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Everything posted by Ginner

  1. The Life guard had warned about the dangers and told the tourist not to enter the sea. The tourist chose to ignore that warning. Most foreigners assume Thais know nothing about their own country. The person who went to help proved the guard was right in not attempting to rescue the tourist as it would have resulted in 3 fatalities. First rule of rescue: only go if safe for you to do so. In this case the guard obeyed the rule.
  2. I Think his point is : the drugs caused him to go on a shooting rampage. How long had he lived in or near the village? What was his normal/ soba state, was he quiet, respectful, loud, violent? PS GUNS DONT KILL. Guns are used to kill people by people who have guns.
  3. There is a before and after picture. The took all the metal fencing from the garden walls.
  4. 300,000 bail??? walk away never to be heard of again 200,000 for the police and 100,000 for the taxi guy. I know a falang who killed a Thai guy, who was drunk and walked into the middle of the road from behind a bus. 1,000,000 bail he had to put up for what was a total accident, every witness said the same.
  5. Thailand the rich and famous are allowed to fxxk over, cheat, rape and shot the loso's and walk away free by passing over a few Bhat, to the local authorities.
  6. This virus is here to stay just like the other flu viruses are still with us. with it being the rainy season lung infections usually increase slightly. As for vaccination, it just lessons the severity of the infection. after 2 injections and 3 boosters, people are still being infected. In the UK Polio infections have been reported, this was eradicated in the 60s, 70s now its making a come back. .
  7. Doing the same in most places. Street traders/roadside snack stalls and street restaurants are disappearing quickly. They're destroying the reason most tourist came to Thailand. The street markets, the road side snack stalls/restaurants and many more.
  8. Where I live I have noticed a steep decline in the use of Grab, Lineman deliveries as the restrictions are easing, more and more people are going back to local restaurants to sit in and eat. Even the local Amazon coffee shop that was full of Grab, lineman deliveries with maybe 10 to 15 bikes outside every day, between 7am and 9 am only 1 month ago, are down to 2 or 3 a day between the same times now.
  9. Don't forget: Thailand became the first country to have a person die through the direct use of pot! ha! Plus the first animal to infect a human with covid 19. now they're worried tourist may infect their monkey populations in Phuket and Lopburi. Ha!
  10. This guy and his side kick aren't going to give this power they have over everyone anytime soon. Remember: they alone, nobody else saved Thailand in the Pandemic.Ha!
  11. My Thai friends took their dog to a vet, with stomach trouble. The vet said 50/50 and kept the pet over night. Next day the vet call to say the dog is clear now can go home. They went to collect the dog and were presented with a bill for B70,000. They paid the bill. while traveling back home , the poor dog died.
  12. Don't forget The Thais were going to travel into space until someone asked "how".
  13. It was a Thai university that came out with the result. I wonder if they used the same kind of system they pass the graduates on? Ha!
  14. Problem is most tourist think the Thai drivers know/respect the Highway code. But the don't. Thai driver never want to give way, even when they have to. Last night my wife and I caught in a storm on our motorbike, cars still traveling at 80/90 km per hour on roads covered in 3 feet of water.
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