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Everything posted by WaveHunter

  1. Wow so much misinformation and pseudo-scientific answer being tossed about on this thread LOL! It sounds to me like some of you are getting your information from YouTube gurus instead of from legitimate sources like an experienced doctor or credible scientific sources. If you go off of TRT for a period of time, it is not a crisis situation and you will notice very little change, physically or psychologically (except what you trick yourself into believing). I have been on TRT for well over 7 years, and often go off of it for days, weeks, or even over a month a couple of times, and notice nothing negative at all. TRT DOES increase your estradiol levels but it is easily controlled after a few blood tests to determine if you need an aromatase inhibitor like Anastrozole, and if so how much. Optimal levels of estradiol in aging men are around 18-30 pg/mL, and that is pretty easy and inexpensive to maintain with something like Arimidex. Hair loss associated with TRT is NOT a myth! If your 5α-reductase levels are high, or the enzyme is particularly prolific, TRT may in fact lead to higher DHT levels, which could indeed cause increased hair loss symptoms. However, the effects are easily controlled is to minimize Test from being converted to DHT by using a drug like Proviron. Don't take my word for any of this. I am only posting this because SO MUCH misinformation gets thrown around in forums and on YouTube that you should not believe any of it. If you want REAL answers talk to a qualified MD, or start reading from recognized sources like medical journals...not YouTube or idle chit-chat of lay people on forums like this. TRT can and does improve the quality of life for many men, but the effects are incredibly subtle and take months to recognize. The same is true in discontinuing usage. Many who go off TRT get crazy thinking they must do Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) which for most men is just plain crazy! The human body is far more resilient than most recognize. FAR MORE IMPORTANT, if you are on TRT is to not think of it as a "magic bullet". It's ore important for your overall health and well-being (and yes, even your natural Test levels) to take nutrition more seriously, and to exercise regularly and a but on the intensive side (in other words, not walking on a treadmill while reading a magazine or watching TV!). Those two things will do quite a bit to restore your Test levels and a lot of other metabolic markers as well. Finding a MD with a well rounded and science-based understanding of metabolic health to advise you is your very best bet ????
  2. Anyone have a reliable source for this? I used to buy a box of 30 on Lazada for 600 THB, which was a fair price. and tehre were always several merchants to choose from Now it's not showing up anywhere on Lazada, and a Google search doesn't list anything but fake imitators. It is available at my local pharmacy, but at 850 THB which is not a huge difference but still...why overpay if you don't have to.
  3. Sorry for my misunderstanding what you were saying.
  4. In Thailand, no prescription is required to buy it. Of course it would be foolish to use it without a doctor's guidance.
  5. I have to ask, with all due respect, even though you are not respecting others on this thread, why are you even reading this thread? There is nothing "humiliating" about being on TRT, except perhaps to an ignorant person who doesn't understand what it is, or how it can help some people. Testosterone is an over-the-counter medications here in Thailand and does NOT require a prescription to purchase. Asking questions about who is stocking it is a perfectly valid question to post on this forum. The cost of Testosterone through a hospital pharmacy is exorbitant so most who are under a doctor's care for TRT buy it at a regular pharmacy Show some respect for others...and yourself by not making such inflammatory comments please.
  6. I hadn't thought of that but you may be right. The old lady that used to be in there has so knowledgeable and helpful and took her time to answer questions, but the last few times I've been there I haven't seen her, and the people serving me always seemed rushed and not so helpful. Nothing good lasts forever I guess ????
  7. "Tim's" pharmacy has always been my go to place in Pattaya, but I am a little disappointed with them since they told me that RetroMedica was discontinued (not simply out of stock), and now it seems that is incorrect. Even so, I will continue to patronize them because they normally are professional, knowledgeable, reliable, and fairly priced with well recognized brand names you can trust.
  8. YOu should ask your doctor's advice, not strangers on this forum, many of which have no actual experience using TRT. Only speaking anecdotally, I have been using it for 6 years, and several times I purposely curtailed use for over a month each time. It might vary from one person to the next, but subjectively I had no issues at all...and I did not use any PCT's. When I had my blood tested afterwards, my TT values were lower of course, but nowhere near as low as they were before I started TRT. A lot of people think TRT is some radical thing that will change you in a drastic way (and so they also think that suddenly curtailing it will have the same effect in reverse. In truth, I found that TRT has only creates very subtle change in you subjectively speaking and it takes a long time for those changes to happen, and the same can be said for temporarily curtailing for a month, at least for me. Again though, ask your doctor's advice, not people on a forum.
  9. Great to hear! It is probably because RotexMedica was reorganized by the parent company and is now under the parent company name of PanPharma and maybe depletion or expiration of the old stock packaged as RotexMedica caused a gap in the supply chain, and of course the supply chain itself is wreaking havoc on everything these days. I've used RotexMedica for several year now since Bayer vanished, and it is excellent and priced reasonably in the 20 vial packs. Why Bayer has only recently re-introduced it as a 1-pack vial instead of a 20 vial pack like before makes no sense, so glad to hear that RetroMedica is coming back soon.
  10. I can tell you emphatically that Rotexmedica is a recognized and well respected German brand that even my Doctor in Chiang Mai suggested to me when Bayer became unavailable several years ago. You make it sound like it is an underground lab which it is not. The importer in Bangkok has nothing to hide and clearly print their full contact information including phone number on their packaging. The most likely reason I think it may be unavailable is because, as you mentioned, the company has reorganized under a new name (PanPharma) and perhaps that's the reason for it to be temporarily off the shelves right now. Of course, who really knows...when Bayer suddenly disappeared, nobody knew why, and to this day nobody really has a good explanation for that. It just started to reappear again a couple of years, but now only sold in 1-vial packs for reasons I sure can't understand. BUT...for you to infer it is dangerous to use ROtexMedica simply because it is not registered in Thailand, which I saw you say in a post a couple of years ago, is really misleading and untrue. Just saying...
