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Posts posted by problemfarang

  1. well tbh Ubon gave me 1 or 2 wrong info too in the past. But still no need to blame anyone here. Ubon helped lot people or at least gave some serious ideas ahead. 


    things can change or can be different up to the situation. its is very normal in thialand.


    when i mentioned few things and say something against some people or against their ideas, they started to ignore my posts even when i was asking a question (yes, including moderators) 


    so my suggestion is keep it to yourself, thai style. dont blame or say something negative. they will ignore you in the future and you wont get any more answers. write your report.. thats it. 


    btw its a nice report.


    glad you did your visa. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. Hi

    use the mobile app mentioned. No need to go to the immigration

    just download it to your or wife phone. You will need photo of your wife ID, house book and your passport photo in the phone so you can upload.

    when she has the app she must register herself first via app then check her email and follow the easy 2 steps. then here you go.


    suggestion: take screenshots in every step of the app. And save them. You will need as a TM30 proof if needed. Its also a good idea to print the pics. 


    its very easy and takes probably 5 min all things. 


  3. 6 hours ago, Joinaman said:

    Gf has put post  on FB showing these men

    you want me to post on here ? is it safe to do so ?

    i videoed it all, but didn't put that on FB in case it caused trouble  for me being a falang 

    not rural area,  the main town on the island 

    not sure what it is, pawn or gold, just going by what she called a gold shop. I have never been there so no idea 

    saw a photo on guys phone showing GF on camera outside shop, so not sure if that's how they found her , she was wearing the shirt with our bar logo on it . But she sold this almost a month ago, seems the only find it fake when they melt it down 

    As far as i know this was the 2nd time using this shop, once to buy, once to sell the same item 

    we both kept telling him we had the receipt with the gold weight and item on it showing the sale, which to me meant anything after that is their fault , not ours. They check and weigh before buying i assume ?


    i see..

    seems like they understand you are a bar owner and tried to trick. and yes, most likely it was fake but they sold you. Probably when they bought back they forgot to check or something like that. Maybe a rookie cashier. Then the real guy relized or remembered the gold and tried to tell you its fake.. lol actually you did well. sold back his fake gold to him.. hehehe


    if you think everything is calm down dont post anything. dont delete the video and make a copy (safety first) the papers you have and keep them safe.



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  4. is it a pawn shop or gold shop. seems its not a gold shop tbh. 

    why they know your address? i bought some serious amount of gold and never been asked my address. 1 shop tried to get my passport copy and i told them no, then in 1 min they said ok no problem. 

    and.. sorry to ask but why were you selling a gold ring which you bought from the same shop? thats what makes me think its a pawn shop. 7 guys showing up.. never heard such a thing unless its a really really rural area. and even there.. so might be something you are not telling the full story? 

    they refused to call cops and what did stopped you to calling them? obviously its not your first time using this pawn shop. 

    didnt they give you any paper work when buying the gold and selling it? after that no one can do anything.. done is done. im so surprised they didnt come with cops. 


    i would stay at home for a few days and observe around.. safety first bro.


    good luck

    • Like 1
  5. Hi,

    im also working for Royal Thai Airforce. 


    we are hired directly by Thai government. We are all ex army/veteran or etc. officers training thai air force or likewise branches


    1) you are working for an american company or US government working with thai government, you will get F visa and item 27 as Ubon mentioned. 

    2) you are like us hired by thai government, normal non-b but you will get some of ID which will put you in VIP situation. Its kind of military card. Believe or not but it works great. Show it to cops they will let you go away from almost any situation you will face. But expect a call to your work from the police explaining what happened.


    if its number 1, US government or company should do everything and you dont need to worry. Thai embassy and US officials will arrange all for you. Plus its not possible that you will do these documents by yourself if your working for the US government.


    PS: i think i know what you will be doing here. I have friends before in your position. they left now. went to Korea. Most likely we will meet, also no need to this top secret thing. its not that secret and actually not even military thing that much... see ya soon


    good luck

  6. 9 minutes ago, hakancnx said:

    If there's many holidays in the 15 day window, as now in October,  it could be prolonged. 


    That happened to me when applying in Chiang Mai in July. 

    Had to get an extension even if I got 21 days left on my exempt. 

    There are only 2 different off days in this month. 1 is 13 and i cannot remember the other day, sorry. May be 15

  7. On 9/23/2022 at 2:26 PM, araiwaja said:

    Just spoke Thai (with a few Isaan words I could muster), smiled, and genuinely didn't care if we could reach an agreement or not. Plenty of other tuktuks out there. I think they make a decent profit on ฿50, it really is a short distance

    Well i still couldnt manage any discount even with my fluent thai and esan.. but i think you were lucky because they really really need customers after covid. Im pretty sure they will ask 200 instead of 100 in a months time when all really get back to normal. Then again there will be no place for a bargain.. 


    Well done and congrats about making it 50. ????

    • Like 1
  8. it looks like to me they lost your passport or they are really waiting some documents or like that.


    tbh most likely they lost your passport and cannot tell you. again they have nothing to lose. All your signed contracts and things are nothing. losing passports or other documents are very common with agencies. i have 2-3 friends their agencies lost really important things. they didnt even care or paid. well because at the end of the day you cannot do anything. thats it. 


    i would go to the police and make a lost report. then my embassy with the report. you dont need to go to samui, dont listen them. jsut go to the nearest police station and tell them you lost it probably in taxi or MRT. thats all. take your paper they will give you and make 2-3 copies and keep the copies always

  9. On 3/2/2022 at 6:25 PM, iziz said:

    Please point me in the right direction if you have any thank you

    Most agencies take the money before doing the visa because they have to give the money (bribe) to the immigration officer who is taking the bribe. Also they take some amount too of course. So thats sound legit.


    Although the website looks little bit copy paste to me. i mean the icons and everything is copied from IO website and used in this website which seems odd. It doesnt look like any pro website tbh. 


    You mentioned they dont have office? when you add up, i would say dont trust them. 


    I dont think agency can help you in your situation. 


    now pointing you to the right direction: Find a job or a wife or retirement age.. basically what im trying to tell you is find a reason to make you stay in thailand instead of Ed visas, martial art visas, cooking classes... whats your plan? whats next after this ed visa, thai dessert classes?

  10. 10 minutes ago, sadmoneysnow said:

    Is an education visa not a proper visa? The school told me I can renew it 10 times for 10 years. I'm going to be fluent in Thai language for sure

    so you want to study till you die? lol

    obviously you are using the vis to stay in thailand.. not to learn thai or you can join thai cooking classes next?

    by proper visa i mean like, work? wife? 

  11. there are some people walking around sometimes around exchange offices. Especially when they are close. They might take it.


    try airport too. taxi or tuk tuks also might work


    one of my friend told some people around him that he is lazy and sick to go and exchange the money if they take it he will give them little bit lower exchange rate then the real rate. They accepted so he got rid of them. Dont know hat happened next, but probably they found out that they cannot get them to the bank.. hehe

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