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Everything posted by baboon

  1. Give me one example of my continued assertions that all of the world’s ills are caused by Brexit. Otherwise you are simply a liar and guilty of libel.
  2. Good on 'Mighty' Mick Lynch and the RMT for standing up for workers.
  3. I don't get it: you don't care but will not withdraw from the discussion. Why, given that the UK you inhabit isn't bothered either. So why worry? Did a Frenchman run off with your wife or something? And if he did, can he take Mrs baboon off my hands too?
  4. Neither France nor Spain have a problem. We do.
  5. Have you ever considered trying to get along with people?
  6. What has the above tripe got to do with what I said?
  7. Of course you don't. Just another one out for yourself and to hell with everybody else, so why would you?
  8. It's what you voted for. You should be happy.
  9. No they are not. It is all in your head.
  10. Spite because of what? Intransigence, why? There is no reason. It is just your imagination working overtime.
  11. You are absolutely right. I should have thought of that. Like the times I was ushered into the ASEAN / Chinese lines at Suvarnabhumi. It is still all Passport Control when it comes down to it. Why have an angry throng at 5 desks while the officials at the others are floating like a leaf on the river of life..?
  12. 'The EU will collapse any day now, mark my words. I've been saying it since the beginning of the 90s....'
  13. But I thought they had to do what Brussels tell them as they have no sovereignty?
  14. Calais does not have a problem. We have a problem.
  15. So 6 French customs officials have the power to gridlock Kent. That's what I call taking back control...
  16. You move the troops to other provinces so they won't be shooting their own families. You let be known that it would be a terrible thing if mothers were raped and tortured, should soldiers not carry out their duties. You put spies behind the lines. It's manageable...
  17. I remember the howls of outrage on here by the junta lovers back in the day. Dammit this new guy and his NCPO was a breath of fresh air and was going to start cleaning house! Now, tumbleweed... (Told you so, by the way).
  18. Indeed. A man staging a coup and ruling by decree for years before finally rigging an election, is not a man to be taken seriously when he is pontificating about corruption....
  19. I see you are new on the thread. Welcome. But now be prepared to cite your arguments against a kaleidoscope of utter flapdoodle. Polish your armour and stay with us...
  20. But again: given what Scott and others have told me. The US is one, like it or not. Any serious insurrection could be quashed within a few hours at worst if your Federal government decided upon it. So even an armed militia in... Well I don't know... Philidelphia, for example, would be utterly crushed...
  21. I take it then, that not even Texas is serious about wishing to leave the United States nowadays?
  22. Do you think Americans consider this a good thing, don't care, or find it a ball and chain?
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