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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. 31 minutes ago, TT2 said:

    If this divorce happens do I need to change my VISA to a retirement type or am I covered with my current EXTENSION based on retirement?

    i dont know what you mean...


    if your extension is based on retirement, it doesnt have anything with your marriage. so you can continue. But you need to go to immigration and let them know your divorced (just in case, nothing bad doing this) most probably they will say ok theres nothing to do because your on retirement visa not non-o marriage. 


    you did your retirement extension based on your retirement payment (retirement pension) not with non-b marriage visa visa. tbh i dont think immigration even know or care your married. 


    suggestions from experience:

    talk to your wife.. sign a contract. what you want to have, what she wants to have: house,car,kids, etc.

    go to a lawyer and both of you sign a contract before divorce. another info, this is thailand if one side doesnt want to divorce there will be no divorce and the court can take 2-3 years. dont think your wife is very nice.. very kind.. she will not do anything after you divorce. trust me. if shes that nice shie wont say anything you are making things safe for you. after divorce you have no rights in thailand. you bought the house,car.. doesnt matter. they will be gone. 


    if need more advice message me


    im sorry for the bad news about divorce. i know what and how you are feeling.. sad but reality.


    good luck

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  2. From what i read, it seems you dont trust your wife or wife family or the other way. maybe im wrong and hope im. and seems you kind of scare to be homeless.


    i strongly suggest you to talk with your wife while shes still alive. Agree on terms such as the letter i mentioned to you. your daughter will have the house but you will be guaranteed to be living in the house without any complications till you die. then go to a lawyer and make it legal. 


    I strongly suggest you and your wife talk to a lawyer what you can do. best for all sites. a common contract. 


    Dont trust you are/were married to her, it doesnt mean anything in thailand after she dies. after she dies you have no right about anything. no house, no car, no nothing. forget about them. Thats why you need to go to a lawyer and make things clear. 


    There is another way you can do but im not sure if tis too late or not. When i was buying my home with my ex-wife (we were together at that time) the seller asked me if i want my name on the house book. i said well sure why not, then she said i must pay 70% cash. then i told her no, thanks. now if there is a such thing, maybe you can talk to a lawyer & a real estate agency to arrange something like that. For example you can try to sell the house in 2 parties. 


    again as you can see all you really need to do is go to a lawyer. like it or not. 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, bob smith said:

    if you cannot sell it within that period i am unsure what will happen, maybe the thai government gets it or whoever is next in the familial line? might have to go to court at that point.

    first level parent (her mother or father) then siblings (brother, sister) will get the house. Government get the house only if there are no people left in family tree. in OP case most likely brother will take it.

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  4. not 100% sure but,


    both of you can go to a lawyer and she can sign a document saying she is the real owner and let you stay and live in the house until you die (you and she can put other conditions here). this is what we did with my ex-wife after we divorced. im pretty sure similar thing can apply in your question.


    OR again with a lawyer she can make the owner of the house her brother UNTIL the daughter comes to age and also give permission to you staying and living in the house without any complications till the daughter comes to age. Then the house will pass to the daughter. Meanwhile the brother has no right to do anything to or with the house. only keep the house till she comes to the age. 


    i would go with the second option. But let the lawyer understand that till the daughter comes to the age no one can do anything to the house. this will secure you. BUT keep in mind that this will limit things, maybe cannot sell the house and likewise things. 


    PS: if you dont take any action, the brother will get the house (most likely)


    good luck



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  5. 1 hour ago, nicelee808 said:

    Is there or law on how much notice I have to give, my contract says 3 months, do I have any right to cancel before that?

    yes, its better if you give them 3 month notice if you want to play safe.


    normally its 1 or 2 months. If an emergency case you can do 2 weeks notice.


    if you are ok with the school and you think it wont be a problem, just tell them you must leave at the end of the month. Do it with a written letter on the 1st day and ending day will be 30th. keep a copy of the letter for yourself. OR just tell them a lie; maybe your mom is in hospital back in the country, some relatives pass away, etc. if they say we will wait for you just tell them you dont want to be selfish and not sure when to come back, they will get the message.


    or if you are not in some kind of urgent situation, just wait till the semester ends. i believe another 2-3 months left.


