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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. well, that means she didnt try the letter telling he will work for him. So, i dont know if vouch and the letter i said are the same thing or not. I dont think so. if yes, same than ok. but if not please stop replying to my posts about this. it looks like you just reply any posts you see. because its totally a new way to do for him and his friend. thanks!
  2. the agency i used for 2 years, opens in Bangkok. I think it was Kasikorn. she did for another friend was taking non-o retirement
  3. Well, obviously you didnt understand what i mean... i was trying to say maybe she can write a letter. the letter i mentioned. i dont know if she tried that or only went to the bank and ask to open an account. and before you post something again i also added if it wont help you can give an idea for others.
  4. Not sure it will help your case or not: my friend opened a bank account without a work permit. And most likely no residency paper. one of his friends helped him. He has a Thai company here and he is thai. he wrote an official letter to the bank with signature and stamp. Now im not sure if he added anything else to that letter or not. Maybe like a documents shows his work is real or not. I think he added that too. In the letter he mentioned that this guy will work for him and asked them to help about bank account. this is also how many schools do. They first write a letter same this one and the bank opens account. he and his friend went to the bank (kasikorn) it took 10 min to open an account. maybe your insurance friend can help, worth the try. If not your case might give an idea to other people.
  5. Hi guys, so today i did something i really wanted to do for some time. I bought a durian, ate it and started to watch many youtube videos 'how to plant durian from seed'. as you already understood i will try to plant durian in my garden. So i went to the nearest agriculture shop which is very easy to find in nonthaburi. bought very special soil for growing durian and 2 small pots. from my research i found out February-May are not the best months to plant young durian tree( 1-2 yrs), they dont mention seeds so i will try my luck. I saw 2 types of planting. 1 is just plant the whole seed body under the soil (not very deep maybe max 5 cm deep) 2nd is and this type of the videos are the most i saw you plant half of the body. after 2-3 months if all ok then you will move it to another bigger pot then goes like that till you really plant it. Which will probably in a year time. Although every video mentioning that no sun shine at all for young durian trees (1-2 years). i spent long time to find out for the seeds stage. couldnt find any info. I think it should be the same logic and no sun shine at all. all videos says shade place. im most likely wrong but i think sun shine is also good for plants to get their needs to grow up. Maybe not too much but i really think at least 1-2 hours per day. So i was wondering if you have any idea about this? i just planted 3 seeds in to 2 pods, lot of first time water and left them in a shade place. no sun shine at all. But it will be hot. 1 pot i planted 5cm deep, other 2s half of the seed is in the soil rest out. So i tried both ways videos saying. Didnt try kitchen towel way. I dont know if to keep them in the house for a while is a good idea or not. I scare the AC will drop the heat they need. I heard durian need some hot air also. what do you think about this? if you have any suggestions, ideas please let me know thanks
  6. I would go there at least 1 time and ask if there is something wrong or this delay is because of holidays. You are calling them every day means you really worry about it. And you are lazy for a 20 min drive... if nothing on monday again, go there on tuesday. Nothing to lose. But as Ubon said and probably correct its only because of holidays and im also sure because of covid and so on they must be very busy
  7. ohh i tought his multi will expire soon. Well, then he can just fly to cambodia and come back. seems its the best option so far. but a question; he used lot of extensions in thailand without leaving. Yes, has multi but can still use if he go and come back? they wont say anything at immigration? thanks
  8. just heard on thai news when listening the radio. It passed.
  9. you need to spend a week in cambodia. my friend just done it, applied on monday and got it on friday. No restrictions entering cambodia just hotel booking and fully vaccinated is enough. Only thing is cambodia will give you 90 days visa (single entry) not multi. keep this in your mind. This might give you some time to think your next step. you need, marriage certificate / wife ID / wife house book / letter from your wife / 80usd / bank letter (this is just to show you have a bank account) Also most most likely there will be no PCR test or thailand pass anymore from 1 May. so if you can wait for it. For retirement visa or marriage extension visa, if you need an agent contact me, i can give you details who i used for 2 years. retirement will be cheaper. good luck
  10. UPDATE: after i tried 3 times booking . com my credit card (kasikorn bank) it declined. i was really shocked. Called the bank and kind of argued with them about this (and i must say they know me very well) Because my card limit is really enough and i mean it. and actually this was the first time i had a problem with kasikorn bank in 17 years. It is my favorite bank. I hate bangkok bank. i had many many problems with them and they just cannot fix it bunch of imbeciles.. anyway it turned out that kasikorn was right! i was so embarrassed. booking . com is having issues with visa cards!!! they just cannot confirm them from the bank for some reason. so after that i went to expedia . co . th .. WOW 2 minutes and actually CHEAPER than booking . com around 2000 baht! i even got SMS and email from the airlines confirming my booking and i even chose my seat for free!! so he airlines official website was 35K, booking was 27K expedia was 25K.. lol i was wondering if i look more maybe could find more cheaper ahaha and this is urgent booking. its next week i just shared my experience. Im sure it might be different for you. thank you all
  11. good idea. thanks thanks for the info the luggage is 30kg + can take 1 bag on plane.
