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Everything posted by Stevey

  1. Hi Thanks for the reply’s. Looks like Our man was right on the Cusp of 2016 I think he was just out of the old pension though. He had an Army pension and from what I’m reading she will be entitled to it. A paper trail to follow. I will post an update as the process proceeds.
  2. Actually on reflection I mean the retiree in question retired from the Army 20 or more years ago but his old age pension kicked in around 2016, I remember him talking about he’d just got it. Am I understanding correctly that the widow is entitled to a percentage of NI contributions if he had been in receipt of ‘The old pension’ prior to April 2016 even if for a short period ?
  3. “If you already retired before April 2016 then any state pension rights you have built up – including those your wife might be allowed to inherit – should be protected” This guy retired well before 2016 does this mean she has an entitlement do you think ?
  4. Hi Apologies if this has been covered. A UK Friend of mine formally of HuaHin had died recently and leaves his wife who has same Surname to him. She is struggling to get through the paperwork and is in severe financial straits now. He was over 70 and had an Army pension and a UK old-age pension. On the waiting some paperwork from her but in the meantime I’ll be interested in anyone maybe putting some advice my way and people to contact in Thailand that could ease the journey cheers Steve
  5. Friend of mine here recently had all his 6m life savings stolen by his wife as he was retiring. Even took his last 3month trip money as that got paid into the same account she had accessed. This account was in his name but he periodically gave the ATM card to his wife if he went on long trips where he wouldn’t be able to give her money easily due to internet at sea etc. He had no internet banking set up and on one day he had his ATM card swallowed he says he just thought he would forget about it and now just decided to leave the account sitting with his savings. What had happened, I’m told, is she had somehow by obtaining his passport copy had opened internet banking at the ‘ ATM ‘ ? and then got the App and the place all her contacts details on the account. She then proceeded to send 20k to an account which we believe to hers or maybe some gambling enterprise. When he got back from that last trip an they headed to immigration she broke the news that she had stolen all his money and that he didn’t have enough for the visa. She’d also had the money for his final 3 month trip he’d just completed 25kUS if I remember correctly. Now on top of that all the land vehicles etc that had been accumulated over the marriage had been unknown to him been ‘ hocked ‘ ‘ in the shop’ placed as security with friends who loaned her large amounts of more money she had lost probably to gambling , but who knows with this lot, so that’s all gone. This has all got to be reimbursed to the shops, banks and the friends and family member who have been dragged into the saga. It’s amazing here how people will borrow money from friends who will for a little interest for themselves the borrow that money from someone else, only to be left holding the bill themselves at the end. In the case of one friend who lent money says to anyone in the village that’ll listen that she’s owed 5m Baht ????. Now what’s this got to do with banks you may ask ? Well my girlfriend when I suggested that my friends wife must have had help from someone at the bank because she is not that adept with technology to carry the fraud out single handedly immediately agreed and gave me the impression that the banks are not as trustworthy and open to recourse as they are are in say the UK Moral maybe is protect yourself from your loved ones and the bank.
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