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Posts posted by traveller101

  1. 9 minutes ago, tlandtday said:

    You need to read up more.  Zithromax is not being used to combat the virus it is being used as a second line defense against possible occurring bacterial infections causing pneumonia. 

    You're absolutely correct and that is the reason why I arranged to get the Pneumovax@23 shot against bacterial pneumonia.

    Maybe read the OP's post again - he states being infected with SARS-CoV2 and Zithromax alone cleared Covid-19 from his System in 3 days.

  2. On 4/5/2020 at 3:32 PM, Buffy Frobisher said:

    The OP says it's "hydroxychlorophine" which I believe is a mispelling - it's actually hydroxychloroquine, or just plain ol' chloroquine which is commony prescribed for malaria and lupus. Yes, it is being trialled in the US and some other countries in tandem with azithromycin (Zithromax), and it was proven successful in China, but both drugs together or on their own are capable of causing you a heart attack because they interfere with the QT rhythm interval in your heart. In Thailand hydroxy is only available when prescibed by a doctor. See here at the CDC website for details of the trials: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/therapeutic-options.html


    You can buy Zithromax OTC here, and I can tell you from experience that it DOES work, or at least it did for me when I got a pretty serious dose of COVID-19 a couple of months ago and self-medicated; but don't take it if you have any type of heart or blood pressure condition. This virus was so bad I told my wife on Day 8 that I was dying, but on Day 11, just three days after starting the Zithromax, I woke up as if nothing had ever happened, though I do have lung damage and the dry cough persists even now.


    Her indoors got a much milder dose, but I had nearly every sympton you hear of, probably the worst being the waterfall of fluid out of the back of my nose which, if it flows to your lungs will give you the killer pneumonia. It was all I could do to keep swallowing it instead, because the sore throat that comes with this is like nothing you've ever experienced, and I went three days without sleep, too scared to lie down in case I forgot to swallow it. And that was with a fatigue unlike anything you've had, and a 400lb weight sitting on my chest so that I could only sip air. Don't believe that it's like the 'flu - it make you the sickest you've ever been, and that's from a bloke who survived pancreatic cancer. This is way worse, but you CAN survive it. Stay well, one and all.



    Dr. Frobisher - are you implying that Zithromax was successful in eliminating SARS-CoV2 from your body?

    I thought it was common knowledge that Antibiotics like Zithromax are completely ineffective in the treatment of diseases caused by Viruses.

    Your experience of rapid improvement seems to indicate that you suffered from a respiratory illness of bacterial origin and not from Covid-19.

  3. 2 hours ago, nightbird said:

    Last month, I went to Penang and applied for a Non O. I brought all the documentation that is listed on their website(Penang Royal Thai Consulate). Doors open 9am. Dropped it off at the clerk's window and picked up the new visa the next day at 2pm. No questions were asked. Easy in, easy out. Just make sure you have everything that is asked for. No proof needed of funds coming from abroad. Only your bank statement, stamped by the bank, showing you've had at least 800K for more than 2 months. 

    Did they ask for some sort of "proof", that you are retired?

    If yes, what documents did you provide?

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  4. One significant aspect influencing the exchange rate almost never finds a mention - speculation.

    Considering the fact that total currency volume trade exceeds 5 Trillion Dollars per day, it goes without saying that the vast majority of those trades are not based on genuine international trade in goods and services.

    It is estimated that at least 80% can be attributed to speculation.

    The Baht specific trade volume is averaging 1.6 Billion $ per day or $584B per year, an amount which exceeds the entire GDP of Thailand.

    Thailand's low inflation, favorable terms of trade, low public debt and "relative" political stability are partly responsible for the relentless rise of the baht.

    The Governor of the Bank of Thailand has undoubtedly a difficult task to reign in the Baht particularly to discourage the speculators on the demand side which are largely responsible for driving the value over and above what could be attributed to favorable fundamentals. They base their decisions on future developments and like every other investor hate uncertainties.

