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Everything posted by WaveHunter

  1. Fined coming into the Kingdom with only 10 amps? That sucks; that's only half a box. I guess that was your customs agent's way of asking you to contribute to his retirement account. Your dosage sounds pretty low for test-E but if it works, good for you. I started out sub-Q since I was pretty squeamish about needles but switched to IM (in the butt) because I didn't like the long-lasting bumps that subQ left under the skin of my abs since it felt and and looked kind of weird. There's a whole debate about efficacy of subQ vs IM, but with our history, it's best we not go there ???? How long have you been on TRT?. For me, 7 years now, though for the last six weeks I stopped, just to see how I'd feel without it and see what happened with my blood panels. Curiously, all seems the same, so I'm still wondering what that's all about.
  2. For anyone who has also wondered why you should spend rediculous amounts of money for Apple branded cables, I saw a really good YouTube video where the differences were explored between expensive Apple branded thunderbolt cables and generic ones listed on AliExpress at about 10% of the cost. He ran benchmarks on both cables and guess what? No significant difference at all. He actually chose the cheapest, negatively rated cable he could find on ALiExpress to compare with the Apple cable! Here is the video link: My takeaway...buy them on Lazada or AliExpress! Apple makes great devices but they are such a rip-off when it comes to accessories. I need some UBS-3 to USB adapters. I was going to buy the Apple one at 680 THB: These are the two I decided to buy off of Lazada at only around 120 THB each. They are UGreen brand which has a really good reputation for quality, and they actually look to be better quality than Apple: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2441394667-s8459679925.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&spm=spm%3Da2o4m.order_details.item_title.1 and this one: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2553635981-s9083745795.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&spm=spm%3Da2o4m.order_details.item_title.1
  3. Same here, Bayer or RotexMedica only, but both are highly counterfeited in Thailand so I buy in person from pharmacists I know I can trust to only source genuine products. I have no way of telling the difference between fake and genuine because, for. all intents and purposes the fakes are dead ringers for the real thing, even down to batch numbering and scratch-off authenticity stickers I never buy from hospitals since the price markup is almost always outrageous. For travel my doctor provides the documentation though it's never been asked for by Customs. So I guess we both take this seriously. My post was only intended to dissuade others from buying pharmaceuticals online from unknown sources, particularly injectables. That just seems like a recipe for disaster IMHO.
  4. I need some feedback on what gamers are looking for in premium-quality mouse pads. I am not a gamer. I am a professional photo retoucher and for years I searched for the "perfect" mousepad for retouching. Though I use a tablet for some retouching, a precision mouse is preferred like when working on a pixel by pixel level. The problem is that a precision mouse is only as good as the surface it slides over. Many of the premium mouse pads, even ones priced over 3,000 THB may be outstanding when brand new, but they quickly degrade in how they glide within a month or two if used all day long. I've tried all of the premium brands like Artisans from Japan, Razer, SteelSeries. I've tried cloth, aluminum, composite, glass, you name it, and they all had serious flaws in terms of durability and glide characteristics...So, I designed my own, and it is and has remained perfect now for over one year! I only intended it for my own use but it is so perfect, I'm looking into the possibility of manufacturing them, and the most likely market seems to be serious gamers that are into the Low-DPI type games that require ultra fast but highly controllable movements, just like what I require for retouching. What I don't know is exactly what they consider to be ideal in terms of static vs dynamic friction, the optimal size of the mousepad, what is a reasonable price point for purchase, etc. What I've produced has BOTH low static friction for fast glides from a resting state, but high enough dynamic (kinetic) friction so it remains controllable and has precise stopping ability. Because the surface is perfectly smooth (no texture at all) and is a hard aluminum pad that has been manufactured in a way to be almost as hard as diamond, the surface never wears, can not be scratched under regular use, and that means that glide characteristics remain exactly the same over time. That equates to allowing excellent muscle memory, which means I get work done far faster than I ever did before. For gamers, it would mean vastly improved aiming success I think. Anyway, I just would like an opportunity to chat with seasoned gamers to learn what they look for in using mouses and pads. I would love to hear from anyone who takes gaming seriously enough that they have strong opinions about mouses and mouse pads.
