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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Why, are they all sick ?..........................
  2. Thais should be banned from roads with curves.
  3. IMO More like other monks or the abbot set fire to it to get rid of the spirits. Especially if he died in there.
  4. Another stupid speeding driver, at least he is now permently off the road.
  5. I wonder if he was sitting at the lights in gear foot on clutch, and no handbrake applied, a very bad driving habit that a lot of people have, even with an Auto, I always select neutral and apply the handbrake, it's how I was taught, and was explained to me exactly why you should do that "incase someone rear ends you" But of course that was in the UK.
  6. They obviously don't get fined enough, or they are paying with a brown envelope.
  7. An OIL tanker, what kind of oil was it I wonder ?
  8. Sorry for your loss, I did not suggest he was drunk, I only suggested he was not wearing his helmet at the time, because of his "head injuries "
  9. No doubt the road construction was badly signed if at all, and he was not wearing a helmet.
  10. What ever next, tourist see a PEA worker, climb a power pole ...........so they all have a go.
  11. I don't believe the kid, the RTP are all such upstanding, law-abiding citizens who never break any laws or take bribes...................................................
  12. Why do you constantly troll me ? It is not a Nonsense post, The RTP do what ever they like.
  13. Yeh right, all the cops are a law unto themselves, they think serve and protect is just for their selves.
  14. How on earth did he think buying dentures on-line would fit him ? ................
  15. I think they all sell insurance, it's very handy to renew same time as tax. I don't understand why a member here is confused about the mandatory/compulsory insurance that you must pay to get your Road Tax..................
  16. Easy to find, its the 'paper' that is more difficult, but the Chinese are a canny lot.
  17. All Vehicles have 3rd party insurance it is compulsory, when/if you pay the road tax, private insurance is available if you want more cover.
  18. I don't go to work, my wife does................
  19. There will never be a 'Rush' to move forward in Thailand, not with this Government.
  20. Guess his English reading skills are lacking, 95 were found on him, I'd guess he started with 100.
  21. It never ceases to amaze me how stupid some people are, Oh lets all see if it blows up .....as they did the same when one was found in a car that turned out to be a lighter....
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