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Everything posted by cleopatra2

  1. Have they not considered if the proposal is successful and the Senators no longer have a vote. The MF and PT coalition will collapse. Neither will need each other to form a government . Both MF and PT could nominate a candidate for PM solely relying on gaining votes from other MPs.
  2. Pesonally I think this is a mistake. I do not believe there will be a 3rd vote. Pita will be challenged during the 2nd vote, and a new PM will be selected and MF put opposition.
  3. If Pita is nominated then I think the opposition will nominate Prawit. In such a battle I see only one outcome the House will vote Prawit to be PM. For the Senators it appears MF and Pita stance on S112 is toxic.. MF have to either eliminate the Senators vote by adding another party to the coalition , even if it is against the members wishes. After all none of the existing coalition have agreed to support any amendment of S112
  4. The issue for me is Pita is constantly moving on the share ownership. Pita's initial response that he did not own the shares. Or through public statements inferred non ownership. Now he is saying nobody warned him. Pita kinds of acknowledges without actually stating , that he might have owned the shares.
  5. The outgoing PM will not be clinging onto power. If Pita cannot be PM then there is no reason why another candidate from the coalition can be put forward. The issues I see now is that whoever nominates Pita risks their own party dissolution if Pita is found guilty. The real question is following the previous FF party issues. How did MF allow this to arise without taking mitigating measures. Appears somewhat naive , incompetent in the circumstances to only nominate 1 PM candidate.
  6. At the time one of the scenes were shot the UKs legal definition of a child was 16.
  7. Under Thai law to Publish a person /company needs to register and recieve approval from the authorities. Consequently to cease being a publisher a formal request to de register is required. Now I have no details of if the books are published or not in Thailand or any registeration by Pita
  8. Whilst books are media, the issue is not authoring the book From the complaint lodged it is publishing the books. From the complaint it looks like the allegation is Pita authored and then published the books himself. This would then make Pita a publisher of media
  9. I am aware of what Pita has stated publicly. However the holding of the shares as executor whilst applying for MP is undermined by the transfer after the election. The transfer of the shares makes little sense when taking alongside public statements. Pita's defence still remains the same whether the shares were transfered or not. Namely he is not the owner and/or itv is not a media company. If Pita possesed the power to transfer the shares then why did he wait until after the election. Under Thai inheritance laws Pita would be entitled to part of the share allocation. However if Pita's defence is going to be ( and I have no indication this is so), it was a mistake. And on realizing the mistake took action to rectify, then transferring the shares would make sense. The issue that it is an attempt to thwart his leadership is relevant and predictable. Therefore why would Pita provide his political enemies with such ammunition.
  10. I understand the argument Pita only held them as executor. However if Pita did not own the shares why were they listed as his assets on required asset declaration to the NACC
  11. The issue will be , that there will be a request for Pita to be suspended from carrying out any parliamentary duties whilst the Court adjudicates.
  12. I think in the case if American Beauty, it is Thora Birch who at age 16 appeared in a nude scene at her bedroom window. The law requires the image to be sexual indecent (UK) . Since the UK classification board granted the movie a rating then possessing owning the movie would not be unlawfull. The criteria is to establish if the imagery is sexually indecent. A nude picture in itself does not constitute sexually indecent . A number of other factors are needed to be taken into account.
  13. I have not seen these movies so cannot give an opinion. However why do you think they would fall foul of the law
  14. I think this highlights the coalitions dillema . If it is known that Pita will have a second chance . Then what is the incentive for the Senators or opposition parties to vote for Pita in the first round. They will simply not vote for Pita during the first vote. This will force Pita to negotiate and make concessions to gain the votes required for the second vote.
  15. The wise move is for MF to drop the 112 amendment. ( It is unlikely to gain much support in Parliament). Then once Pita is PM to bring it forward for debate in the future.
  16. In principle yes you can receive your pension before the age of 55 due to ill health. However the pension provider will more than likely have strict requirements on what constitutes ill health for early retirement. You will need to consult the Pension provider for the scheme details and requirements.
  17. The House Speaker vote is next week. Postponing today's meeting with no date rescheduled does not give hope.
  18. I think that the MFP wants to ditch PT. It is difficult to understand why the MFP refuse to negotiate with PT , knowing that alienating an alliance party spells disaster and risks parliamentary stalement. iMO taking into account what Pita has said recently about 112 amendments , that an arrangement has been reached with the senators and other military linked parties
  19. I am not sure the article is written by the British Embassy. The link provided does not include the details provided in the post. The link is just the guidelines of what happens when a British citizen is caught on overstay.
  20. But the obvious conflict of interest arises. The company is in dispute with the Government. Pita would be the leader of the Government.
  21. Obviously events after the election proves this incorrect. Pita has since transferred the shares out of his name .
  22. This analogy does not hold. In your analogy there is no law prohibiting the child to own the car, only to drive it. It would only become an issue if the child drove the car. The issue of the shareholding in this case, is the law states that holding of media shares is not allowed.
  23. Politically if MF relinquish the PM position it will be seen as a betrayal to their voters.
  24. The ruling on Pita will come to late to make that decision. MF have to go for both positions and risk the alliance with PT.
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