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Everything posted by Stevey

  1. Please I’m sick of watering all the trees I’ve just planted
  2. https://www.samsung.com/ae/support/mobile-devices/changes-to-gallery-sync-samsung-cloud-drive-and-premium-storage/#:~:text='Gallery Sync'%2C 'My,and files that you want. Is all that going to google ? And life is so much easier on an Apple device with face recognition. If my iPhone12’s face recognition system says it’s me that good enough for my bank so it must be secure
  3. I’ve currently got seven dogs but have had 10 in the recent past. I used to purchase the brown chew believing that swallowing 100 of the tab is better and worth the extra money. In practice. One of up to 10 dogs, I gave it to would just ate the chew. I had to make it moist and create a paste and put it on some food or something to get it to swallow it a very big hassle when you’re trying to feed it to up to 10 dogs. I then opted for the Spot on version. This also has its pitfalls. My advice is don’t put it on the neck in one go put it in various spots along its back, so there’s not too much in one place because the dog will try and shake his body and shake it off. If you’ve put it in small spots, there won’t be enough to shake off, but if you’ve got a large wet patch, you’ve just administered you will see the droplets flying through the air as he shakes its self immediately after you administer it. After first eight months of this two years trip i used to used to pay for Bravecto at about 600Baht a tablet, which lasts three months. At that time we didn’t have so many dogs, about 5. The drugs don’t get sick regularly and I was always back and forward to the vets which was a hassle and expensive because the vet, the only one in town, would first say we need to check the blood and charge me 400 baht to check the blood on his machine. Then he would find that it was a low red blood cell count, and he would prescribe treatment for blood parasite. From what I can gather this comes from ticks. After treating nearly all my dogs over a period of nearly a year, I decided to bite the bullet and get some Bravecto that he had suggested only one time, I bought from Lazada, his price for a three month treatment was extortionate, and the reason why I had never bought it in the past. I also believe that he didn’t push it hard because this is how he made his money dogs constantly coming in with blood parasite from ticks and he didn’t want to kill his golden goose. Anybody who wanted the best for dogs would always suggest, just get some Bravecto from a cheap source which I did and I’ve never looked back. The dogs always had skin problems worms, trying to borrow into their skin, which I believe is maybe stall fly. And general open sores and obviously ticks and fleas. After the Bravecto had become established in there system, the dogs look like show dogs all of them, biting, and scratching of their bodies, stopped no more maggots underneath their skin from the stall flies, no more, turning their head around, and trying to bite their back near to the tail where fleas had buried their eggs. The first time I saw a tick and our property ( our property ????????) was a few days ago where next doors dog came round and he had them all between his toes and some in his ears. There is a Facebook page called ‘Nexguard Bravecto and the Simparica etc kills dogs’ It’s got 1000s of members and is full of hysterical women commenting on posts where new members come on and post “my dog died after after taking Bravecto or similar ‘ Also the members push not vaccinating of dogs saying that that is causing I’ll effects of ‘ over vaccination’ anybody who reads that Facebook page or come away with her head is spinning, not knowing what to believe. The women who runs it will have no dissent and if anybody tries to put a balanced argument for Bravecto she deletes the post and bans the member. These women on there refering to their dogs as fur babies and everyone is giving each other natural remedy recipes usually involving Garlic. Before I got banned last week I would always chime in and drop a “ I rub grated garlic and olive oil on all my fur babies “ the girls lapped it up. Im open to debate and it’s good to be aware of dangers from these pesticides but this group is frightening the members and stopping some dog’s getting a med which would considerably change a dogs quality of life.
  4. But in your summing up have you taken into account that I raise the older ones younger 5 year old brother ? Who has only known me as his father from 1 year old. If I separated from her citing her son and her failure to put her foot down I would lose close contact with him, me not entering the house maybe just seeing him supervised at best. It’s easy for one to advise to move out and move on to another potential liar but the joy I get from being with the lad outweighs the negatives. I just punish the bad lad by financing zero aspects of his life, no motor bike , no phone repairs no gifts no special food no AC in the room No TV in the room. And I don’t speak to him. All about not cleaning his room. Eventually there will come a time when he is gonna need 10k and that will be the time the pigeons come home. I have really thought hard about going the opposite way and trying to win him over but we were on good terms about 6months ago but the room descended to this state again and smoking cigarettes in the room also. Who does that in your moms house ? Ah well such is life. The little one has got me trapped between a rock and a hard place…being with him or with out him. It’s funny a friend here and his wife both said “ why would you care ? He’s not yours ! “ Why would people think someone could walk away from a child you have raised for four years and the last two years have slept in the same room every day and woken up together with. It really boggles the mind ????
