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Everything posted by Tailwagsdog

  1. Good on USA, a shining beacon for human rights around the world. Politically Persecuted Humans escaping Communist China or North Korea & others should be able to transit a friendly country like Thailand and seek refuge in a third country.
  2. Bring on the robots ....no pay, no drama, no sick days ...
  3. Excellent comrade, that's 1500 extra bodies for the frontline. At least a weeks worth of meat grinder assaults.
  4. Here's a better idea ...go and protest outside the Soviet (renamed Russian) Embassy against the polluting war they are raging on Ukraine. Oil terminals burning for weeks, oil tankers polluting everywhere, and the list goes on .. Then I will believe you are serious in your beliefs & may even support you.
  5. Why would you put the safety of your own citizens at risk over a heinous criminal. The UK really needs to drain their swamp of civil servants and officials with deranged thinking to get society back on track... Do they still catch overstayers and let them go if they have no passport? Whoever invented that policy? ...just crazy..
  6. It's not all bad, just think of the money $$$ he saved in Legal Fees by NOT using a solicitor. 😂🤣😭😂🤣
  7. Meanwhile those people in heterosexual relationships are neglected with no modernization of the laws relating to parents rights after seperation and/or divorce. Unmarried father's have little or no rights when it comes to child access and mothers entitlement to child support is not enforced. So yeh hurrah for homosexual rights, see if that can solve Thailand's impending population implosion. ...a country needs babies to have a future ...politicians are only interested in short term populism, not long range thinking .
  8. If it was my son, I would be looking for an eye for an eye
  9. Find out who the corrupt cops are & cut them out like the cancer they are ....
  10. My Thai ex would always grab my pants for a bit of a feel, I felt quite flattered ...but ...but I eventually realized she was making sure I bought my wallet when we went out ...😆
  11. Yes it's very dangerous in Thailand for anybody from Communist China. Please go home or don't come for your own safety. We care, please go home.
  12. People from Communist China disappear all the time ...they are kidnapped by the Communist Govt or by Gangs for Ransom or by Moneylenders for unpaid debts. It's a never ending story ....
  13. Free Speech does not entitle you to promote anarchy or destruction of democratic society. Please send these people to a place where their views align with others, or at least put them on trial for traitorous behaviour & foreign agent infiltration.
  14. Idiots that enter Iran for any reason should not expect to be rescued. Same goes for Despotic North Korea, Communist China, & Fascist Russia. It's like diving into a stormy ocean and expecting people to come to your rescue.
  15. For somebody to confuse Fascism & Socialism shows their lack of understanding of history. Although this is understandable because in the modern era Communist China has morphed into a Fascist State.
  16. Probably received his compulsory draft enlistment letter from Putin .....
  17. 2 sides to every story, I have done the clubs many times, nothing but respect & courtesy from doorman & security. You usually get back what you put out.
  18. Car cameras should become compulsory equipment to save time & apportion blame in solving these terrible accidents
  19. Also keep in mind 2 vehicles travelling at 100km means the impact will be 200km in a head on collision, and the car would absorb most of the impact, not the truck.
  20. Cold hearted cynical reply from a shallow mind.
  21. ...crazy driving on the wrong side ...and lights? ...were they switched on ? ...I almost got caught stepping on to the road years ago in Jomtien checking to my right before proceeding across divided 2nd Rd when I narrowly avoided being hit by a motorbike sidecar driven by a woman who couldn't give a damn. Thailand Roads are death & disability traps ...
  22. Without even knowing the facts ...based on the text here, it's obvious who the nasty neighbour is....
  23. Give him a ticket to Thailand, no visa required, can start a new life, open a weed shop ( very Jamaican) ....oh wait ..there's no government benefit ...well forget that idea then.
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