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Everything posted by Ginner

  1. Of course you know all the details and have all the evidence to the crimes they say he committed. Why wouldn't any other government in the countries he stayed enforce the Thai warrants for his arrest? 80% of the Thai population voted for him and he helped those less fortunate, If not for his business dealings, True would still be a second-rate TV station, why was he opposed? because he wanted to implement the same as pita and the MFP and look what happened to him.
  2. The real criminals have the money to pay their way out of these situations, until they dismember someone. then there is no hiding place for the IMMI and RTP. They have to been seen to be doing their job.
  3. What I never understand is. he has been here 3 years, using what, for money? The house in the picture doesn't look like a cheap house to rent. Up North, very close for border runs, and like you say: a dependance visa if the children are his...
  4. Wasn't his car, it belonged to another member of his Thai wife's family. So the insurance should pay out.
  5. Of course, you believe everything the military told you about him.
  6. It does say GRADE 5 in the article which is 10/11 years old, don't forget a novice monk can be any age. In the photo, he doesn't look like a 16/17-year-old.
  7. I do believe the death penalty hasn't been carried out for near ten years now. Plus isn't the cyanide killer facing the death penalty? She is the wife of a high ranking police officer. If Spain doesn't have the death penalty, then I doute very much he will be put to death. 50 years or more would be my guess.
  8. Could be anyone of them. If it's the MFP, then it is a good move to change the constitution and get the general's out of power. If it's Prawit, then they are looking to blunder the treasury Ha!
  9. He must have pissed a few local dealers off or ran out of the brown envelopes.
  10. You have to understand, they come from a country where 300 people crossing the river Ganges on a ferry built to carry 100 people. They have no idea about road safety.
  11. This is Joke painting a rosy picture to make it look like he is going after the gangs and criminals. Joke knows already that most gang members and criminals have retirement and even residence visas because they have access to millions of Bhat in their accounts, Remember Joke was removed once for fleecing wealthy foreigners.
  12. The easiest way to do it is raising the retirement age for foreigners in Thailand to 65. AS that is when most countries set the age to retire, with a pension, Joke has known all along about these so-called biker clubs, but like the article said , the gangs only targeted foreigners, So no action taken, just a brown envelope every other month. Joke is looking to make more money.
  13. Don't forget double pricing on Medical care, even if you have medical insurance.
  14. He didn't run, he was told to leave and allowed to take his money with him.
  15. Nothing to about cooking or the food itself. It is about the size of the portion. To the Left is the advertised portion, the right is the actual portion that was received.
  16. Basically this is not the Thai. Usually Thais don't complain out loud, they just don't return.
  17. I Think this all comes down to false advertising. I think that was more to do with the amount of time the person spent posting negative comments on the review page. It went on for weeks.
  18. I was thinking the same, especially with the "nonsense ranting". A friend of mine, in England, had his drink spiked and he set off on a ranting rage about everyone and everything, he wasn't naked and we were there to make sure we got him home to sleep it off. In the morning he couldn't remember a thing.
  19. School out of hours activities are written into their contracts.
  20. It is all about article 112. in the MFP's manifesto. The king is worried and other parties won't support it. Yet it was in the manifesto long before the election and the Thai people still voted for it. If article 112 is removed the other would back MFP.
  21. HE may have lined his pockets while PM, but he also made the farmers and lower income workers better off, too. He built apartments that the lower paid could afford. He showed the farmers how make the rich profiters in Bangkok to pay more for their rice and other crops. His sister was set up with the rice scandal and the floods were due to the dams being opened without her knowledge ( some say the military was behind it) Both got more than 80% of the vote. same as MFP.
  22. A lot of people guarantor loans, for a price. Plus the people offering the loan get their hands greased as well.
  23. It is the greed of the Banks that hand out the loans. The banks should be made to take responsibility for their flippant attitude, the person offering the loan usually gets their hands greased, too.
  24. There will be a few guys expecting large brown envelopes to pass over their desk to sway a vote one way or another.
  25. The only nationality I have ever been mugged by and burgled by, were Thai nationals. Police took no action in both cases, even though they had CCTV footage of the mugging (outside a shopping mall) and an eye witness who saw the 2 Thai nationals breaking into and leaving my house.
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