  5. This is the exact reason why when I go out to a restaurant, I always take a massive suitcase with no wheels filled with rocks to reserve my table if I ever need to go to the toilet to do a line of Charlie
  6. The English will nick anything that’s not nailed down Eg. India Which they can have back.
  7. You can buy an android and open settings add a user name and password , verify the account is yours via a text from Apple to the registered SIM cards or pre-registered friends numbers and everything gets sucked into the phone ? Are you sure ? My general rule is to blank anyone I see with a non IOS phone on the basis that they either have no sense of right or wrong Sometimes I just feel sorry for them and try to educate the poor devil.
  8. My 3 penneth. I had to have a chuckle when your wife has to tells you they are not fluent. Anyway, I’m not at the level of that guy who always mentions in every post “and speak fu67ing ‘ good ‘ Thai“. But I got a book about 15 years ago called ‘ Teach Yourself Thai ‘. I was lucky to have chosen that book written by David Smyth, I wonder where he is and if he’s still alive now ? Early on he dismisses the idea of proceeding in learning speaking without learning to read Thai. I’m and engineer who fixes machines with electrical schematics diagrams and love to work out how things work so when I came ( here ) 15 years ago to visit my Dad ( another tale ). I saw the tie writing on the signs, which looked very interesting and difficult to decipher. I’m going to work this lot out I thought. When I went back to the UK, I stumbled across that book in Waterstones and spent the next six months learning. The next time I went back I went back to HuaHin which was near where my dad was. After about a week of confusion I finally came to the conclusion that these people don’t speak the language I’ve been learning, I don’t know what language it is they are speaking and I don’t recognise one word that anyone is saying from the book and I’ve been studying for the last six months. I carried on learning for a couple of years but the frequency of picking up a book dropped off. And years ago I stopped actively learning. It’s been an interesting journey of discovery and being able to converse with the locals and more generally Vendors in town has made the last two year stint more of an interesting experience. Also I have had the 5 year old here so I have had him introducing a new word most days, I just can’t ask him “ is that Thai or Isaan language? “ like I can the girlfriend coz he has no concept there are two languages. The level I am out now I can read all menus in any shop, but I cannot understand a newspaper can pick lots of words out but newspapers are another Level. I don’t speak the tones. I know all the tone marks and I know the concept that there are three classes of consonance, and if you have different tone marks with different classes of consonants the tone of the word changes in tone. The way my memory works. I just cannot remember the tone or sound. I can’t remember what a load Tone is which is used in the word ‘New’ and a high tone used in the word ‘No’ think like a child has asked for him to order a toy excavator 40 times “ Mai !! “ but not a hell of a lot more. When I was in my HuaHin’s after hours Nancy Bar years ago and I met an old guy and he gave me some advice and it works. The way the Thai persons brain works is they are looking for the last word of any string of words to be of the correct sound. If your think about a phrase or sentence with say 6 words the Thais don’t pronounce each word individually in the correct tone. They fire out a load of words and the last word will have some flourish in the end. But what I found is if I put some words together with a resemblance of a Thai accent , without mimicking the Thai accent your going nowhere so the shy look at the ground can’t make eye contact 60 ups are going to struggle, unfortunately. The secret then is to end the sentence if it has a questioning motive, which most sentences do, with a question word like Mai ? Or Bor ? Or my fave Chai Mai ? Or Le Bao ? Or up in Isaan a shortened Bor is a shortening to a quick Buh. The locals who had no idea what you were talking about suddenly hear the previous words in succession including more words than necessary to give the sentence context then the capping off with Mai , Chai Mai , Bor or Kao Jai Mai ? etc which a Thai version of “ yer get me ? Does that make sense “ etc where a statement suddenly becomes a question of do you get what I just said. Obviously I’ve had some practice over the last 4 years on and off in Isaan raising a now 5 year old. Also I’m abit of a mimic and like to have to fun and I will copy the way people speak. I once went a bit far mimicking a welsh guy in Hua Hin once and after a week he pulled a knuckle duster on me , that’s another story. These courses you see , for me , are 8ull<deleted>. If they get you to use the letter R then walk away. Those courses as far as I can imagine are aimed at people who are going to be working in an office in Sukhumvit. And at break time he/ Her won’t understand a word of what being said as Pim and Dah go at it in the Khon Khen dialect. But I was lucky in that I learned the Central Bangkok Language first so I know that they may say two words starting with L in succession but one of them is actually spelt with an R but has been changed. There is a lot of Guff in learning Thai and a lot of it is not required I just wish I could have met me 10 years ago and told me what not to concentrate on and what to concentrate on.