  5. The problem with most underground labs with very few exceptions is that there is no verifiable way to know what their production standards are, what raw materials are used, or whether they are produced under sterile conditions. They could, and offer are just made in someone's bathtub LOL! That's especially true here in Thailand. There are a few UG labs that are highly recognized for producing top quality drugs like AlphaPharma and ZPHC and have a well deserved reputation for being on par with the highest grade pharmaceutical companies like Bayer or RetroMedica, but just like those big Pharma leaders, they can AND ARE often counterfeited. The only way to know you are buying the real thing is to buy in-person from a pharmacist who is well known for carrying only legitimate products. I am not a bodybuilder or Myaithai fighter and only use Test for TRT but these guys know which pharmacies they can trust for carrying authentic and high quality pharmaceuticals so I follow their lead on where to buy genuine Test, and almost without exception they buy from brick and mortar pharmacies, in person, and never off of a website from an unknown seller. In Bangkok, there are three pharmacies that have long had a reputation for serving the bodybuilding and Myaithai community, and in Pattaya there is one. Of course, there are other pharmacies that sell Test but you really need to discover whether they have a track record for selling legitimate products. It's almost impossible, even in-person to tell the difference between a counterfeit and the genuine product, so you have to rely on the integrity of the pharmacist you are buying from. In Thailand, scams are almost routine and authorities are very lax about controlling it so it's important to take precautions about what you inject into your body. Buying online or from an unvetted pharmacy is like playing russian-roulette with your health. That's all I'm saying. ????
  6. If you are to be in Koh Samui, just make a trip to a recognized pharmacy in Bangkok or Pattaya and stock up. Seriously not a good idea to buy any Test online unless you are looking to get scammed. Any form of Test is heavily scammed, especially from online sources in Thailand. If you buy underground you are still taking risks. genuine pharma-grade is the only safe option IMO. You may pay a little bit more, but io think your long-term health is worth it. If you want more economy, switch to test enanthate and you can buy genuine pharma-grade Test at extremely low prices and thus know what you are getting instead of using a dubious underground lab, or worse, a counterfeit version of an underground lab which is quite likely through online sources ona. site like Shoppe. Most people on TRT long-term do not use TU. TU and TE have the same efficacy and safety, but over a year's time, TU will be incredibly more expensive compared to TE, and there is more likelihood that your serum levels will vary between injections with TU then they would with TE. What's more, TU is more difficult to find. If you are buying at a fifteenth of the price of pharma-grade, I think I would be concerned...I mean, you know the saying..."if something is too good to be true, then it probably is". Again, just my opinion, but I just think your long-term health should be the biggest concern, not saving money by buying from an unknown source.
  7. Thanks! I'm sure I'm making this seem more difficult than it is. I just like to be prepared. Kind of overkill I suppose since I'll gave Google Maps to guide me LOL!
  8. If it were me I would not want to lose the 2nd molar from the back. The Wisdom tooth, no worries, but the second from back I would prefer to save it for both cosmetic and functional reasons. I guess losing the 2nd molar back is not critical, cosmetically or functionally, but I think it would be noticeable. Prices for crown here in Thailand are so inexpensive compared to Western dentists that I would go for the crown. The only time I might opt for an extraction of a back molar is if it required a root canal. I had one of those once and it was not only a horrible experience but then the root canal got infected afterwards and has to be redone! Crowns are not painful enough for NO2, but I guess it would be kind of fun ????. I just had a local anesthetic injection into the gums, which makes me kind of squeamish at the thought of a needle going deep into my gums but the actual pain is only for a second and then you have that weird feeling as your mouth goes numb which is kind of fun in a perverse way. It is a two step procedure but I wouldn't really call the steps "operations". In my case there was no decay or infection so it was just a matter of grinding the remaining tooth to create a proper mating surface for the crown. Molds were made of the remaining tooth and a temporary crown was fitted. The procedure was fairly quick. It could not have taken more than an hour to do at most. Then I came back a few days later once the permanent crown had been made in a lab, and it was fitted in not more than 20-30 minutes. So really not a big deal at all, and it has lasted for well over 20 years with no problems at all. Just be sure the work is done by a really good dentist. I found my dentist here in Thailand simply by using Google Maps (reviews). The really good dentists just jump right off the page with dozens of positive reviews, so it's pretty easy to find a good dentist that way.