    The Governor's tools at his disposal are admittedly limited and discussed at nauseum in the media.

    But IMHO he is at the very least naive and incompetent in one area - dealing with the public in press comferences and releasing statements. With statements like - quote "We cannot reduce the key interest rates any further because they are already at a historic low" and continuous talk for months on end of fearing to be placed on list of currency manipulators  as well as "that he is ready to implement further measures" without acting in any meaningful way (cry wolf syndrom?) he plays straight into the hands of speculators who are gleaming at the prospect of nothing happening and gives them additional certainty in their decision making process.

    A poker player who signals to his opponents what card he holds, will never be successful at the game.

    This Governor reminds me of such a player.

  5. 29 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

    Its no surprise that motor cyclists get killed ,yesterday i signaled right  to turn into our road , a motor cyclist overtook on the inside at about 40mph ,missed him by inches , if most of them had another brain cell they would be a plant .

    Same scenario happened to me 3 times in as many years, two times after dark (invisible in the rearview mirrors) and the imbeciles riding bikes at warp speed without lights (invisible in the rearview mirrors).

  6. Yes - but whether it happens tomorrow or 1 or more years down the track is anybody's guess. 

    It also remains to be seen which course of action will be taken in order to achieve the desired result.

    Ubonjoe's straightforward, no- nonsense and logical solution is a simple police order declaring Health Insurance mandatory for all 1 year Extensions based on Retirement irrespective whether it was based on a non Immigrant O or OA-Visa.

    Others suspect that the Non Imm O-visa for the purpose of Retirement will be phased out over a period of time thus leaving no other option than to apply for an OA-Visa (Retirement) - or acquire an Elite Visa.

    Again, all predictions at this point in time are educated guesses at best.

    Other very important issues need to be addressed as well, one glaring example the fact that none of the eligible Insurance companies offer any coverage for over 75year olds and there is no provision in the current mess to accommodate those folks.

    • Like 1
  7. On 12/26/2019 at 12:22 PM, wgdanson said:

    So you spend 500k on an Elite Visa. What would you do if you were hospitalised?

    The notion to switch to a 5 year Elite as opposed to fork out an equivalent amount - a bit less if you're in your early sixties, more if you approach the seventies - starts to make sense, since the approved policies are next to worthless as Sheryl (see her policy cheat sheet below) and others have pointed out.

    The switch from an OA-Visa extension based on retirement to an O-Visa and subsequent extension is - at the present time - the other option to go around the insurance requirement.

    One has to keep in mind though that the current order might well be expanded sometime down the track to include all Extensions based on Retirement OR by the phasing out of the Non Imm O-Visa for the purpose of Retirement (but not other reasons such as marriage etc).

    Keeping all those scenarios in mind, I most likely will sign up to the "Standard extra" policy of Pacific Cross in June 2020 which is approved but is not listed on the longstay.tgai.org website using the max. deductible (300000) to avail the 50% discount reducing the cost to around 19000 baht for a 64 year old. This plan of action will buy time to gain some more clarity where the government is heading to address the current issues widely speculated in this Forum.



    • Like 1
  8. Quote Kasikorn's financial analyst:

    "The current 1.25% rate is a historic low, and a further cut would not curb the baht's rise".

    If he or any of the economic decision-makers were to look further then the tip of their nose (I know Thailand is special not same as your country) they would realise

    that this statement is demonstrably untrue.

    Switzerland a few years ago faced the same situation after the National Bank abandoned their policy of maintaining the exchange rate 1.20 SF to 1 €. Immediately the SF traded at parity and even below with the €.

    If the National Bank had not introduced drastic measures to prevent the Export Sector from collapse, the country would have gone into a severe recession.

    At the time the interest rate was already close to zero -not 1.25% as here- and the Swiss National Bank lowered the rate to ..... minus 0.75%.

    Now that is a historical low and a full 2% below Thailand's rate. This rate is still applied at present.

