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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. And fit a micro filter over the 'tother one. 3M filter removes pollen and apparently bacteria available on Laz. There are also cheaper ones for 15b 6ddd7175f27c4de1210d60538150636f.jpg_400x400q90.jpg_.webp
  2. I was thinking the same about Koh Chang, but then maybe there was a curfew, but I never knew Seriously there was NO curfew here, not much point really as everything closed before 10pm unless one wanted to go night fishing. We have such an informed ill-informed bunch of generals in charge.
  3. Yes got worse and worse since 22 May 2014. nearly 8 yrs now and despite promises from Pinocchio happiness has NOT been returned. IMHO
  4. I realize you want to fly but It all depends where you live now if you want to make a land crossing.
  5. A lot of the NVs have a car-boy type cover on the back. and or you could put a large dog cage on the back.
  6. Absolutely buy a smart tv I realise you want uk tv but you tube is very good (for old re-runs etc) plus movies and series on Netflix available at 7/11 when and if you want it.
  7. I have a complaint you don't seem to know where the equator is, unless they have moved Vietnam, Afghanistan etc etc. But I suppose it depends on your definition of Major I consider Vietnam a major war that saw their neighbouring countries decimated also.
  8. I never heard from them either, it was the local hospital that rang me, as with a few other ex-pats i met there. Has anyone managed to register with expatvac in the last few weeks ? I tried to register my friend using my laptop, his e-mail, as soon as i put in his e-mail address, i got a message; an e-mail will be sent. more than a month later NOTHING !
  9. Jeez if he could sit on one the water levels would rise quite dramatically. picture please TV.
  10. Brought 6 beers yesterday 4.30pm from Ma & Pa but declined there Lethal Lao khao or their underground lottery tickets.
  11. What is most important to me ?, Car, Dog, Wife, it would be nice to see tourists back, but only because driving around with so many places closed and streets empty is depressing to see.
  12. From 5 floors above ? And all Residents were informed of work being carried out, don't leave anything on your balcony and lock the door they were told.
  13. What I would like to know is WHY she did it, all I can think of is that the rope was banging on the window, annoying her, and without any thought of safety to the worker, cut the rope in an act of selfish, arrogant, annoyance.
  14. How could it be done out of ignorance ? she lived 5 floors below lent out and cut the safety rope, occupants of the building were notified that work was being carried out.
  15. I know a Frenchman and yes this is his job in France, he uses the same technique, and he earns good money. He also teaches Bungy Jumping
  16. No need for test if double vaxed, but you might have to show vax certificate, I think it has become a lot more relaxed now as vaccines have been rolling out at a fast pace on Koh Chang. I've had 2 Pfizer and mrs b has had her 3rd.
  17. And you will get the answer ''Line busy" if after 10pm on a Sat Night. please get your nearest police station's phone number and they might come the next day at around 10 am. Oh and don't expect them to finger print anything whatsoever.
  18. ???? "ATTENSION !! all criminals down south just to let you all know, i'm on my way ! "
  19. "I don't have a clue what to do but I'll spiel something that the masses want to hear then i'll say it was all a misunderstanding, that'll fix it, alcohol sprays at the ready boys''
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