  9. I am so done with trying to have an intelligent conversation about nutrition in this thread when certain people only want to entertain themselves with troll-like comments. What a <deleted>' waste of time this is! This particular thread was so positive in the beginning but has now devolved to nothing more than bizarre entertainment for unhappy and bitter expats who have nothing better to do with their lives then to cowardly pick fights under the anonymity afforded by an online forum. So, I'm done with this BS. Find someone else to play this silly and unproductive game with!
  10. FYI, when I don't provide links to studies I am NOT hiding information from you or anyone else. There is no single study that will prove or disprove what I say. It would be nice if there was, bu that's not how the real world works! I have looked at literally hundreds of scientific studies, and have objectively explored AND PRACTICED both high carb and low carb nutrition over the years to arrive at the point I am at now with my nutritional beliefs. There was a time when I firmly believed in high carb nutrition when I was more or less leading a vegan lifestyle, so I have looked at both side of this debate not just from studying the science but practicing it! My posts have NEVER advocated a particular nutritional lifestyle to anyone! I only relate what works for me and why I believe in it. My posts are all about urging others to objectively research the science for themselves FROM ALL PERSPECTIVES. If the actual science leads you to Omad fine. If it leads you to a high carb vegan lifestyle, that's fine too. I've practiced both. All I am saying is that if you don't use actual science to form your views, you are just being blind to the truth. This is why I do NOT provide links to studies.I don't provide links to studies. Not only would the list of links be overwhelming, but it would probably be biased. SO...I give you enough information and keywords in what I say for you to google and find the information for yourself, but it's obvious that you're not willing to take the time to do that, and so you cling to your biased beliefs that probably originated from a single source like some health guru on YouTube. I don't mean to be harsh, but nothing annoys me more than someone who's not willing to really explore something as complex as the physiological basis of nutrition in an objective way, and instead takes the easy way out by listening to a few YouTube health gurus and adopts their view as their own. That lazy method will never lead you to a truth you can truly believe in, but if that's how you want to do things, that's your right. Even worse though is to attack others for their beliefs, armed only with scientifically unfounded and biased views. So, that's why I said It's pointless to discuss this further...because you are simply not willing to discuss this topic in an objective way.
  11. Again, Sorry to disagree with you, but I will take the word of TWO senior tech specialists at AppleCare who discussed this with me on the phone in detail, over yours, especially when you admit that you have never tried to attach more than three iCloud accounts to a device.
  12. Found it on Lazada! ???? Thanks for the heads-up!!! https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ugreen-70889-type-c-to-usb-30-otg-5gbps-andriod-typec-ipad-airpro-20-22-macbook-pro-m1-i2441394667-s8459679925.html?clickTrackInfo=undefined&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.493f26a6KHjhnd
  13. Now that looks like a really well made cable! Did you see that on Lazada (I hope)? I did an image search for it but I can only find it listed on Amazon.
  14. Whatever. I see you get your kicks by playing devil's advocate rather than just checking out the links I posted or just calling a Tier-2 specialist at Apple. I have better things to do then play this silly game. Kind regards.
