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Everything posted by brianthainess

  1. Nonsense almost every property in my area has barbed wire fences, its not like its Razor wire.
  2. Those notes look plastic, not good for nests. ? Why no bank ?
  3. What's the problem, the fence is on his property, But the barb wire should be inside the posts, and was this fence there before the concrete road ? I have the same type of fence mainly to keep dogs out/in, no one has yet ridden into it. If the kids can't stay on the road well.......Look mum no hands !
  4. Any bets who helped them ? ????
  5. 'Coz they think the wife can work and support themselves.
  6. How did they contact you ? if phone ignore it could be a scam or e-mail by an employee or other. wait and see if they contact you again.
  7. You could be right there, it stops wood from rotting, ants hate it. Dogs like to sleep on concrete floors, soo..........
  8. Fake notes, what could possibly go wrong. ????
  9. I thought they were the same
  10. You can prevent that by getting an e-visa, allow 4 business days from memory.
  11. Full story "they thought they were free gifts" LMAO.
  12. Wow a what clever parrot, does it have it's own phone ? ????
  13. Same as England.
  14. My wife passed her test at a driving school, and was pleased to show me the date on my tires, "can only be 4 yrs old'' she said proudly, Me ''did they show you this arrow for the wear bars" "no" I have often been told at tyre shops you need new. Anyhow this is why I buy the cheap tyres now, keep them coated with a tyre spray and park if pos. out of the sun and keep the pressures correct, check the side walls often. for those who don't know wear bars.
  15. Find a place to sit for a beer or coffee near a busy intersection, and laugh your head off at the bad driving.
  16. Its called Treason in most country's.
  17. Well he did say while in government, nothing about while in the RTA. he left that bit out.
  18. While I agree with you, the restrictions on being able to spend your money in the bank, are too restricted, and could easily be done on a sliding scale. IMO
  19. Same Koh Chang.
  20. For me Kerry are the best, I only pay C.O.D. and they let me open the package if I'm in doubt, before payment. None of the others will allow that.
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