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Posts posted by pokoal2000

  1. Why don’t you approach Paveena foundation for women who need assistance? Miss Paveena is an MP and is well know for helping those desperate. Her office is at Ram Intra Road somewhere near Central Department.

    Would you know how to contact her?I have searched the Net and can't find contact.Thanks

  2. Thanks for the advice , I will try few things.I feel a bit responsible really.I did contacted the Social Department and I got her inside.So I do want to help her to get out or all least have a freedom to do what she wants to do.One thing I have a problem to sort out.Maybe somebody can help. The place where she is held is run by : Bureau of Social Welfare Services, Department of Social Development and Welfare Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.

    Any idea what that is?What ministry?Cant find anything like that


  3. Why don’t you approach Paveena foundation for women who need assistance? Miss Paveena is an MP and is well know for helping those desperate. Her office is at Ram Intra Road somewhere near Central Department.

    I will try that.Thanks


  4. If you come to Thailand now, you will be impressed how nice it looks.Not many beggars, poor people on the street, don't see much poverty.OK.Great.Thailand found the solution.Pick the poor and the beggars and lock them up.They don't matter they are not very inteligent so they would not complain.And it will look good for the rich turists.There they are stripped of all they rights,locked behind the barrber wire and not allowed out.Good system?I have some experience how it works.Talked to ex teacher from Chang Mai who has been there for years and he has no chance ever to get out.

    Women in charge likes to be called mother superior and can change the rules of the place at the whim.She really enjoys her job, she would have done well in Nazi Germany.If you fancy listen to my story

    Couple months ago I have noticed a young woman in very bad state- very dirty and searching for food in the rubbish bags.I felt very sorry for her and since then I have been sort of looking after her.Every day I went to The Nonthanburi pier(where she slept on the bench)and I bought her food, clothes, etc.I got to know her quite well and she began to trust me.One day- about two weeks ago the situation got worse and she was being attacked by the other person living there.She was very frighten and I could not leave her there, so I took her to my apartment.She stayed for about a week, slowly getting better, more relaxed and happier.Had plenty to eat, enough sleep and did not have to worry about anything.Deep down she is very intelligent and clever girl, unfortunately had some bad experience and got a bit mixed up in her head.Sometime she believes her fantasy in her head really happened.. Last week unfortunately I had idea to get in touch with the Social Service.I thought that they could help her, maybe provide a a therapy for her.The lady from the Social Service assured me that she will not be locked up and she would get all the medical attention that she would need.So they took her away and later I have find out where she is I visited this place.I found out that she is locked away in Nonthaburi Reception home for Destitute.I had a lot of problems, trying to see her and when I finally managed - I was given 10 minutes with the presence of the guard who speaks English.I feel very angry about this situation,this girl is not a criminal, not harmed anybody, not a danger to the public and not certified insane.She is not allowed out, people can only visit her between 13.30 and 16.00 at weekdays.Not on the weekend (when most people are free to go). This can't be right, even according to Thai Constitution, you can not deprive a person of liberty, because it suits you and get the problem out of the open.Now the girl is in bad state, very confused, does not know why she is in prison.She is looked after by woman , who they call the mother Superior.This woman does not know anything about Pekhun, she referred to the girl - Oh the woman from Pattaya,(she has never been to Pattya) with big smirk on her face and told me that the girl want to stay there.I have since asked Pekhun if that is the true, but she said that she does not dare to say anything else.

    I am sure that people in Thailand would be interested to know , how the less fortunate people are treated.

    .I will make a full report to UN commision for Human Rights, and Amnesty International.I am sure they will be very interested.

    If we don't help the less fortunate people, there is no hope for any of us.


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