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Everything posted by cleopatra2

  1. The Non-Domicile was within the law. It is more of a political point of tension. Zahawi tax issue as operated was outside what the law permitted.
  2. The ministerial investigation will not make such a judgement of avoidance, evasion or carelessness. According to Statements made it was carelessness. What this means is Zahawi acted in a way no prudent or responsible person in a similar situation would have. Edit AfaiK the investigation is looking at if the failure to declare the penalty is a ministerial code breach.
  3. I thought the tax investigation had been completed with payments made and the ongoing enquiry concerns any breach of the ministerial code.
  4. The regime that Zahawi used meant the amount was always taxable, once it had been repatriated. Apart from the conflict of being in charge of the Treasury and owing money. Zahawi gave different public statements to justify the error. At one point claiming it was a smear and his lawyers sending out legal letters in an attempt to keep out of the public domain.
  5. I thought the government is paying the energy suppliers the difference between actual unit cost v subdized unit cost through the energy cap price. Thus customers are receiving a reduction on actual cost, but still have to pay.
  6. I think this is due to the 2014 pension act being a bit ambiguous on this point. In Section 5 of the act the weekly pension rate is determined upon the date the person reaches pension age. Section 16 and 17 allows for the pension payment to be suspended deferred. ( along with various benefits for doing so) Section 17 also allows the pension to increase by any annual increases ( uprating act). However it does not say if this applies to deferred overseas payable pensions or not. I have not looked in the Uprating act for any clarification. Further info Section 20 of the pension act states overseas residents entitled to state pension do not receive the annual Uprating. This would imply that in order to defer a pension a person needs to be entitled to the pension. The annual Uprating do not apply to the deferred pension in these circumstances.
  7. The UK is both a sovereign state and country. Scotland , Wales and England are countries . NI is sometimes regarded as a country , province or region. Scotland , Wales ,England and NI are not sovereign states. The term country means an area or region.
  8. I think you are confusing the European Union with the continent of Europe.
  9. That's a generous interpretation of what is actually stated in the book. In the book Harry States that William did not leak the information. Leaving the reader to conclude the leak must have come from Camilla or her team. ( which it did).
  10. The PA was re-hired a few days after her resignation. On the face of it would appear to be a strange decision considering the PA had disclosed/ leaked sensitive information.
  11. In the OP the claim was no rule existed. Now a rule does exist.
  12. In context of Brexit , passports are moot. Even outside Brexit , UK would have put the contract to open tender and chosen the best economic advantage to the taxpayer. This does not mean the lowest bid will be chosen automatically. Other criteria comes into play such as security, the ability of the company to deliver etc. The question is should the UK choose to spend more public money than is necessary to perform a service. Knowing that in choosing only UK companies would adverse other companies wishing to bid for oversees public contracts.
  13. If the UK had not placed the contract to open tender they would have been in breach of the EU and WTO agreements not to discriminate. At the time approx 20% of UK passports were being produced outside the UK without any security risk being identified. This limited the UK options , as they could not reasonable claim a security risk as a reason to not tender the contract. Once placed to tender the Government has a duty to obtain the most economic benefit for the UK taxpayer.
  14. The GFA makes no such claim with regards to the topic on hand. Matters of the EU, SM, CU and trade deals are reserved to UK parliament , not the devolved adminstration. A concession to the DUP was provided in the Protocol for the people of NI to decide if they wish to continue with the present protocol position of SM, CU rule alignment after 4 years of implementation and subsequent 4 years.
  15. The protocol means that currently all commercial agri-food products entering Northern Ireland from Great Britain have to go through makeshift facilities at Northern Ireland ports. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-64112552
  16. Arrangements were made for NI to remain in the SM and CU , thus no border on the Island of Ireland. The GFA remains intact. The protocol agreed that NI would follow a limited number of EU rules for the SM and CU to ensure protection of the GFA
  17. This appears to be illogical. If the GFA and EU laws are contradictory, then they must have always been contradictory. As previously stated it depends upon where the border is placed and operational arrangements. Currently NI remains in the CU and SM , thus no border on island or Ireland.
  18. Matters of EU , SM and CU are reserved to UK Parliament. UK agreed to the provisions.
  19. Yes both can be true. It depends upon where the border exists. The current UK EU agreement places the border between NI and rUK (down the Irish Sea). Consequently no border required between Ni and Ireland, satisfies the GFA.
  20. I do not think this section is of any benefit to you. This section would only apply in cases of being tax resident in both states. ( is this the case) If I understand correctly the payment of tax on the pensions is because the income arises in the UK ( no concession in DTT) and not due to any tax residency.
  21. Food bank use in 2008/2009 26, 000 food bank use in 2021/22 2.1 million from the Trussell trust ,
  22. Just because a person can read comprehend academic research papers does not mean they must be fluent in the language. It only indicates proficiency in their chosen field. A silly example A doctor may be familiar with English medical terms. However it is unlikely they will be able to describe how a game of cricket is played. In a similar circumstance a native English speaker may struggle with academic papers if they are not familiar with the topic. It will always depend upon language exposure.
  23. I understand that this was over 2 years with conditions such as removal of guards and closure of ticket offices. https://www.ft.com/content/f181e88b-777e-4285-902c-55f925213fd8
  24. This is because the DfT have issued a limit to ToC to give a 3% rise. It should also be noted that the Christmass /Boxingday is a busy engineering period for the railways. This normally results in lower or no services available for some routes.
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