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Everything posted by Ginner

  1. He is half Indian. A lot of Indian men (especially the wealthy ones) commit acts of sexual violence on lower class women and accept it as part of normal every day life. The statement " Farangs commit sadistic sexual acts" is because he trying to convince it is normal.
  2. Ho dear.............. One of those..." I was University educated and he had no education". but you both end up in the same place doing the same thing. who's the most stupid? Ha!
  3. Doesn't say how he came to fall off the balcony, was the balcony not at a safe height? Sue the hotel. Doesn't say why his travel insurance are refusing to pay, was he not covered for such an amount?.
  4. I says in the report he was taken to Hospital for "Psychiatric examination.
  5. I remember the days when you had to pay 500 as you were leaving, at the airport.
  6. This is Big Joke throwing his underlings under the bus to make himself look good. He loves being in the spotlight. But know RTP he well may have a target on his back.
  7. So you stay at a hotel, guest house and no body knows you are missing after your key hasnt been used for 2 or 3 days???????
  8. Unless the picture is a library picture, he doesn't look too roughed up to me. I have onlt ever known 4 Canadians in Thailand and 3 of them lived in a fantasy world.
  9. Yes, I agree with you. This day an age almost everyone has an id, ATM, credit card, drivers license, insurance card. All with your name on it. What about where he was staying. Hotel, guest house ect.
  10. All this over a hairstyle. The Ministry for Education will find any reason for blaming the poor results the students achieve due to broken down classrooms and copy your friend system of educating..
  11. My mother died in her sleep. she had a stroke and a heart attack. You usually die of something, even in your sleep..
  12. Do you know what teaching is about? It's about teaching children how to interact into society with others and that their behavior can affect others, family and friends, or would you suggest I do it the Thai way... a slap round the head and brought out to the front and totally embarrassed Infront of the other students.
  13. I've been here 25 years and nothing has changed. Education system, traffic system, sex industry , police and immigration system and others. It's the same today as it was 25 years ago, No one cares. The only thing that has changes is the rich and powerful have got richer and more powerful, at the expense of the ordinary Thai.
  14. I control the kids in my classes by having the last 10 mins of each class as an activity/games time I give them 5 strikes, each strikes is a count of 5. If the class or the students disrupting the class don't stop, the whole class loses a strike. If they lose 5 = no activity/game. The second i start to count to 5, the other students tell the disruptive ones to be quiet. Thai teachers say I'm too hard on the students.
  15. There are thousand flocking into the US, Europe and the UK every day without a visa, passport or money. They are not tourists.
  16. What at the tell tale signs of someone who dies in their sleep? Police and Para medics can not ascertain the cause of death.
  17. I have been on vans where drivers openly talk to other van drivers about the bet they have had on which van driver can get the fastest time of the day traveling to Pattaya.
  18. Depends if he is in favor with the Communist government of China.
  19. What do you expect? their history tells you they suck up to everyone for a reason. The French got Lao because they threatened to take the the north of Thailand. The Japanese were allowed to use Thailand as a way to invading Burma and Malaysia, later Thailand declared war on GB and the US when the Japanese were being driven out of S/E Asia Thailand declared war on the Japanese. ( the Japanese NEVER forced any country they occupied to declare war on Japans enemies) They allowed Burma to attack refugees near the Thai, Burma boarder. Refugees seeking safety from China and N Korea are sent back, if they don't make it to the South Korean Embassy in Bangkok. Once they reach the S/K Embassy they are given citizenship and flown to South Korea..
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