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Everything posted by Ginner

  1. This guy didn't flip. Reading the report, this guy was a disaster waiting to happen, but because of the (loss of face) attitude of the RTP. This guy should have been off the force and sectioned years ago,.
  2. Needs to. On Friday, the day after the shooting, a man was stopped by police entering his childs school with a concealed hand gun and 20 rounds of ammunition.
  3. I have seen a few Thais in Makro, Lotus and Big C not wearing masks or had them round their chin. Nothing was said to them. But I get funny looks even when I am on my motorbike, wearing a helmet with visa down, but no mask.
  4. Last I read. the dams were only about half full. that was about 2 weeks ago.
  5. I think the point he was trying to make was, the possibility of you not knowing you had it, but also the possibility of you passing it on to someone with-out you knowing it. Just because it doesn't affect you, doesn't mean you cant pass it to someone it will affect. Just info, not a criticism.
  6. I thought the government allowed Thais to double bill/charge tourists???????
  7. Can't condone what he did. but people do stupid and unbelievable things when intoxicated, be it alcohol or drugs and jealousy is a very strong emotion. Don't kill me! Just making a comment.
  8. Which countries are you referring to? Cant be America, where gun grime was/is an hourly occurrence. Can't be the UK where gun and knife crime is a daily accordance and rising. While the police send 6 officers to arrest a pensioner for sharing a post on FB. Only the other day it was reported 100 plus youths/men fighting ,using Machetes and knifes, in the streets of London. In Liverpool a 9 year old girl shoot to death in her own home. Really cracking down .
  9. They will get enforced 4,000 with a receipt 1,000 with out.
  10. He has already stated ( after the police warned him) that he and his wife are going to join the protesters this weekend. So maybe he will be traveling back to Germany very soon.
  11. I don't understand how this could happen. At schools I have worked at in the past, ALL the vans never stayed on site, the drivers would drop the kids off and then leave to come back at 3pm or 4pm to pick the kid up. Something not right.
  12. Wow! they will now have to give their cars, motorbikes. houses and holiday homes back as they wont be able to afford them.
  13. The thing is the signs were there, but the school most probable ignored then. I had it just last week, a Thai (gay) Co-teacher stood behind an 8 year old male student rubbing his hands up and down the child's chest, stomach and groin area ( in the classroom) I said "what do you think you are doing?". He just laughed and let go. Next day the Principle asked why i got angry with the teacher, I told her. Her response..."Oh, I'm sure it was just armless fun". End of story.
  14. Don't they also have to have the money for a return flight ticket back to their country of departure , even though it is only a one way flight? He had to pay a first class return for a basic economy seat, before BA would fly him back to Belgium.
  15. Maybe Thailand could take note and learn from other countries which do the same as S Korea. I visited a work college in Immigration nick 8 or 9 years back, Overstay, He had the money to pay for his fight home, but they wouldn't let him out. They said "if you have the money to fly out, you have the money to buy yourself out. His overstay was due to him not getting his school contract renewed and his Non B became invalid. Sometimes things happen through a lack of understanding the laws/rules.
  16. Monkeypox derives from smallpox and is self regulating. Monkeypox has been around since the 50s/60s. can't see what the fuss is about!
  17. If you look on the internet and FB they are advertising Non O visas 15 month, only need passport and 2 photos. so how else are they doing it???
  18. Here we go, a MR KNOW IT ALL. Only you know what goes on in Thailand. So sorry!
  19. Wasn't it only a few weeks ago that the Thai health auths were telling SCHOOLS not to put Marijuana in school meals. Makes the mind boggle!
  20. I remember the days farangs would go to a bank, with an agent, and get statements showing 100s of thousand in their account dating back months/years and the farang had never had an account. TIT
  21. How many ladies/ gentlemen can a 27 year old Nigerian hump in 3 weeks? Ha!
  22. Correct. I would say 40% of drivers on the road don't have a valid license and it is just another way for the RTP to make extra tea money.
  23. Apparently so does writing a simple comment. Calm down you will blow a blood vessel. ????????????????
  24. If the don't have a gun, they might use a knife or some other object.
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