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Posts posted by pokoal2000

  1. You are a bloody hard lot. The girl is only sixteen, maybe really nice girl, saw a lot of money in American house, and maybe though she will help her parents or grandparents.

    Stupid mistake, I bet when you were sixteen you made few. Would be much better to sit the girl down, had a long talk to find out why she did it. After all nobody really lost anything, cheques are back with the owner. Like this, the family ruined this girl life and future, but they thing they done the right thing. The money paid to her is insignificant.All this anger about nothing much.

  2. Its frustrating. I have been teaching kids for year now and they know R and L, one day they say Fried rice, next day is flied lice again. The more difficult is to make them to pronounce the last letter in many words. Belt becomes a bell, Milk is mill etd. Good fun hey.

  3. Hi

    My Thai girlfriend told me that if she gets married to a European, that she will not be able to get a loan for house or anything. She will have to pay cash. Apparently that is the regulation in Thai loan companies. Does anybody know if this is right or not?

  4. Just talk to my Thai girlfriend about this- be very careful, this is well know scam. Husband knows about it and will demand money or he will report it to the police. Wife would claim that she did not consent to sex and the farang would be in very serious trouble., so he would be forced to pay .


  5. It’s a lot of rubbish, I lived in many countries and spend seven years backpacking around the globe and there is no difference between Brits or other European. Talk to some guesthouse owners in Thailand and they tell you they don’t like Israeli others say Germans, etc. One on Koh Chang told me that the best customers are Brits, much more polite. So take you pick. On the whole some youngsters are wild, the older generation lot more sensible .Does not really matter where they are from.


  6. You are all lucky bastards- well not lucky, very sensible to have a money for your retirement. I am here in Thailand, working as a teacher for peanuts. I had money in UK, lost it, got divorced twice, lost a good business, building computers and then spend six years backpacking around the World, then spend seven years teaching in the Czech Republic I love Thailand , would love to stay, but have no pension ( I am 58) and no chance of a good pension from UK, because I have not paid enough national contribution in my life. God knows how I am going to manage when I am old and decrepit. I wish I had your worries.


  7. By now drugs are going from Golden Triangle to EU , not backward. buy a map

    About crooks ? Being russian I've never seen much, how about real life - not movies ?

    Sex slave trade ? Who needs locals, they are lousy, lazy and very unprofessional at that market.

    Man, you're trippin'

    So there isn't a widespread and massive criminal underworld in Russia.. OK thanks for your very knowledgeable input there... Russkaya Mafia

    I think you need to wake up!

    Agree with you mate, and I have some experience in that, spend few years in the Czech Republic and the worst Mafia is from Russia, they are taking over everything in Eastern Europe. Thailand has something to look forward. Big, big mistake

  8. Yes, Thank you Likenitstill. I did look at your site and that is the snake in our garden. Exactly same as your picture.Don't worry he is safe, even my cat was looking at him , but did not touch him.


  9. Oh and please avoid letting your neihbour take him to get money...It won't be a happy ending for the little guy... If you want to see more pictures of this snake, PM me and I will forward you my blog here in Thailand and my experiences with snakes.

    No way, i would not kill it or let the neibour to take him, even if it was dangerous. Its a lovely snake , I just wanted to know what it was.

  10. Thank for all that advise. Seems to gone away, have not seen it for three days. Next time , I will try to chatch it.Who will pay for my funeral?

    Can I have your stuff?

    My neigbour saw it today and told me it is a Kapa snake??? Any idea what that is?

  11. What shape is it's head? ... most almost all poisonous snakes have a triangular head as opposed to a more oval shaped head.

    Cobras or Kraits don't have triangular heads.

    However, I have found out that it was a Radiated Rat snake

    The snake is very fast if it becomes necessary to flee and shows an amazingly aggressive temperament if cornered: The front part of the body is inflated vertically, bent into a double S-shape, and lifted off the ground. With the mouth agape and short hissing sounds, it literally leaps at the aggressor who may even [be] pursued for some distance. If the snake is picked up, it often empties its bowels and bites[;] the bitten part is often chewed on for a while.

    nothing to worry about, you get a piece of blue pipe, some wire,fold the wire and push it through the pipe, make the loop about 10 cm ,put it over the head of the snake,then pull the wire....now the snake is with his head at the end of the pipe and you can move it to a drainhole at the road and let it free....no need to kill,its a beautiful creature :o) biggest snake I catched until now was about 2.5meter long ,no problems at all :D)

    Thats the the most reasonable and helpfull advice, thanks.Alex

  12. not sure from the description, any chance you can post up a photo of it?

    Bear in mind that the majority of snakes are poisonous, so if you have any pets or kids, its probably best to get rid of the snake asap.

    Call your local snake farm, snake show etc, they will usually come round and take the snake away for free (if they can milk it for venom) or for a small charge if they cannot.

    Thanks. I am not really worried about the snake, it scampers down the hole, when there is any noise and the cat stays away from it. She has more sense than me. Thai neighbor saw it and after lots of translation afford with dictionary, he told me that it is a snake. Great. I just spend hour looking at the different snakes on the net, but I still can’t identify this one. Well thank anyway

  13. We have a snake living in our garden. I asked the Thais what it is and they are terrified of all snake and told me to kill it. I don’t really want to do that, it’s a nice about 60 cm long beige color, quite thin, with darker stripe on the top and two moon shape markings behind the head (white and black). Any idea what it is , I can’t find anything on the net. Thanks

  14. Hi

    Anybody coming from Bangkok to Koh Chang and would like to break the jurney, you are welcomed to stop at my place,for a cup of tea or maybe spend the night, next to A3 half way between Rayong and Klaeng.Would be nice to have a chat in unbroken English.By the way we are planning a Christmas party and so far we can only think of 13 women to invite(no males), so if you are near by you can come and have a party with us.Anybody interested send me an e-mail and I give you my mobile number.


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