  11. I was thinking of that too. Have you actually done it recently? My pharmacist was pretty insistent that Rotex Medica was no longer being imported to Thailand (I asked last month), and two other pharmacies I used to be able to get it at said the same thing...nothingin stock and no idea if it was coming back or not, which is just how they Bayer disappeared a couple of years ago, just mysteriously wth no one able to explain why...and now Bayer is back again...but only expensive 1-amp boxes.
  12. When was that? I had no problems getting it until last month when my pharmacist said it had been discontinued in Thailand.
  13. Are you saying that Fascino North Pattaya Stocks Rotex Medica?
  14. “Tim’s” Pharma (across from LEK) does not stock it anymore unfortunately. I was in there the other week and they said they are only selling they are in single amps.
  15. Looking for a pharmacy that still carries Rotex Medica 20-amp boxes. Bayer is back in stock But only sold as single amps at 250 THB Which is pretty expensive compared to 20 amp boxes of RotexMedica at 3300 THB per box. anybody know anything?
  16. I was doing OMAD like forever, but now I'm seriously rethinking that. I guess it might not matter of you lead a more or less sedentary life but if you are active with sports and other heavy physical activity, you can't really cram all of your protein into a single meal...and that's especially true once you are over 50 since your protein requirements increase markedly after that. For the last year I've had serious issue with post workout recovery, and I'm almost certain now it had to do with just not getting enough protein. Sure, you can eat a huge steak or other foods to meet your daily quota, but your body just can not assimilate what it needs for muscle protein synthesis from a single meal. I think it takes at least two spaced meals per day for that to occur. Now it's true that nobody really has the answers right now; the topic is quite controversial. I am eating two meals a day now and may go to three. It will take time to know if it has apositive effect or not, but all the hyped benefits of OMAD are (IMHO) perhaps over-hyped, and all the association with lowered potential for Diabetes by going OMAD are also a little over-hyped...I think.
  17. LOL...Thai bureaucracy is what it is. It always seems to just be the luck of the draw with no rhyme or reason to it. To a Westerner it is always confusing and frustrating, but as one Imm officer once explained to me, with a wry grin on her face, "This is Thailand ... We do things a little differently here..."
  18. I need to make a trip by air to SIngapore from Bangkok sometime this month and wonder what the current requirements / restrictions are re Covid with regard to entering Singapore from Thailand by air, and then returning to Thailand. I am fully vaccinated (two injections) and have paperwork from hospital of that.
  19. Just to report for anyone interested. I did my 90 day reporting online at the new website (https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/home) this past Friday and got an immediate confirmation of receipt emailed to me. Then today (Monday) I got an email saying it had been approved, and was able to login and see the stamped approval and Notification of the next due date. It was a long time in coming but it seems that Imm has finally got online registration updates working fine. Note that the old site is still up and running for some reason. Be sure to use the new site only because the old one is still messed up! https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/home
  20. Thanks for posting this and posting the link to this from the other topic I just posted in. Just so you know, when I did a Google Search (since the Aseannow site does not have a very good search engine), it was the other topic that popped up, not this topic...so just adding that it took you two days to receive an "approved" status before locking the other thread would probably help a lot of other people searching for the same answer. I hope you know I'm not trying to be snarky in this reply...just helpful, and I DO appreciate all the great advice you provide on countless thread here ????
  21. JUST COMPLETED ONLINE 90 DAY UPDATE...SUCCESSFUL??? I just competed the online 90 day reporting very smoothly which was a huge surprise, and it showed a PDF of the completed application, and I received an email stating that "We have received your information successfully" HOWEVER, when I check "status page" it says PENDING. Can I assume this will be updated in a few days along with the official receipt of notification (that you're supposed to staple into your passport) that has the next reporting date? Sorry if this has already been addressed in this thread but with over 200 pages and no FAQ stickies I could find, and a search engine that never seems to work, I hope you will. forgive me for asking this question. I have to say that the new 90 Day reporting page is pretty slick! Big improvement over the old one for sure! ???? Thanks in advance Wavehunter
  22. Fact is I get a lot of e-packets from China every month and can't remember one that was ever lost or damaged. Seems pretty safe (and quick) to me.
  23. DHL and FedEx have both given me horrible experiences in the past when shipping internationally. DHL may give you better shipping rates but you can count on paying the highest possible custom fees if you ship with DHL since they overestimate those charges so they don't get bottlenecked with Customs on the receiving end, and YOU pay the price for that by paying higher Customs fees tha you normally should. Ask anyone who ships regularly and they will suggest you stay away from DHL for that reason.
  24. Big red flag for ticket agent when checking in since they always ask you that standard question "Did you pack your own bag" (meaning, are you aware of everything that is in your checked bag) and you had to admit that the the answer is "no" ????
  25. Excellent advice! You're not the first person who mentioned this. That seems to be a Thai bureaucratic trait. I've had this happen at Immigration often...ask two different officers a question and get conflicting answers. I had it happen when I opened a bank account when I only had a tourist visa; one bank officer said absolutely not allowed. I went to a different branch of the SAME bank the next day and the officer cheerfully opened an account for me. Thailand is a very mysterious place LOL!
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