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Everything posted by baboon

  1. Still taking the money despite being 'friends' of Ukraine... https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/conservative-party-russia-donors-ukraine-invasion/
  2. Tax cuts for the poorest who don't pay tax anyway, sounds about right for her. But no, she won't leave them out - she wants to abolish their right to strike, which I am sure will go down like a cup of cold puke to all but CON party donors...
  3. With the money of which Tory party contributer?
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-62554178 Just sod off, Johnson. Just go, you parasite. You have brought nothing but ruin and disorder to the UK.
  5. And the Monster Raving Tories claim that the stewardship of the economy is safe in their hands. Worse still, people fall for it....
  6. And back to Natalie Elphicke at Dover, whether you could care or not. 'Shame on you!'! And as for Johnson, you don't care whether or not if he is a Kremlin asset? 'Shame on you'.
  7. The KGB has not existed since 1991. Johnson, however has feted their hiers and granted peerages to their sons, the corrupt, sleazy scumbag. He escaped from his security detail in order to party with them. You have no argument, other than screeching the equivalent of 'Two legs good, Four legs bad'. The Ministry of State Security archive just behind the Lubyanka is a fascinating place to visit. I was glad to have the opportunity, while we were briefly friends with Russia. I wonder where the current curator has placed one 'Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson' as an exhibit?
  8. I disagree, but as you insist. Now: What about granting peerages to sons of KGB agents and shaking off your security detail to meet him and his tather in private while serving as a minister? Let me guess: 'So what is the big deal unless they are politicians I don't like, in which case it is a bloody scandal'?
  9. There were trades unionists there. So whose payroll is she on? Corruption, sleaze...
  10. And that photograph is what he thinks of us all, the absolute scoundrel.
  11. Oh? Whose payroll is Natalie Elphicke on? Shame on you!
  12. I will certainly agree with you that the government handled Covid abysmally. How's that for a bit of compromise?
  13. Let's all hold an ABBA party like No. 10 did during lockdown....
  14. Ah, I see. Blaming the public for not being alt-right and casting the government as mere hapless bystanders is your angle. Fair enough.
  15. Here is one example? How would you feel if your home was used as a dumping ground for bent / disgraced officials? Do you think the officials are likely to have your best interests at heart?
  16. Unelected leader, let's not forget. The constitution is there for the protection of those in power from the people. It is not a two way street.
  17. 'What are they going to do about it?' is the obvious response. Kick up too much of a fuss and a black SUV rounds the corner which you are bundled into, en route to either prison or an early grave.
  18. Why go to the bother when you can simply ignore it?
  19. The RMT is not affiliated with the Labour Party. He doesn't take their cash.
  20. There's a distinction without a difference. Lots of people are worse off than they used to be and that's that. Mind you, many actually voted to be worse off, but that is another story...
  21. What were they supposed to do? They were ordered to stay at home so they did. Your post implies they were lazy and feckless, which is unfair.
  22. Renationalise. Problem solved.
  23. There is a first time for everything, I suppose....
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