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Everything posted by Tailwagsdog

  1. Actually the DuPont family of USA and owner of DuPont industries manufacturers of synthetic fibres sponsored the Bill in Congress back in the 1930s (timeline?) to criminalise hemp so they could sell their synthetic rope (rayon, nylon etc) to the shipping & other industries
  2. ...when somebody disagrees with you or doesn't like you for whatever reason, don't automatically assume they are rascism. You sat down & they served you didn't they ...so what they didn't like your music ..then disagreement started ..OH THEY MUST BE RASCIST cos they're white and I'm black.....so tired of these whacks & quacks
  3. sell it yourself its really easy ... advertise, take enquiries, show people through, negotiate the sale terms, write the offer, get them to sign it, get a deposit and start again when it falls over, why would you want an agent ???
  4. don't use sloppy cliches to try and win an argument. If somebody swims on a shark infested beach and gets eaten, are they a victim? NO ... we used to call people like that blo*dy idiots, dumb as*es, because when you have no common sense evolution will see you quickly become part of the food chain.
  5. I agree, Thai haven't restarted their service to Brisbane either, I was using Singapore Air every month since the China Virus ended ...now they want a King's Ransom, Scoot have just pulled out of Gold Coast & Air Asia have started via KL ... Please can we have a direct flight to Thailand from Queensland Australia.
  6. so true, just look at the re sale value of these trolley carts
  7. No boys while the cane farmers & beef farmers have been adding chemicals & soil erosion for 100 yrs it is the explosive growth of industrialized communist china in the last 25 yrs that is destroying the atmosphere, with India about to follow the same path. We are the ones that buy all the plastic & other rubbish, therefore you are the culprit along with me and anybody else that leads an overindulgent consumer lifestyle. I try to make amends by driving a low carbon LPG vehicle, composting, recycling and not buying rubbish. Everybody loves to blame somebody else... buts its you & me destroying the world. Think global .. try and act Local.
  8. You are spot on ..and why wasnt this cop screened for suitability if his past was so well known, any official who helped him circumvent any rules should be charged with involuntary manslaughter. Wake up thailand & stop this happening again & again. Now youve released the dope smokers you have plenty of prison slots for gun violators no matter how small.
  9. This is brilliant ...Where does she sign to join ?
  10. Yes they are in Oz, however he was an Oz driver and failed in his actions. I suspect he didn't check his blind spot ...and that was fatal. Always check yer blind spot !!! Regards BD Gold Coast Australia
  11. If people were rascist i doubt they would be living and/or loving in Thailand. I used to love HK before it was snuffed out. Most of us are anti-communist china and there's at least a billion of them coming outta china with a tendency to overrun everything. Cambodia has already succumbed & become a Communist Chinese vassal state. The Thais will be priced outta their own houses then become tenants in theor own country... ..DO NOT open the floodgates......
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