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Burma Bill

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Everything posted by Burma Bill

  1. IMO this sign would be far more appropriate in Pattaya!
  2. Thank you very much. Having the same problem here in Siem Reap.
  3. Only political parties representing the Tatmadaw, a Constitution written by the Tatmadaw, no ethnic minority representation and so on!!
  4. Google reference: swap meet noun NORTH AMERICAN 1. a gathering at which enthusiasts or collectors trade or exchange items of common interest. "a computer swap meet" 2. a flea market.
  5. I had the same experience when I lived in Thailand. What I did was to put them in a small pot and when I had collected 20 bahts worth, put them in a small poly bag and took them back to the Tesco-Lotus where I had originally received them. The Customer Service desk exchanged them for a 20 baht note and re-circulated them back in the tills.
  6. As a "spin off" maybe this product will become available in the Thai supermarkets?
  7. Sweet and sour pork with mixed vegetables and steamed rice - prepared and cooked by myself. To drink - tomato juice with Worcester Sauce.
  8. Thanks, Khao Soi was my favourite regular dish when I lived in Lanna. I will be enjoying it again during a return trip to Chiang Mai this coming November - delicious!
  9. Do these security checks also include the safety of its vehicles???
  10. What a load of rubbish, some offensive IMO, is being posted. If the OP wants to leave Thailand so as not to be involved with grumpy old men and Thai bureaucracy then that is his democratic choice and I would support him and wish good luck wherever he chooses. Fortunately, I no longer have to put up with whinging grumpy ex-pat old farts stuck to their favourite bar stool - none seen by me here in Siem Reap thank God!!
  11. With respect and IMO, not the most boring town in Thailand - there are many more likely candidates! The town is situated on the south bank of the Mekong River with picturesque views across to Laos on the north side. I must admit it was rather quiet when I visited out of season but this is a resort that becomes swamped with tourists (mainly Thai) during high seson and Thai Festivals. A relaxing walk along the promenade is a must. This is not a beer/go-go bar resort like Pattaya. Photos of Walking Street and the Promenade:-
  12. With respect, I find your comment rather offensive. I studied Appled Biology at University then joined an Animal Pharmacology Company where I gained a lot of field work experience before working with the UK Police Service. I am certainly not a psychological fetish for crime scenes - attending such scenes was "part and parcel" of my job description. I can assure you such attendences could be horrendous, harrowing and very sad, ocassionally in atrocious weather conditions. No further comment from me.
  13. Well I never! I thought both countries (who control most/all of their media outlets) used fake news to support policies and/or save face!
  14. Interesting - very much so and the money was good!! 34 years in UK Police Service as a civilian Forensic Scientist and a Crime & Criminal Intelligence Analyst. My pension (Civil Service) was non-contributary and index linked on final salary. I still receive it today as I approach 80, having retired at the age of 56.
  15. First: Visiting Chiang Mai from Siem Reap to attend the Remembrance Day Service and meeting up again with friends who I knew from the days when I lived in Lanna. Second: Reaching 2 years full residency in Cambodia and qualifying for my free annual pass to Angor Wat and the Archaeological Park which I can visit any time and as many times I want for free. It is renewable each year.
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