    PS: i have seen some people quit from work in 1 month. notify them 1st of the month and ending date is 30th of the month. seems fair for both sides.


    PS2: be very careful with the termination letter. Sometimes they write the date you notify them! that means you will be overstay most likely. make it clear about this.


    PS3: they like to give the letter on your last day at work. If possible try to get it at least few days before just in case if there are some problems with the letter. safety first.


    good luck



  6. 12 hours ago, nicelee808 said:

    I need to leave without telling the school or cancelling my visa and work permit, just in case things don't work out, so need to cancel visa and work permit once out of the country. Could I write a letter and a power of attorney, and have my wife return the work permit and notify immigration?


    normally you should notify the school and labor office. many years ago one of my friend wanted to leave Thailand. Border immigration didnt let him leave the country without seeing termination letter. But again my other friend did leave without showing the letter. They were both leaving from land border. They stopped him because they want to be sure you are not running away for some reason and also if you paid your tax or not. Also he didnt cancelled his non-b at immigration too. 


    As mentioned if you can leave without any problems, there might be some problems if you come back and want to work again. First of if no one cancelled your work permit it will be in the system. most likely they will ask for termination letter. Here you can try a risky solution, just find an official thai government paper. Can be printed from many websites. Ask your wife to write the letter on computer and let her sign. it worked for one of my friends. They will just check the date on it if you are overstay or not.


    you can write a power of attorney, termination letter and have your wife return the work permit. For the immigration she cannot do anything. you need to be there in person. 


    when you leave the country your visa will be cancelled if you dont get a re-entry which you will not get one. Im not sure about the work permit though. I  believe it still stays. 


    a friendly reminder: if you not notify the school your working, and just leave like that you will break the contract and doing something illegal. Most likely nothing gonna happen BUT if you have some enemies there they may sue you and trust me you will lose. It can even end up banning you from working in thailand. Again most likely nothing gonna happen but just bare in mind. 


    good luck



  7. the thing is you are not a gold. thats the first thing you need to understand.

    what i mean is if you leave the job for some reason there are 1million other farangs waiting for your job. 

    so, you like or not what they pay you, they dont care. quality is not important for thai education. your face, you are handsome or not, students like you.. these things are important. Education in thailand is a big money business. 


    now think like this... if i can replace you with other 1 million hungry for job farangs, why i pay you big money? especially you are not even trained to be a teacher. just come to thailand and want to teach english because your mother language is english but it doesnt makes you qualified teacher. so... thia mentality says: why i pay more money then i have to, to this guy. if he accepts ok if not.. i have another 1 million in queue.. one of them will accept for sure. this is your answer.


    i think all farang teachers in thailand already know that you are a d o g but nothing more. youa re at the bottom. you are nothing and have no importance. and actually they hate you. many thai teachers think you get more salary then them and its not fair for them. even a thai english teacher who cannot say good morning thinks its not fair. 


    what can change this. only one thing. all.. and yes i mean all farang teachers must stop working at the same time. ALL OF THEM IN THAILAND. and say we dont accept this anymore. make our salaries as thais or this is it. im so serious. ALL must do this. this can be done? NO because no have balls. farangs cannot do that. 


    PS: i just remembered something i want to add. I have a british friend who is a teacher. he is teaching at this school for 5 years and he still gets the same salary. 35K. a new graduated teacher started as the same time with him (thai) and now shes getting almost same salary as him. i think 2000 less then him. 



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  8. On 12/3/2022 at 3:58 PM, edwardandtubs said:

    A lot of people are in such a rush they can't even spend one night outside of Thailand. I think they must be working on a tourist visa and can't get a day off work. 


