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Posts posted by robblok

  1. 15 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    While that is true, notice how it is almost always opposition guys, and not army clowns, who are outed? That is the issue here. That is the crux of the extreme level of moral bankruptcy consistently displayed by the Prayuth regime. 

    Your totally right, but the other option is letting everyone off the hook when they get caught. That is even worse. Of course the offences should not be a reason to go after the opposition. You say its just Prayut but the PTP does the same. Its a sign of Thailand where they only ever go after those that are against them instead of enforcing the laws equally.


    This is of course really bad but i think its worse if nothing is ever done. I admit its not perfect but better then nothing.


    The only fair party seems to be move forward that party is not morally corrupt like all the others. But they are too small to elicit change. 

  2. What i always wonder about is that do people who vote Trump actually like him or is it a case of he is a republican so its the only choice for me even though i know the guy is a huge liar.


    I mean I cant imagine people really supporting Trump with all his lies. So I am just trying to find an alternative explanation.


    Just like in Thailand people who hate Thaksin go for Prayut as there is nothing better and the other way around.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Batty said:

    If my vehicle dealership was located 400 miles away and quoted 3 months, I would take my car to local Somchai ????

    Your right but Somchai does not seem able to fix is so lenevo would be a better bet. Just my opinion. You tried 2 times and it failed. Id go for Lenovo. 

  4. 19 hours ago, bradiston said:

    They weren't interested in the Erythritol, or the Inulin. Both are powders. They only removed the peanut butter. I guess it looked tasty. And I don't do checked luggage, ever. These were really small items. Less than 100g. I had a 100ml shampoo bottle, but you couldn't see the contents. Utterly pointless. Just bored "security".

    Then its your own mistake if problems arise. Its tough but that is the way it is. And no they dont check powders. 


    I get you dont do checked luggage, it makes things faster but it has its downsides too like you found out.


    Its not really a matter who is right or wrong as arguing with officials will almost never work. So all you can do is trying to avoid the problem with checked luggage if that is not an option for you then just accept that there could be problems. Sometimes there are only imperfect solutions.

  5. 34 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    Yeah, sure. But I had an equal amount of Shea butter in my laptop bag. And erythritol. And inulin. No problem! And a carton of Pla Ra? No problem! Or most popular of all, collagen. And so many security, so few brains.

    Then it is crazy but why carry this in carry on luggage its asking for trouble.

  6. 2 minutes ago, transam said:

    You are full of assumptions, just because you puff weed...........????

    I dont need weed to assume things, actually weed like alcohol makes one think less when high. So less assumptions when high. So your reply is a bit strange. Maybe you dont understand the effects of drugs. 


    I am full of assumptions and connections, while they might not all be true they usually help a lot. 


    Point being you look down on canabis while alcohol is as much a drug and in general worse then canabis. But both drugs of course are bad if you use to much. Just like drinking a beer or few beers a joint (i vape not smoke its a bit healthier) is not that bad. Heavy use of both can of course lead to problems.


    My point was just that you use drugs (alcohol) and look down on use of an drug (cannabis) with less health implications. Its a bit illogical. Just enjoy your own drug and accept that people make other choices and accept that. 


    Canabis is my drug of choice with fewer downsides than alcohol. Does not mean im using it a lot. Just like drinking some beers does not make you an alcoholic. 

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  7. 14 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Is opium not a drug, and that is not chemical?




    The poppy plant, Papaver somniferum, produces opium, a powerful narcotic whose derivatives include morphine, codeine, heroin, and oxycodone. The term “narcotic” refers to opium, opium derivatives, and their semi-synthetic substitutes. Narcotics are used therapeutically to treat pain, suppress cough, alleviate diarrhea, and induce anesthesia. However, they are some of the most addictive substances known to man. As misused drugs, they are often smoked, sniffed, or injected.



    Opium needs to be chemically processed, cannabis does not it just grows and you only need to take the tips and they are ready to use. 