    This means in simple terms that foreign entities have to pay for the priviledge of holding Swiss currency.

    The effect was immediate with the € trading ever since between 8 and 10% above parity. Other main currencies also appreciated against the Swiss Franc.

    If Thailand is serious of avoiding recession and once and for all bringing the Baht under control - this is the recipe for success.

    And their stupid excuse being labelled a currency manipulator doesn't hold water - Switzerland is not listed as a currency manipulator by the US Treasury Department.





  9. 15 hours ago, mogandave said:

    Wow, wrong on about everything. 

    it is absolutely a deterrent and as such it benefits society. 

    Wrong again - at least in the US not supported by the cold hard facts on the ground. Quote:  "The murder rate in non-death penalty states has remained consistently lower than the rate in states with the death penalty and the gap has grown since 1990."   Data taken from FBI's Uniform Crime Reports


  10. On 11/19/2019 at 10:06 AM, Matzzon said:


    Sure, stupidity and ignorance is always included in a crazy choice like that. It also seems that he was a very responsible father who fixed such a nice holiday away from his child.

    More stupid people than the foreigners that comes to Thailand and overstay is hard to find. They should just build a mental hospital between the borders of Laos and Thailand, and shuffle them all in forever.

    There are quite a number of OP's who have no issues with people on overstay spend months in subhuman conditions that allow somebody get beaten to death. But your valued contribution of declaring every person on overstay as mentally deranged and worthy of being locked up forever well and truly takes the cake. Ever heard of the adage that punishment should fit the crime?

    It is one of the basic tenets of a civilised society, that the punishment should be proportionate with the crime.

    IMO - and yes this is personal - you above anybody else should undergo a mental examination.

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  11. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    How can you call that a law.


    1 hour ago, Max69xl said:

    Exactly, especially when it comes from "Phuket immigration volunteers". 

    I guess it's fair to state that some "laws/police orders" seem to be rather ambiguous and open to Interpretation by the countries Immigration Offices.

    Phukets Volunteers are on site every day and work in close cooperation with Immigration.

    Wht they state on their website comes straight from the horses mouth or in other words spell out Phukets Commissioner of Immigration Interpretation of the "law/Police order" in question. 

  12. 6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    What law says that?

    The police order does not state that. It is clear that it is only for new OA visas and entries from them.

    Screenshot from the website of phuket's immigration volunteers regarding mandatory health insurance. Extensions of stay for the purpose of Retirement based on a initial O-A Visa issued abroad (no matter how many years ago) need to take out Insurance but there is no such requirement Extensions based on a initial O Visa.


    • Haha 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Baby steps are better than no steps. Most US states treat scooters and MCs separately, I think its 50 cc and above.....

    You still don't seem to get it ..... how about seriously enforcing the existing laws, such as wearing a helmet, holding a motorcycle license, not driving on the wrong side of the road, adhering to speed limits and traffic lights and functioning breaklights or any lights at all ....... Before ......... 

    introducing new laws that judging from experience are without a doubt equally disregarded and not enforced.

  14. Ok - I get it.

    1. Tourist Numbers up x.xxxx%

        Spending up ×.××××%  OR

    2. Tourist Numbers down 0.××××%

        but Spending up x.xxxx% OR

    3. Chinese Tourists down but 

        Indian Tourists up and 

        SPENDING UUUP BY x.xxxx%

    4. If Tourist Numbers down and            Spending not up, projected              Numbers of everything will be

        up by years end.

    Blahblahblahblahblah - boring!

  15. 2 hours ago, 30la said:

    Thailand has very strict laws, the biggest problem is the lack of people willing to enforce them!

    Huuuh - one of the main reasons escaping a well known Nanny and Police State was the ruthless enforcement of a myriad of very strict laws incl. being fined for forgetting to turn off your indicators or government officers legally entitled taking possession of your property for failure to pay the fine for not voting.

    BTW - laws impacting the lives of long-term foreigners are being enforced to varying degrees in one area - Immigration laws

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