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Everything posted by cleopatra2

  1. The following would be the normal command to resolve a wifi card that can be detected. sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source && sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer
  2. Try the following command lspc -nn -d 14e4: To check secure boot run mokutil --sb - state
  3. Edit Make sure Secure Boot is disabled. The Broadcom devices are problematic with secure boot and ubuntu based linux
  4. Try the following in the terminal command line inxi -Nn You should see your devices that are detected.
  5. Normally piwers of attorney cease once the individual dies. I am unclear on your statement that the marriage is not recignized here. Any last will made in Thailand needs to conform to the relevent parts of the Civil Code
  6. Try using the command line to see if the wifi can be detected and if so try enabling the wifi. from the command line.
  7. The issue about religion is moot. Since 2014 it is prohibited by law for a vet or anybody else to kill a healthy or treatable domestic animal.
  8. The reluctance to put a dimestic animal to sleep is more about legalities than religion. Legislation enacted in 2014 prohibit the killing of an animal with specific exceptions. For domestic animals the vet needs to asses that the animal cannot be treated or unlikely to survive any treatment. See cruelty prevention welfare act.
  9. The difference is the ingrediants. Heartguard has Ivermectin whilst Nexguard Specta uses Afoxolaner and Milbemycime Oxime. Ivermectin is known to cause issues in dogs that have the MRDI gene mutation if used long term.
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