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pablo el sueco

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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 156 seconds  
  2. I believe I may be negatively impacted by such a scenario. Dividends earned by investing in municipal bonds are not subject to US taxation, but I believe they are not protected by the DTA; if this is true, such dividends may be subject to the proposed new taxation law in Thailand. However, when it comes to filing a claim for foreign taxes paid, I believe there is a prohibition against claiming tax paid on income that is not subject to US taxation. I truly hope I am mistaken.
  3. In an email yesterday, I asked the LTR visa unit what documentation will be required to confirm compliance with the self-insurance provision at the 5-year point. Would they require 5 years of bank statements? They responded as follows:
  4. Thanks for your response. I won't trouble you any further as I am looking for assistance closer to BKK. Best wishes to you on your upcoming move.
  5. @moogradod I've copy-pasted your excellent comment from a topic in a different forum: (page 75 of the topic entitled "Thai government to tax all income from abroad for tax residents starting 2024"). I'd like to respond here in this topic which is a discussion of Wills in Thailand. I assume the small company to which you refer is a law office in the area of BKK. Your review of their success in providing perfect Wills for you and your wife impresses me. I would like to consult with them about getting a perfectly done Thai Will for myself. Would you share details about the name and location of this company? I, and possibly several other followers of this thread, would be extremely grateful.
  6. I truly hope your bank is wrong. It astounds me that a bank can ignore the provisions set forth in a legally executed and properly recorded Will, and that the government becomes the de facto undesignated beneficiary of accounts that do not have a co-signer. Many of us have immigration deposits in bank accounts which cannot have a co-signer; it is distressing to learn that these assets will enrich the government rather than our loved ones upon our passing.
  7. Thank you for posting your experience. It's clear that you have resolved the issue of the inheritance of your non-immigration accounts by making your Administrator a co-signer on those accounts. It's not clear to me, however, what will happen to your 800,000 immigration account after you die. Which of these two interpretations is correct according to your discussions with your bank? A. Your bank will not allow the administrator named in your will to access the 800,000 because he is not a co-signer on that account. B. Your bank will allow the administrator named in your will to access the 800,000 because you have made him a co-signer of your other accounts. Your response will help me understand this confusing situation.
  8. Today, February 20, my status is approved for Wealthy Pensioners category. My application submission date was November 06.
  9. Treasury Reporting Rates of Exchange has been updated for end-of-year 2022. The rate for 12/31/2022 is 34.52 baht to the US dollar.
  10. It is my understanding that the 100k must have been on deposit for a year.
  11. I posted my experience on page 2 of the topic entitled "Latest requirements to extend Non-OA visa". Here is a link to my post --
  12. Thank you for posting your experience with qualifying for the medical cover by using your brokerage account. My experience has been different so far -- using your success as a guide, I submitted my brokerage account when I applied; unfortunately the BOI reviewer never commented on that but has instead demanded documentation of resources in the bank.
  13. Applied 6 November and Request for Documentation came on 10 November. I had submitted an application in early October, but I later withdrew it before any action was taken. Perhaps the rapid turnaround for the second application was a result of having applied earlier.
  14. My Status Column switched from "Pending" to "Request Additional Documents" when BOI asked for more documentation to support my $100,000 assets. They've asked for more documentation three times, and each time the interface has limited me to only 1 upload. I've now merged my remaining four PDFs into a single file which I shall upload if I can get them to, once again, request additional documentation.
  15. I have not tried to qualify based on my health insurance which is a benefit of my state government retirement plan. I don't think the insurance company would cooperate by supplying the necessary certification of coverage. I have only tried to qualify based on USD 100,000 in bank assets or in ROTH IRA assets. BOI did contact me via online notification and email that they need more documentation for that purpose, but their interface only accepts one PDF file at a time. I have asked them by email to permit me to upload one last PDF file. It ony took 4 working days for them to contact me.
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