  9. I just hope you mopped the floor after
  10. @OneMoreFarang Yeah cruising Patpong with a paparazzi style camera is pretty normal. “ Ooh .. yeah that’s it baby ooh oh yeah the camera loves ya !’ Wait till I get to my dark room and get these developed ???? I film lots of situations on my phone and upload them to my YouTube channel, receiving in some cases more than five views, from my family,. And sometimes I may be with a local and I ask questions about the situation and receive answers. But I have never had the barefaced cheek to point the lens at someones face. And I wouldn’t ask because a lot of people would agree out of politeness, these lot will go along with most things like 5 jabs.
  11. Ahhh !! Nightmare. Sorry about that. You never know someone might hand it in or try and contact you. I left my bag on the floor while fishing with a couple of thousand baht in it and my iPhone 12. I went back looking for it but it was gone. Where I’d been standing was a dirt road between two reservoirs and people were riding back and fourth between village at that time yen yen. I searched for it i the FindmyIphone website but as pure bad luck is changed my sim and hour earlier coz the signal was no good on True. I couldn’t see my phone on the map. Ah ! I need to put money on the new AIS Sim ! I did that and nothing come up on the Map. Damn must be in a no signal area or someone has took the Sim out. Next day about 1600 someone come to our house and asks if we had lost a bag. Works out that they had sat on it all day while I went out of my mind with no access to banking and losing a £1000 phone. They had seen my driving license in the money back with Thai Address called someone in our village and asked if they had a particularly handsome Falang there and they knew it must be me. The girlfriend and I and little Dang went over to the village on the otherside of the Reservoir and met the family who had it while I moaned Why it took them over 24hours to get in touch when my address on the drivers licence was in the bag and it has about 2000 missed calls. The phone had signal but with AIS you must load the money and choose a plan to get internet connectivity while Dtac and true will use the money on the phone and internet connection is available. If I’d not taken the True SiM out that day and put the AIS I’d have been able to follow that fone on the Map or with my girlfriends phone in FindMyFriends App. I gave them the contents of the money bag about 3000baht and got off , still moaning. I know iPhones aren’t for everyone but when you lose it life is a lot easier to recover things than say an Android. I’ve had an IPhone 12 here get damaged and be dead and I was able to recover everything onto the new phone just by signing back into my Apple ICloud account. Contacts photos notes hundreds of work PDFs Messages passwords for everything Zummmm! Back on the new phone. And while you’re here if it’s possible to get an Esim , available on Dtac for an IPhone 12 they can’t remove it. Hope all that helps.
