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Everything posted by problemfarang

  1. sorry to hear waht happened to you... but i think there is no one to blame from thai side... i hope you can solve the problem and get your visa and the extension soon good luck... PS: did you tell BB about the situation and they can make it faster?
  2. with all respect to your opinion i dont agree. its your passport, your responsibility. Why other people must do their normal work harder or in a rush just because someone is lazy to do things on time? Then everyone would change their passport on the last day.. can you imagine the confusion! Imagine you are at working a office and someone comes in (almost everyday) and says ohh im in a hurry please stop what you are doing and do mine pls..
  3. well if you consider many country wants you have a min 6 month valid passport.. i wouldnt say its a stupid idea as you think...
  4. well everybody on the forum said its illegal. But tbh whose gonna notice that.. its just a suggestion to save money from writing a will. Or (its kinda sad to say like this way) can just transfer the money via app to your wife if you feel... your almost at your end... I would go with a lawyer (6000K one time payment) OR app option. 1 of them Also many people wrote lot about my ATM card comment. again tbh i didnt know its that dead difficult to go to a bank which you already have an account and get an ATM card. Or why don't have one so far?! And i read some comments like some people scare their wife know their account no or details.. I dont understand this either, she is your life partner.. good and bad days.. if you cannot trust her in your last breath.. wow then why did you marry!? or.. are you planning to take 800K to your grave with you?!
  5. i see... so can he talk to the bank and appoint someone for his account after dead? i remember one of my friends did soemthing like that
  6. Best option is download mobile app as suggested above
  7. No need to be in the list. You are not doing the purpose of the visa.
  8. Back to topic, First of all everyone must know that you can be denied to entry even you have a visa at the border for a reason. Reasons for thailand already listed. But one of the reasons is abusing your visa. This includes non-o multi too. I know many people say i have the visa so they must let me in. Well the answer is actually, no. First of all the visa is given to you so you can extend it. That simple. If you use your non-o multi for 5 years thats abusing the system and they will not let you do it. You need to think objective on this one and with a clear mind. Same thing is for the tourist visa. If someone simply trying to live in thailand with a tr visa, well its abusing again. I also think it is not fair for the people who are trying or doing hard to extend their visas. So i totally support IO with this one. So in my opinion there is no illegaly deny. Its just IO relized what you are trying to do and stopping you. Every country in the world (UK is the leading) do the same thing. Actually if you ask me thailand is very soft doing this and very kind. Tolarate you in many cases.
  9. there are some nice places near the river. nice esan food and nice view
  10. with 40 million baht, i would open a construction or restaurant business. i would build a house with a swimming pool and a great garden and other things. I would build it in my construction work land area so it would count the business asset. So i can own it and live in it freely. I would do the same thing for the restaurant. With the rest of my 40mil i would buy a nice car and name it under my business so there will be no legal issues. i would put the rest of the money into the bank. i think better than buying a 1600 square meter land.
  11. So do you mean someone can have more than 1 work? So OP is working at a school and can work in another school too using the first school work permit regarding to the new law from 2018? If so, thats too good to be true Thnx for the answer
  12. No. Because you can have only 1 work permit for 1 work. But its little bit up to your side business... do you mean sell online, then yes, you can. Do you mean own a coffee shop and serve there after school, no.
  13. i think its being stupid miss the 90 days. I cannot understand why you want to do that willingly. Is there any other reason why you dont want to do it besides just being lazy to go there or lazy to do online? these kind of actions affect other people soon or later. These kind of actions are the cause we have to deal with more stupid things from IO.
  14. never work with an agency in thailand, trust me. you can find many schools by yourself. just go and look ajarn . com even if you are not a native english speaker im sure there are many school will invite you for an interview. If you can teach math your chances are really high to get hired even by international schools which pays better than teaching english. good luck
  15. courier lied to you. you have the full right to return the mail / parcel unless you take it and get into your house and come back and tell him you want to return. From the moment he gives you and you take it to the home with you, you can give back the item. I hope you didnt pay for it. thats my number 1 rule, cash on delivery. once i ordered something and then i decided not to buy it. When it arrived to thailand i called the driver and told him i dont want to receive it. He said ohh he is already got the parcel, he is already out for the deliveries for everyone, blah blah stuff. I again told him well i dont want it. he little bit tried to resist with reasons like but the parcel is already here in his car, with him... after my 3rd NO, he said ok.
  16. you can use your mobile to sign in. There are 3 options there, google, facebook and mobile.
  17. i think up to the reason. Is it because of some illegal activity or not.. or did you do anything wrong in your old school.. have many things you think its ok but actually not ok in thailand. if its only your old school told them you are not a good teacher or likewise, its totally up to your new work to decide to work with you or not. It seems to me if your new school call them and ask them about you, they will not say anything good. If i were you i would try to find a new recommendation or reference name and remove that both schools from my CV. Your next school has no chance to know about this unless they call the old schools. No need to worry. Just forget about this and find a new one. good luck
  18. im not fully sure but if you get a tourist visa you should show some money with you (20.000 baht?) and few other details they might ask or want to see. if its not complicated there, i would get a marriage visa for 3 months (single entry). im pretty sure there will be no problems at the immigration. play safe ????
  19. well tbh whatever you do, this or that they cut almost the same amount. it changes really little. So i would chose the fastest way. mostly the cut is around 1000 baht. dont think too much about it. these things are international, cannot change because they will not let to change. think like this you want to sell your mobile, go to a shop get a price and checked other shops, you will get the same amount just 1 up 1 down. because they already agreed about this. same for the money transfer. Again, i would look for the fastest one
  20. If you will take a new visa staple pages will be problem. they wont put visa there, because the page is damaged for the visa. But if only stamp, no problem. if you think too much about this, why dont you get a new passport and feel more comfy and no stress..
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