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Everything posted by baboon

  1. This thread is not about the Labour Party. Or race.
  2. But I think she is doing so because she is a genuinely nasty piece of work herself, not just an ultra cynic.
  3. I don't know anything of the kind. But then I am not burning with hate and anger.
  4. When it comes to your darkest hour of need, I can only hope and pray the same level of love and charity is bestowed upon you that you would inflict on others.
  5. It didn't happen like that at all. Clearly the Police concluded there were insufficient grounds in order to prosecute. And besides, they are run off their feet. Blame the party of Law and Order who decimated their ranks.
  6. Exactly the kind of thing UK sex offenders tell themselves on their own wing in prison: 'Well I may have done this, but HE did that.' Regardless, they are segregated from other prisoners who want to harm them. And really harm them.
  7. How are you going to do that if France refuses to take them back?
  8. And this has what to do with the Pound slumping to an all time low against the Dollar?
  9. It was rubbish. And the Daily Mail did support Hitler. Don't have a go at me about it; take it up with them.
  10. Thrown out by his own party due to his lies, corruption and incompetence.
  11. Hmm. I think they have misunderstood the savagery of the wider world. Who really cares, given what is going on elsewhere? The willy-slinging contest is over. Who really cares what you are up to?
  12. They were your wealthiest friends a few posts ago. At least keep your story straight.
  13. As well as untrue: 'Hey, I just spent 36 hours in Beijing. Don't try to tell ME anything about the Chinese...'
  14. You just made that up. Why, I have no idea, but you made it up.
  15. Or perhaps it will encourage them to crack you over the head and steal your gear.
  16. A quote from another forum I find pertinent: "It must be quite depressing being Truss and Kwarteng, knowing that you’re only in the job you are because you’re just a front for shady “think tanks” to try to rollout their tax/economic changes to suit their donors, without any of the negative impact to themselves."
  17. She HAS convictions other than 'Me, me, me'...?
  18. You do know they have just scrapped the tax cut for the rich?
  19. No, they will be derided for introducing a policy so horrible that the country wouldn't stand for it, thus causing the U turn.
  20. They don't have time on their side: they are despised. And with good reason. Tax cuts for the wealthiest and cuts to social security? How does that work in a modern social democracy unless the objective is a right wing coup? That said, Starmer needs to turn up the heat a bit. Quite a bit, or else the ERG will reduce us to slaves of corporate wealth: What institutions does the British state own, now? Water? No. Gas? No. Electricity? No. The railways? No, apart from Network Rail. The NHS? Well a bit, but we are working on it. Air Traffic Control? No, New Labour quietly flogged that off too. Need I go on with privatised prisons? If you don't have state institutions then you don't have a state. Or a country...
  21. Credo: I am NOT promoting anti-jab theory. But my mother just had her fourth jab and was literally smashed to the ground because of it. As a personal decision, I won't bother having any more. When the time comes to die, well you die. Especially when you are over 50 like myself. I pray for a merciful end to my life rather than a protacted one. Let them shoot me up then wheel me out...
  22. Yes, the death of us all. But I do agree that the enemies of Putin need to look into his snake cold blue eyes and warn him that HE is on the list, not Russia or the Russians. Just him. And let that be known to the Russian people as best as we can. And the what, quarter of a million people fleeing him, won't take much convincing.
  23. At this point, I don't see what alternative we have other than take it on the chin. Lockdown again? We can't afford it and it isn't like Europe is not further up financial sh#t creek with the awful ongoing situation in Ukraine.
  24. Couldn't they just have left Her Majesty's face on the existing GBPeso rather than blowing yet more money on changing the look of the currency for no real reason? What is the point of the exercise?
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