  15. Just curious if anyone can tell me if these two adapters are basically the same? I've heard positive reviews of the UGreen brand when it comes to SSD enclosures and usb hubs, and of course Apple accessories are usually infamously overpriced for no good reason. I need three adapters so saving 1500 THB is money well spent elsewhere. Honestly, unless I'm missing something important, the Ugreen looks and seems to be better quality! Any thought? Apple USB-C to USB Adapter at 690 THB: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/apple-usb-c-to-usb-adapter-i160588337.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.9.2de4264ddmBdF0&trafficFrom=17449020_308357&laz_trackid=2:mm_150051164_51202885_2010202869:clkgg22jj1gihv1dooaeea&mkttid=clkgg22jj1gihv1dooaeea UGREEN USB C USB3.1 TYPE C Male to USB3.0 Female Adapter at 170 THB: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ugreen-usb-c-usb31-type-c-usb30-usb-adapter-otg-30701-for-samsung-galaxy-note9-plus-note-8-macbook-pro-2017-google-pixel-2-xl-nexus-6p-5x-lg-v30-oneplus-6-5t-i594284892.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.4.252135f3T7S1Sc&trafficFrom=17449020_308357&laz_trackid=2:mm_150051164_51202885_2010202869:clkgg5o9u1gihv3bdbb6if&mkttid=clkgg5o9u1gihv3bdbb6if
  16. I'm not sure if you are referring to an optional power adapter, but according to AppleCare, the charger that comes with the new MBP has a removable plug, and all of the current power adapters seem to have that same snap out plug right up to the 140 watt one. For my 8 core device, it is a 67 watt adapter, as shown here: As you can see, it has a snap out plug, and you can snap in an extension power cable, or many different style plugs like these: The only design difference seem to be they did away with the 2 prongs to wrap the Magsafe cable around because it was causing too many cable to become frayed, and they made that cable removable, I guess for the same reason.
  17. That's so funny you mentioned the leakage issue! I just noticed that last night...and the adapter was not even plugged in. I always unplug the magsafe cable from the computer when I'm not using it. My powered hub was connected to a USB port, and even though it was turned off it still caused leakage you could feel by lightly rubbing your fingers over the closed case of the MBP. Unplugging the USB plug from the port made it stop. Sort of spooky! My big problem with the new power adapter for the 2021 MBP is that it does not include an extension cable. Because the adapter is so heavy and Thai outlet receptacle are so loose, the weight of the adapter plugged directly into the wall will cause it to fall out! The new MBP no longer come with an extension cable but I just found out that my old extension cable for the 2013 MBP will snap into the new adapters perfectly.
  18. I was on the phone with AppleCare|Asia just a few minutes ago and they said that the power adapters sold with the newer MacBook Pro's are no longer country-specific, meaning that the adapter that comes with the device has a US style wall outlet plug and can accommodate 110 or 220 outlets, so that was nice to hear. Even bigger surprise...even though the adapters no longer come with a wall outlet extension cable, the one that came with my old MacBook Pro charger can snap into the new adapters just fine. Big relief since the adapter itself is too heavy to plug into most Thai wall outlets without falling out due to the weight LOL! I never had a problem with frayed mag-safe cables but I know lots of people do so it's nice it is now detachable. And yeah, I already ordered a USB>USB-C adapter that will connect to the USB cable between one of the USB-C ports and my powered USB hub for my peripherals and external hard drives. Thanks for all your suggestions. I would not have thought to check all this stuff out with AppleCare if you had not mentioned them ???? Just posting all of these details in case anyone else is also considering the purchase of a MacBook.
  19. I'm not criticizing you or your routine. What you described doesn't sound that unhealthy. I'm not criticizing anybody who takes steps to have a lifestyle that they feel works best for them since optimal nutrition is unique to the individual. I'm only critical when someones attacks concepts that have a lot of science to support them without even making an effort to objectively explore the underlying science they are based on. I'm NOT advocating OMAD or any other nutritional practice. All of my posts have only been intended for people to objectively explore the underlying biochemistry of metabolism since that is the foundation of what is or is not proper nutrition.
