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Everything posted by Tailwagsdog

  1. Ha ha ha everybody berates Trump meanwhile many cities like Dehli, Bangkok suffocate on their own fumes & pollution, furthermore the increase in earths carbon follows an almost identical upward trajectory to the industrialization of Communist China for the last 30 years. So stop bleating like dumb sheep browsing on media headlines and deal with reality while you breathe the Bangkok air.
  2. This is going to become a Tsunami as people and businesses abandon ship in communist china and look for greener pastures away from the totalitarian state.
  3. Looking for soft targets, ...don't forget the Bali Bombings.
  4. There were no original chagos islanders, they were all brought there by European ships. So why are they giving them away ?? Typical spineless politicians. The islands are strategic for the projection of protective western power in the Indian ocean protecting shipping lanes against pirates & crazy jihadists.
  5. Ha ha ha ...old news, ....just giving different labels and wowing the prudes & ignoramuses ..
  6. Putin is a product of Soviet times, Russia is a country that had so much potential if it turned to democracy, invested in education, & equity for its people. But alas it's modern history has seen it ruled by demogogues & dictators. And Putin's War needs to finish followed by a Nuremberg Style Trial. Get the gallows ready for the war criminals.
  7. It's terrific most Americans voted for Trump instead of doing the same thing that never works. We need real leaders, not cup holders.
  8. How can you be a fact reporting news organisation with such bias. It's really the Department of Left Wing Propaganda. No more respect to the BBC.
  9. ...just boys being girls ...😁
  10. It's very hard to stop when you're doing 60km in an urban area ...😎
  11. Never invest a bean in thailand
  12. The Harris Biden initiative still going strong.
  13. Send the Houthi POWs to Israel for a good debriefing .....
  14. A defence lawyer getting 2 years prison, ...for what? ..most bizarre thing I've ever heard of ....except maybe in Iran, Russia or North Korea ...
  15. ....a speeding car ...Late in the night may have saved everyone a Lotta hassle ....."That was a big rabbit honey, ...yes I hope he didn't damage the car " 😁
  16. Maybe the useless Kingdom of Saud can stop chopping off Filipino maids heads for 6 minutes & take care of their own backyard. They have all the latest military gear from USA but couldn't win a scrap of they tried. Rich useless camel herders to summarise.
  17. NEVER take your eyes off children next to water
  18. Nice dramatic touch with the soldier at the ready with a semi automatic weapon ..only one soldier? ...must be a quiet night.
  19. ..I've met people like you, at school when you get bullied you cry for help, when help arrives you runaway. Pathetic appeasement & cowardice. There is a war going on, people are trying to defend their freedom & democracy from a gigantic agressor. Where do you live ?? ..under a rock ?? ..in LA LA Land ?
  20. Hurry up and enlist in the Russian army they are offering sacks of roubles for superior talented geniuses like yourself ...please
  21. Oh really ...it's the kinetic energy delivered by the moving object that does the damage or killing, but that energy must be released and/or directed by an operator. The drill won't drill a hole unless it's operated.....am I going too fast for you? ..Im not pro gun , so go back to your Mekong Mineral Water.
  22. Your view is garbage, the so called 'Bear' attacked a sovereign free & democratic country invaded & bombed it's people. Its friends come to help, the Bully Bear was much much bigger. ...so what do you do when a neighbour kicks in your front door & points a gun at you? ...drop to your knees & cry ?? Get back in your hole, try to grow a brain at least, or better still enlist in the Russian army & join Putin's War ...
  23. Maybe getting your eyes tested would help you avoid obstacles, what it was an old lady or child crossing the road ??
  24. Guns don't kill people, neither do cars. It's the person pulling the trigger or the driver with their speed & careless driving. Keep it Real. Sympathies to the hard working migrants that died, poor folks don't deserve such an ending.
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