  12. thank you, i checked from websites just as you said. Nothing bad and actually many serious places says its the best. thanks again. i think i will buy the ticket
  13. yes, cambodia gives 3 month (single visa) only at the moment 80usd
  14. My friend did a very positive Cambodia non-o thai spouse visa run. Well actually not run he got a new non-o visa. He applied on monday and got it friday afternoon. He said they checked all documents really strict. But no questions asked, no problems.
  15. Hi guys, I was checking some airways to buy a ticket from their official websites. The one i want is around 35K baht. then i checked booking . com and found the same flight 25K and as you can understand i was like what?! i never used this website before. If anyone used this website could tell me they are real or not. If real why they sell 10K cheaper? Whats the catch if there is one? can i fully trust this website and use my credit card? i dont worry about hacking thing but i worry when i go to the plane they will tell me this is not a real ticket or booking! Or a not nice surprise. thank you
  16. i think if you try to leave they will send you to another stand and will transfer your visa then you can leave. this action is for security and avoid criminal acts or likewise. it is not safe for the immigration just let you go with the new passport without showing your last visa. people who did that is just luck. thats all. although i cannot believe immigration didnt see the CANCELLED on the first page.
  17. i think you just gave the answer... why dont you just tell them as you said: 'My only intention is to enjoy the ease of restrictions and want to enjoy thailand better' ??
  18. i suggest you to find a new work. yes, you need to cancel your non-b visa after ending your work. and yes, you will have max 7 days to leave the country after cancelling your non-b visa. how to stay longer... basically there is no way if you have no job. Well, you dont have a thai wife.. and note 50 yrs old. another option is ED visa. But what then? are you planning to stay for long time? or just for fun? you need to decide this. then act as needed. thailand is not a FREE ENTRY and LIVE country. people need to understand this. asking how can i stay longer is a funny question. the answer is obvious: find something to get the right visa or the reason to stay. if you are going to stay here longer, find a job its the best way. then find a lady you really love and trust and want to marry.. then the rest is yours. good luck
  19. my post was not only for you, sorry if it seems i made a mistake about the time. but the main idea stay same
  20. I understand and respect your decision living in thailand and enjoying living here more than your home country. there is nothing funny or wrong about it. Although you also must respect that a country needs a visa to live in. a visa type which gives you permission to live in a country which is not your country. Im sorry but to say i want to live here is.. just not enough. you are simply trying to live in thailand with a tourist visa. its name on it. tourist. from your post its obvious you have no money problem. so why dont you just do a business and make a reason why you can stay in thailand instead of trying to stay in thailand? this post is also for the OP. so many years on tourist visa, seriously whats your aim? what are you trying to do? with all respect but i really hope you cannot get TR visa. its just because it feels not fair for the people doing everything right to stay here or live here or work here. But people like you just trying to live here based on TR visas... i mean you dont work, no ED, no charity.. nothing.. common
  21. Hi, first of all its sad to hear 12+ marriage might end. but trust me its not the end of the world. second, as long as you guys are officially married you dont need to take any action. After divorce yes, you need to inform this to immigration and do what you can do to extend your visa. If you change your place, i would do a new TM30 nothing to lose but it will be good for you later. safety first. speaking first hand, i strongly suggest not to stay marry but live separate and use the marriage visa. Thats what one of my friends did and it didnt ended up well for both sides. Both legally and personally. Had lot of issues and problems. you have mentioned you can extend as retirement, do it. it will make your head and minds clear about the visa which is the most important thing actually. also you will not stress yourself with what will happen IF questions. also you will get your visa freedom. I must say if a couple started about divorcing, there is nothing to do more. soon or later most likely it will end. So if i were you i would ended before breaking both side's feelings more... ended as a friend, thats better. If it comes to this, i strongly suggest to sign a contract for both sides sake. I know 12+ year wife and who else you can trust more. right? well its not like that trust me. after divorce if there is a house,car,etc. believe me it will be a problem, soon or later. but for sure. unless you sign a contract and decide who will take what. if there is nothing at all then no worries. good luck
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