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Burma Bill

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Everything posted by Burma Bill

  1. May I oblige???? From the UK National Portrait Gallery https://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portrait/mw117436/Ronnie-Barker-Ronnie-Corbett-The-Two-Ronnies
  2. For reference (Wikipedia):- Kambala is an annual buffalo race held in the southwestern Indian state of Karnataka
  3. I experienced similar noise discomfort many years ago when I lived in a mountain village in Lanna. Behind my house was another one at a higher level owned by a local council official. He had a "junkie" son who would play ghetto blasting music throughout the night when he hosted "parties" for his friends. His father had no proper control over his son and eventually moved with the rest of the family into a new house further in the village leaving "junkie' to fend for himself. It became unbearable to sleep during the numerous parties. Dad being a local official and friend of the village policeman, meant I had to be diplomatic, but luck came my way when Dad became financially embarrassed. Through my Thai family, I purchased the house/land for 50,000 baht I seem to remember, (when there were 60 baht to one GBP), had "junkie" sent back to his father, demolished the ramshackle wooden house and started growing lime trees and sweet corn. To keep cordial relations, I let the father have the recyclable teak wood from the old house and access by a track to farmland beyond, owned by the village Mayor. Anyone in such circumstances, you have my sympathy and I wish you good luck. Never again did I experience such noise pollution in Thailand or Cambodia where I now live.
  4. Reference for Cambodia (20 October 2021), yes, E-Visas are now available but please note you must go into quarantine as shown below unless you are an official Government guest:- No. Description Quarantine period Tests For fully vaccinated 1 Official government’s guests and top government officials who return from mission abroad Implement special regime in accordance to the decision of the Royal Government 2 Investors, Technical officials both of Cambodian and foreigner, Diplomatic officials, Officials cooperation projects and government official who return from mission abroad (including their family members) 3 days Test PCR only once 3 General travelers who are Cambodian or foreigners 7days First: Rapid Second: PCR For Not yet vaccinated or fully vaccinated 4 All type of travelers who have not yet vaccinated against Covid-19 or received full vaccination 14 days First: Rapid Second: PCR https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50955436/quarantine-for-inbound-travelers-to-cambodia-at-every-entrances/
  5. Evidently yes, but across the road from my apartment here in Cambodia is a Buddhist temple where the monks use a ladder to scale a perimeter wall over which they make cash purchases of soft drinks, bags of ice (genuine frozen water stuff!) and smart phone top-up scratch cards from a lady with a stall below.
  6. Interesting, but from my experience, it depends on which doctor one consults. Here in Cambodia, my Khmer doctor advised me to have Sinovac and not Sinopharm as I am an insulin dependent Type 2 diabetic.
  7. I wonder what would happen on arrival if one refused? Sent back with one's holiday cash still in the pocket? - I bet not!
  8. Yes indeed and pre-covid-19, many thousands of Thais did so as I witnessed at Tachilek in Burma and Poipet in Cambodia. They only have to show ID cards.
  9. I must admit I did enjoy watching the video being an ex-motorcyclist from many years ago. It made a pleasant change from all the daily boring moans and groans about Covid-19 rules and regulations, also alcohol bans and bar closures!!!
  10. Thank you for your comment and with respect, I did not refer to "Chinese only" patrons. The Special Economic Gambling/Tourism Zones with their casinos that surround Thailand in Burma, Laos and Cambodia are owned and operated by the Chinese catering for all International punters, including many Thais. I used to enjoy a small flutter when on shopping trips from Mae Sai (Thailand) across the border to Tachilek (Burma).
  11. From the photograph it looks like "red" diesel which is used to power off-road vehicles such as in the agricultural and construction industries. For reference (Google):- Why is red diesel illegal? Red diesel is illegal for on-road vehicles because it's not taxed. Federal and state governments have strict standards in place about its use in on-road engines. Distributors and fuel retailers cannot knowingly supply on-road vehicles with this type of fuel. IE. It is a money making scam!!
  12. Yes indeed, but no casinos on every street corner, however Pattaya and other seaside resorts could be transformed into Special Chinese Economic (gambling) Zones like Sihanoukville and Poipet in Cambodia and the Golden Triangle complex in Laos.
  13. Please note and for reference, this article was from Jack Ma's South China Morning Post and not Thai media - propaganda???? The South China Morning Post, with its Sunday edition, the Sunday Morning Post, is a Hong Kong–based English-language newspaper owned by Alibaba Group. (wikipedia) And this quote will not go down well with the authorities in Pattaya expecting high spending rich tourists to visit their "world class" resort:- "without the sleazy reputation of the eastern resort of Pattaya"
  14. When I lived in Thailand's Khon Kaen Province, Beer Lao (Light or Dark) was my choice along with Chang.
  15. Maybe not - for reference (August 9 2021):- China’s tech tycoons lose $87bn of wealth after Beijing crackdown Fortunes of Tencent’s Ma and Pinduoduo’s Huang fall sharply after regulatory assault on sector https://www.ft.com/content/7e6f9a08-37be-4ab3-ae15-953533ab33b5
  16. People been on the Pla Ra and got "Bangkok Belly"????
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