    Still, there are plenty of harmful things in nature so just because something is grown does not ake it safe. Many people die of eating the wrong mushrooms.  


    Its better to just look at science that classifies how harmful a drug is. From science we know that cannabis is less harmful then lets say alcohol. Though both are pretty harmless if not misused. Though the violence from alcohol is widely known and cannabis does not have that. (not even on the same scale)


    I am all for free drug use as long as people don't harm or bother others. Banning a substance because some people (a minority) cant handle them is just crazy.  Nobody would consider banning alcohol even though its quite bad because like with all drugs there are many people who use it without any problems. 


    As long as someone is using drugs and does not harm others I dont really care what they use.

  8. 18 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

    There is a lot of projection from the right-wing. If you look at who is banning books and free-speech in America, it is mostly coming from Christian nationalists and other far-right groups, and even the GOP now as they seemed to have been taken over by the MAGA crowd. 

    I think they lost the plot in the USA. I mean considering David from Michalangelo porn and firing a school director for showing it to students. What a scary place.

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  9. 1 hour ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

    Isn't there a danger that America/NATO will end up isolating themselves rather than the other way around? After all, this isn't the first time they have gotten way over their heads in dangerous and provocative military adventures on the other side of the world - a peculiar trait that was hilariously parodied in Team America world police. They're still at it.


    As for "Russia cant be allowed to claim land as theirs.", I thought there was an election and the people voted to be Russian? As a result of immigration displacing the Ukrainians with Russians to ensure the vote went the correct way. I had voiced concern generally over mass immigration(not natural movements) causing such events but was corrected, turns out I was a conspiracy theorist so not sure what to make of this now that it has actually happened.


    "Results reported Tuesday by Russian state media allegedly showed over 98% voting in favor of the measure in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics; while 93% voted for it in the Zaporizhzhia region and 87% in the Kherson region."



    Isn't it alarming that the closest prospect for peace is for Trump or another America First Republican to take over the Presidency? Truly worrying. For the record, I view negotiated peace far preferable to the impending full scale war with Russia/China - and we all know how that will end, cockroaches being the winner. I suggest we let Trump negotiate peace, even if it triggers the left. 

    I think your totally out of your mind and the responses show this. There was a sham vote at gun point to be Russian. That is not legal. Even if it was a real vote it still would not been legal. International law ad all that. But hey do believe Russia, they claim even more B.s then Trump


    Trump is alarming he always was buits not on the same level as Russia. Besides Trump will pull all support Trump is on your side. 


    The word is uniting against Russia I hope we break it permanently. 

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  10. 1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:

    I said eyes, not red eyes. Were you never a pot-head? It's really not that hard to spot. At least people smoking, I can't speak to edibles and whatnot. 


    The having to go out for snacks and whatnot was a munchies/cottonmouth joke. 

    I smoke cannabis and the GF does not even see it when i do. She knows i smoke. She can only see it with close inspection. So I am amazed at your detective skills.  Also going out to get stuff for muchies, you never heard of grab. Oh you did not hear of canabis being able to get it delivered either. So you probably also dont know you can get all your muchies by grab if you want too. 


    Now i wont say there wont be people going out but if your high your usually lazy going for the easy choice and that is have things delivered. But you change your story a lot first it is going out to buy it.. now its the muchies. And as someone using it who could walk past you without you ever knowing i have my suspicions. As unlike stuff like XTC and speed where people chew with cannabis its hard to see facial expressions unless they are totally baked. 


    Me thinks your exaggerating a bit about frequency and how easy it is to spot. What i as a user know of people who use. I know others too is that most get he cannabis delivered. Also going out to get it and being high at that moment is a bit strange as you need to get it before getting high. Plus you can get it delivered so easy. Then the munchies (IMHO the worst thing about cannabis) the people i know all use grab for that once high they dont want to go anywhere.

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