    I just did a quick in-out to Laos but as the cost of the visa was $40, it would have been cheaper to fly to Hat Yai then take public transport to Malaysia and spend the night there before returning. Next time I'll spend a few days in Penang. Why are some people so desperate to rush back to Thailand?


    i understand what you are saying and kinda agree with you

    BUT i remember my non-o multi marriage visa 90 days. to drive from where i am to the nearest and friendly border is around 8 hours which is mukdahan. even that costs me almost 5000 baht.


     i also remember my getting a new visa days. from savanakhet. i always arrive mukdahan 1 day before the day i want to cross the border. its just because i dont want to do things hurry. so i stay 450 baht in a nearby hotel. so maybe this doesnt count if you come the day you want to cross the border. Crossing the border, visa, bus and everything if i remember correct is around 1500 baht. well non-o multi visas are 5000, single 2000. TR is also 2000 or 1900baht. hotels are starting from 450-500. a good one is 600 and really nice ones are 1800. tuktuks or vans are usually around 100 per one way drive. normal food and all the stuff is another 500-2000 baht. 


    with my gas for my car (2000 baht) and all getting a new visa is around 10K 


    lets say you are not doing a visa but only stay a night. again it would be around 5000-7000. 


    thats why people in a rush. its not about the time but money


  9. i assume you have non-b

    and i assume you quit or fired from your work. 


    first thing you need to do is get a termination letter form your employer. The date on the letter is your last day for your visa which means your non-b will end with the date on your termination letter. check the day on it carefully and make your plans.


    second thing you need to do is go to the immigration and give the termination letter. they will tell you, you have 24 hours to leave the country. if you already have another job ready you can get your or continue your non-b on the same day no need to leave the country. To do this you need all the documents with you from the new work on that day. if you dont have a new job then you have 24 hrs to leave. 


    you also need to give back your workpermit to the labor office. If you trust your work, you can ask them to do it for you. they can or not. i advice you to it by yourself. you will need a copy of your termination letter and maybe tax papers. im not sure you should do this before or after the immigration. i would try to do before if possible.


    I dont believe you need any form to do all these things. 


    few things you must keep in mind. Up to your work and staying in thailand (i mean how many years) where ever you go thai embassy might reject your tourist visa to come back to thailand. I have many friends rejected. the reason was 'you stayed long. go back to your country and get a visa from there'. it is true. it happened at least 4-5 of my friends. another thing is again up to your history they may reject your re-entry at the immigration without any visa. 


    if you are planning to switch to another visa type, i do believe you need to leave the country. you cannot get any other type of visa after you cancelled your non-b. if im wrong im sure other users will correct me.


    another thing is your vaccination situation. including thailand and other countries are checking your vaccine situation. i believe you need at least 2 shots.


    If you are not coming back to thailand, all you need to do is surrender your work permit to labor office with termination letter, go to immigration with the termination letter. I strongly suggest to keep your tax papers. safety first.


    hope this will help, good luck

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  10. well you asked many questions but actually there is one question you need to answer first: 

    10 hours ago, spambot said:

    previous mix of O, O-A, Tourist and a few Visa exemptions over 12 years

    whole of 12 years how come you didnt or couldnt extend your visa, by yourself or using an agency?!


    10 hours ago, spambot said:

    I really am trying to understand where rejection (or warning of rejection) actually occurs in the process, between the four stages 1). Thailand Imm OUT 2). Border Country IN 3). Border Country OUT 4). Thailand Imm IN.

    i dont know nowadays but when i went to cambodia border with my multi non-o IO told me he will let me out just for this time because im abusing my non-multi by not making it 1 year. he let me go and come back but write 'this is my last doing this and i cannot do it again' right on my passport page in thai using red color pen. dont tell me he cannot do or else. he did and i can show its photo! and actually i found out that yes he can do that. so rejection starts at the thai IO side. they will not let you go because they know you cannot come back. so they tell you go back and prepare your documents for a new visa because if you go you cannot come back. 


    10 hours ago, spambot said:

    I am assuming that there is no situation where you can exit one country's border and be prevented from entering the next border since you would be stuck in no man's land. 

    there is no such situation for land borders and almost impossible air borders. for land borders they will stop you and dont let you leave the country. simply will tell you to go back and be ready for get a new visa. 


    if i were you i would extend my visa.. thats all you need to do


    good luck

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  11. i would ignore the posts


    first of all you must respect the country and its rules. rule says you have to have 20K thai baht. thats it. they check or not, they care or not... it says. respect that.

    and you did, thank you for that. you need that money in thai baht or same amount where you are coming from or the money you are using. just be careful about your currency there are some currencies thai banks dont exchange

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