  20. LOL! OK, I admit I get carried away sometimes with my "War and peace" length responses. However, there is actually a lot of meat on the bone for anyone objectively looking for real information on the topic, and not just simple unsubstantiated sound bites or personal anecdotes that prove nothing.
  21. I have no idea what your reply even means. Do you?
  22. Just a helpful note for anyone else considering purchase of Appler devices from a non-authorized reseller. I was just on phone with AppleCare|Asia and was give some great advice that allows you to check a new Apple device from a non-authorized reseller. Note that I feel that the reseller I am dealing with is honest and trustworthy but the advice I was given makes the transaction even safer. With the actual serial number of device in hand, all you need to do is go to two apple sites and enter the number: #1 - https://support.apple.com/en_US/specs Enter the serial number and you will get detailed specs on that specific device including the date of manufacture, the exact configuration, etc. #2 - https://checkcoverage.apple.com/ Enter the serial number to see if the warranty is genuine and whether or not it has been activated, and additional information. My reseller is allowing me to take step #2 in his store and actually activate it so I can leave the store knowing the device is under warranty.
  23. Great suggestions! Thanks for your input, especially about the compact charger. I did not know that, and that would be a real issue for me ntp being able to charge on trips to US. As for those keyboard skins, have you ever used them? Just wonder if they have good tactile qualities. Truth is I never really look at the keyboard when I type, and usually use an external keyboard when I use the device on my desk, but that Thai-English keyboard sure is messy looking so skins might be good to clean things up...if they do not affect tactile quality.
  24. I did a lot of research before deciding on the 2021 MacBook Pro vs the new Air M2, and also the M1 Air vs M2 Air. The consensus of most reviewers I saw on YouTube was that the M2 is really only marginally better and in most cases just not worth the added cost. Apparently it will be the M3 that will have major differences. There are literally dozens of comparison reviews on the M1 vs M2 vs the anticipated M3 on YouTube. For right now, the M1 is the best bang for the money with the Airs is the takeaway I arrived at, and if you really want something better, wait for the M3. For most people that will use the device in a casual way like for web browsing, emails, etc.., the M1 Air is incredible I think, and probably the best laptop on the market, bar none! I only chose the MacBook Pro (M1) because my applications require the graphic processing power since I work with the latest version of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere, and other graphics card intensive applications like DaVinci Resolve and Corel Painter. Applications like these require state-of-the-art graphic card processing that the Air just doesn't have, according to benchmark tests. If it were not for that, I would gladly have gotten an Air for the light weight, and better and more refined ergonomic design. If I had the money I would have BOTH an Air and a macBook Pro ????
  25. Look, I think we've played this debate to death. All of the information I've provided is not anecdotal. It comes from Apple and other credible sources. 1) You cannot set up an OS on a iOS device without an iCloud account. The hardware will not allow that. 2) The hardware does in fact record your iCloud account into the hardware side of the device. 3) Once it is recorded, it can not be erased by you, even if you completely reset the device to factory settings. 4) The iOS hardware will only allow up to a maximum of three iCloud accounts to be associated to it, and no more. 5) Even if an account is deleted from iCloud (which I believe can not even be done), it doesn't matter since this is a hardware restriction, not a software or iCloud restriction. These are the facts that two senior technicians from AppleCare have given me, in addition to seeing it in black & white in a Google search. it's not the kind of information that Apple wants widely known I suppose since it is really hard to find it on Apple.com, but it is out there from credible sources. Here's just a few links that discuss this in more detail: https://appletoolbox.com/icloud-the-maximum-number-of-free-accounts-have-been-activated-qa/ https://macreports.com/cannot-sign-in-the-maximum-number-of-free-accounts-have-been-activated-fix/#:~:text=This message occurs because Apple,your iOS or iPadOS device. or just google this search term: "the maximum number of free accounts have been activated on this iPhone" If you doubt this, just contact AppleCare, and ask to speak to a TIER TWO specialist since the less experienced people will probably not know this information.
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