am sure that I can find out, but its not really that important at the moment.First she needs a freedom.

  11. I have been writting my story about young girl illegaly held in Nonthanburi Home for Destitute, if you have not seen it and are interested please have a look under Beggars heading.My problem now is that from 6th of May I have to move to Chantanaburi.Job - Monday to Friday, so I will not be able to visit this girl. She is not allowed visitors at the weekend, because all the staff goes home and they are all locked in.Maybe I will manage to free her before I go( I am working on it very hard). But if I don't manage, she would be very lonely.I look after her for nearly three months.Would anybody, maybe who live near by, be interested in visiting her?She has nobody else,no family, no friends.It would be great if anybody can go during the week, maybe bring her some fruit( She loves Jack fruit, and any kind of nuts)and maybe give her few bath for icecream or something.I know it is maybe too much to ask- you are not involved, but it is just an idea.

    Thank you


  12. Besides working in chiang mai as moneychanger, are there any further details like places or bank in chiang mai where you could possibly trace back to her family?

    Unfortunately, something must have happened in Chang Mai.She does not want to talk about it and does not want to go back there.I did not pressed very hard, not to upset her.If I had more time with her I am sure she would open up, but few minutes in prison is not good time to make her .

  13. I don't really know what else to do.I have tried many charities, goverment organisations,christian set ups and nobody wants to help.Thai people say- Its Thai law and nothing you can do about it.The latest idea from one charity was that I have to find her job with accomodation and maybe they will let her out.Its easier said then done.I am sure she can do a simple job, like cleaning or similar,( she worked in money exchange office in Chang Mai before-anyway that what she told me- maybe) I don't mind paying for her accomodation,but she needs somebody to keep an eye on her.I am not giving up, even if I can help just this one girl, It will be worth it.Today I wrote to ministry of welfare and asked them to be honest and rename Nothanburi home for Destitute to Nonthamburi prison for Destitute.I went to visit her on Thursday and of course, they confiscated her mobile phone and now all have to wear prison teashirts of same colour.Not allowed to wear there own clothes and she is getting worse- getting difficould to talk to and was very hungry. Thats all for today, will go again on Monday and will keep you informed of any change.Thanks for your interest.


  14. What you're doing Alex is very noble spirited and kind. :D

    Stick at it and maybe you can help this unfortunate person to get out of the institution she's now in, but you then need to have a strategy for the next move.

    I don't know much about MP Paveena's organisation, but do know they're rather clever at self-publicity, and like to grab the media headlines showing the lady herself coming to the rescue of minor's sold into prostitution or absued in some way. I've never seen her help out street beggars or tramps, like the woman you describe. Maybe she does behind the scenes, but I wouldn't count on it.

    Hence, if you don't get a +ve response from Paveena's lot, then have you thought about finding a temple with nuns that might take her in? I don't know where, but they take in enough stray dogs and cats, so why not find one that would look after a person in need? Lots of food and a roof over the head, in return for some help around the temple.

    Just an idea, which would need a good Thai friend to do some research on your behalf.

    Good luck! :o

    I have tried that, so far no luck.Dogs and cats are more important.


  15. Ace

    I know what you saying.I am really just trying to fight for her- to be able to make her own mind what she wants(she is capable).And yes I would do exacly same for a bloke in that situation.To tell you the truth I was not sure if that was a bloke or girl for while.

    Did you mange to find out anything about her family, and did you contact them if you did?

    Yes I have tried.But her father hes died and mother can't be find.

  16. By the way, If anybody is interested in visiting this girl, please send me SMS on 0657114991, but she is a bit unsure about strange man.So if you are not strange, its ok. :o

  17. It's a good thing you're doing, and I don't usually like to rain on anyone's parade, but be careful, both for yourself, and more importantly, her.

    Ask yourself, would you do the same for a bloke? How well do you know her? And what will you do if you get her out? I suspect that the authorities would let her out if you were to follow the correct channels (whatever they may be). She would then be your responsibility. Are you ready for that?

    Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

    All the best,


    I know what you saying.I am really just trying to fight for her- to be able to make her own mind what she wants(she is capable).And yes I would do exacly same for a bloke in that situation.To tell you the truth I was not sure if that was a bloke or girl for while.

