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Posts posted by pikao

  1. 3 hours ago, WEBBYB808 said:

    You and anyone not wearing a mask in public are the ones in the wrong.  You dont wear the mask to protect yourself  you wear it to protect  others.  Same as a doctor preforming  surgery.   They protect the patient  not the surgeons.   Its you and others like you that are perpetuating  the virus here if you arent wearing mask and wearing it properly they should get you and fine you maximum  amount.  I see so many walking with their nose uncovered.   In another country it could be perceived  as assault.  Yes,  you were in the wrong and they were clearly bothered and you to them represent  the problem and why its spreading.  Why cant foriegners  just follow the safety  laws and protocols?  Of course you will reply that you see nothing wrong with not wearing your mask when you are walking alone, but clearly its not perceived  that way.


    Don't know if that's scientifically correct, but it shows how it is

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, PEE TEE said:

    So all the latest data (so called) is Phuket how come Samui never gets a mention are they  keeping it quite? as it stands Samui has many tourists arriving I take it the little island is completely free from Covid whatever the variant. i have to say the vaccine program is top notch.   

    To give you some numbers



    • Haha 1
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