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Everything posted by Ginner

  1. A lot of ins companies tell you great things when you sign up. When it comes to paying out they tell you the sad things and remember he is most probably paying DOUBLE if noy triple for his treatment.
  2. The first report says he was found hanging by a cord from his pants. Tracksuit bottoms. now it states he was found hanging from his shirt.
  3. All because the PM is anti alcohol.
  4. Are you trying to say this guy walked ALL the way along WS in just his shorts and he didn't know what was going on around him? read the article, it states he hit 2 French tourist with a bottle before he headbutted the carpark attendant. This had nothing to do with the tradition, it had everything to do with the guy being a tit.
  5. At least the motorbike taxi rider got 50,000 out of it. and the driver is looking at 2 to 6 years and up tp 100,000 fine. That gives something for the RTP to negotiate with.
  6. So he has been tried, and convicted. He had and argument with the guy, returned to his room at 10pm and left. The guy said he was in hiding, he then was taking towels to other rooms when he noticed smoke coming out of the room. Rescue services say the fire started around 12am 2 hours after the Brit was supposed to have left. No statement as to how the fire started. no statement about the argument. Maybe the argument was about the smell of smoke and the guy was too lazy to deal with it so the guest decided to leave and look for a saker hotel..
  7. Passenger van drivers (from the same company) usually bet on who can do the fastest time from A to B. The winner gets the money at the end of the day.
  8. When it states the police gathering evidence, the first thing they would have done is check the guy's visa. as that puts an end to the case. But arguing over B10???????????? Saw a Farang the other week asking Thai people for 4 Bhat because he was B4 short for a beer at 7/11. I gave him the B4.
  9. And he accused the DJ of stealing his phone, which he has now retracted. Plus he didn't just try to walk away like he first stated and the woman trying to stop it may have taken a few hits of him, too. He came. He got drunk. He made a false accusation. He started a fight. He got beat. He cried about it all the way home.
  10. The doll is on the bed. The girlfriend is the one standing, dressed the same as the doll.
  11. I think most police officers will be voting for Thaksin's daughter in May. At least then they can go back to the same old routine. Ha! This is only because she has pull .
  12. My God! sounds like an SAS style operation. Fanned out so no possible way to escape, officers moved in QUICKLY. A 76 year old and a 62 year old. A real threat to Thai security. Mind you, if they were still getting a pension then one months amount of cash could have got them a retirement visa from most visa services in and around Bangkok. I mean...they advertise quite openly on FB. Just a thought.
  13. Being 63 and German he would not really know what all the fuse was about. Quite natural in Germany to go swimming naked in public. In this day an age, where you have. Open other end, written on the bottom of cans. should there be a sign saying , no naked swimming?????
  14. So you don't deny the drug trafficking, then? Ha!
  15. Don't all governments work like that, I thought all governments used tax payers money to fund projects in the community.. As for asking, did he do it for others or himself. I saw first had the affect his housing scheme had on my wife's sister and how her mother afford to rent land and then buy cattle to craze on. Army take over land gone so cattle had to go. Property investors move in buy up apartments cheap and charge sky high rents. That is my experience of the Thaksin reign and this military junta. Ps how much as this government taken? never know as it's an offence to talk about it.
  16. Reason their aren't any Americans on the list is the offences that are listed...Overstay, working without visas, illegal entry. Doesn't mention drug trafficking or sexploitation Ha!
  17. 1: Every local councilor paid for votes long before Thaksin. 2: Thaksin built homes that the workers could afford to buy (he made it illegal for property investors to buy, so the rich Bangkokian's couldn't buy and charge 5 times the rent). he built roads up north. 3: he showed the farmers how to get more money of the rich cheaters in Bangkok for their rice. 4: he allowed Thai citizens to rent government land at a cheap rate. and last B300 for medical, which 3,4 and 5 have now been taken away by the government.
  18. Wasn't it the military that spilled Thai blood when the red shirts ( mostly farmers) wanted a fair price for the rice that the rich yellow shirts were cheating them out of. Even nurses trying to help the wounded were targeted. And corruption still and is carrying on, only on a bigger scale. If his daughter is elected, the military will raise its ugly head again.
  19. I know many, many guys who drink alcohol and act very reasonable towards others. I know very few who drink alcohol and act like a moron. The individual is the problem not the substance.
  20. I agree with you. I have had many classes where the students behavior was totally out of control. When complaining the Thai teachers could see nothing wrong, they attitude was 'Mai Pen aria', they baby". High School classes, babies..........?????
  21. It makes sense, Make it legal. you can then control it and tax it. Plus inspect premises and and keep medical records of girls working. One thing: would a foreigner need a work permit or would it come under protected Thai occupation?????
  22. So he steals it. It has been on the news for a week or so. He puts it in HIS pick up, drives to a car wash and leaves it in the back for every one to see.????
  23. Usually because the Russian, Chinese and European press don't see any interest in articles such as these. The British press would make a story out of a Brocken toe nail, especially where Thailand is involved. Ha!. Remember" Thai citizens living and working in the UK have access to FREE medical care.
  24. Remember a bank clerk in the UK took a penny out of every account in the bank once every other month (usually the middle of the month) he stole near 50,000 over a year before it was detected.
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