  18. I know what you all saying.I tell you something about myself and why I am interested in this girl.Few people have a wrong idea, but I don't really care and I am not that way inclined.I am an old man, spend seven years travelling with a backpack all around the World.I spend time in India and Pakistan and I know that beggars are a fairly normal way in Asia.If you have time, I will explain.I was sitting at Nonthanburi pier watching the World go by and I noticed this person, covered in dirt, serching rubbish bins for food. you could not tell if it is female or male.I have asked the local people who that is and was told that it is a girl, but nobody talks to her, because she is mad,dirty and dark skin.I started watching her , she looked like frighted wild animal.She never approached people, never begged for anything and she cried a lot.I slowly get to know her, gained her trust, bought her new clothes and made her to wash and went to the pier every day and feed her.She is very inteligent person, speaks basic English, write poetry and read.I bought her Harry Potter book and she read half way through , then it was stolen from her.I have no interest in this girl, other than to help her.I had interesting life, this girl is probbably about 20-25 years old and should be starting in life.Who will help her.?Absolute nobody.I have been in touch with Christian organisation, Red Cross , local Wat, but nobody is interested.I don't care what colour, or religion or race the person is and I made my mind to do anything I can.She must have gone through some very traumatic experience(she would not talk about it), she is not insane, just a bit mixed up in her head.While she stayed with me she was getting better every day, her bad moods were getting shorter all the time and stoped crying.Then I had the fatal mistake and contacted the Goverment organisation.Anyway you know the rest.At the moment I don't know what else to do, nobody seems to be able to help, but I will try to think of something else.I know I am making waves and upseting few people, maybe they will refuse my visa extension next time, but if I could do anything to make life easier for her and maybe few more people in the wake, it would be all worth while.

    I will inform you of futher development.Its nice to talk to people who are interested.


  19. Hi Its me again- just to keep you up the date with my little saga.I have done all you suggested, lets hope something will happen.Today I visited Pigun and she was a bit down and upset.Last time she asked me to bring her some tobaco.I did and it was confiscated straight away.I bought her little radio, because she loves music that that was confiscated by the staff as well.It seems to be that she has less rights then inmate of the high security prison.Staff told me that I am only allowed to visit her once a week, but sod that, I will be going again tomorow, see what happen.She asked me to bring her a toothpaste, see if that is confiscated.I keep you updated.Some people seems to be interested.Thank you


  20. Let us know the outcome of this, If you are a man bringing a girl (street person) into your apartment sounds fraught with danger but I admire your willingness to help.

    I doubt your report to the U.N. will be debated in the Security Council and Amnesty International may have a few more important things to do.

    Thank you for understanding.I will inform the forum if anything happen and somebody will help

    Axel, you have an astounding attitude -possibly you have not been in Asia very long, but good for you for not being jaded by it all.

    One word of advice, however, don't get too personally involved, as in having anyone stay at your house or the like. this can easily be misconstrued or abused by those less scrupulous.

    If it's a matter of shelter for a few days there are enough very cheap places you could place them.

    Yes mate, I know the risks involved, I have spend many years travelling around the World and I am not a youngster.It just makes me mad to see something like this blatant missuse of peoples rights.I know what some of the people think, to tell you the truth I could not care less.If I can help this unfortunate girl or anybody else, its worth the risk.


  21. Let us know the outcome of this, If you are a man bringing a girl (street person) into your apartment sounds fraught with danger but I admire your willingness to help.

    I doubt your report to the U.N. will be debated in the Security Council and Amnesty International may have a few more important things to do.

    Thank you for understanding.I will inform the forum if anything happen and somebody will help

  22. How easy it is to make glib remarks, how very witty to throw in purportedly funny one-liners. Guilty as charged, I do the same at times.

    This, however, is a very serious attempt by Axel to highlight a severe problem and to try o help out in some way.

    Maybe, probably, it is a waste of time writing to Amnesty Inernational or the UN. just imagine if someone you know were in a situation as that highlighted. Would you not try anything to help?

    There is a time and a place for comments like 'adoption' even when followed by three smilies just in case no-one understood the feeble attempt at humour. Maybe there are instances which deem a worthy and serious response.

    Pavena Foundation for Children and Women

    1047 - 51 Pon Luang Complex

    Soi AmpornPhan 12, Moo 7

    Phaholythin Road, Klong Tanon, BangKhen

    Bangkok 10220

    â·ÃÈѾ·ì 972-5489-90

    email : [email protected]

    Thank you for understanding. Alex

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