  12. Hi This cat pictured is a cat that has no owner, but I have been feeding since it was a young cat since about two years ago every night. I left out some chicken for it after I fed the dogs which I have seven of sometimes up to 10to feed. I could never get too close to it, but it knew I was a friend, not foe. A few weeks ago I found a cat in the next Soi that had been dropped over the refuge bin outside the house, so we look like it’s tales in the air and it was looking in the bin for something but it wasn’t, it was dead. That cat was outside a notorious house, full of naughty 10-year-olds. Then about a week after I find my cat has been dumped in the entrance to our house. A real shame. I buried her in the garden. I went next door, because technically it’s as if they are the owners because that’s where the cat spent its time although I was the one who fed it. I enquired about the cat and said do you know this cat in a picture where the cat was alive, I snapped, they said no, they didn’t know it. Then I showed them the picture of a it dead in the driveway and then this woman next door who is about as Clever as a tree said yeah it was killed by your dogs, I saw it. I then said if it was killed by my dogs why is there no blood on the body only a small tiny bit of blood inside as if it been shot boy a small calibre bullet? Even my girlfriend who will side with a Thai person over me even if they said it was 11pm and I pointed out the Sun still shining. So my question is I have never seen a dog come close to catching a cat, especially in the environment where I live where there are so many things for the cat to jump onto. Do cats get killed by dogs and when they do get killed do they do it in a bloodless manner ?
  13. And I’d of got away with it too, if you weren’t so clever with the technology an that !
  14. Is that a post ejaculation face?
  15. That was the guy. It taught me nothing good ever comes good of anybody stopping you and starting a conversation in the supermarket, and telling his life story. My guy was probably lonely. Not hard here especially for the older guys who have had some family peg it back home and with the ‘ I’m walking , I’m looking at the floor and I cannot see you ‘ situation there is little opportunity for to make a friend. Although many of those are of the North European bent and you probably wouldn’t be missing much in not getting acquainted with them. There’s a meet up point for Falang in the town that I was invited to a while back. I had a think about it and came to the conclusion that although I should really develop local relations I just couldn’t get past the fact that the patrons of said meeting place has shown themselves to be less than friendly on every occasion I had encountered them so on the day of the meet I declined. Later on I heard from an acquaintance that there is a large German contingent and non teutonic language speakers can find themselves frozen out. So I’ll probably made a wise decision.
  16. And that’s perfectly understandable. I remember getting involved in a conversation, I didn’t want to be in with somebody talking in Big C a while back, and he just turned out to be a complete nutcase. Someone say he should’ve been a perfect match for me.
  17. But the shy guys aren’t reading my posts. They are generally looking at me then quickly looking away. Im in a different position to maybe the majority of the Isaan Crowd as I’m visible younger. Do older nearer 60 age guys have the same problem ? i’m sure I remember a few years ago that Simon who has that channel LOS on YouTube made a video concerning this strange situation of Falangs not acknowledging other Falangs. I’ve enclosed a photo of myself to maybe help people understand my situation
  18. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    Ok when I get time later I’ll tell ( or make up ) what happened when he got back from Indonesia but was yet to know she’d taken all the cash.
  19. You should work for the US and UK government with those misinformation skills.
  20. How do these old guys know that I’m weird before they know I’m weird? No I’m actually 48 but I could easily pass for 40. You’re talking nonsense. We’re talking 90% of people walk past me or are right next to me and they say absolutely nothing. I am guessing that this is the reason. They’re 60 year old of mind starts racing and thinking I’m probably gonna end up getting knocked out here so the best thing to do would be to just stand there at the till and when the guy walks in and he walks up to the counter, I’ll just stay silent, he’ll probably order a bottle of Lao Khao and some Lays Extra barbecue and he’ll be off on that Salang I just saw him get off of.
  21. You can say what you like but there appears to be two camps. The people who will acknowledge another westerner who is within touching distance and has their face looking in your direction. And then there’s the other camp that contains old men who we’re probably previously either a civil servant or a rep for a paper manufacturer, who believes that he is right about everything and as I walk in to a small shop and you your wife and the shop staff turn to look you catch my eye and immediately look away. You think it’s over but you’re wrong cause I go on to berate. You say to yourself “ Ah !! Why did I look away ? That’s not normal ? The missus thinks it’s weird as well !! .. ah I know !! I’ll tell the aggressor that ‘ I don’t have to talk to you , it’s not the law !! Is it ? ‘ ah yeah that shut this Neanderthal up ! Oh he’s just called me a ดick head in front of my wife!! Right ! That’s it I’m taking too much more of this ! We never had a training day for this in the office. Ah he’s going , good ???? that’ll teach him ! You can say I’m aggressive if you want, I’m not. I’m not looking for trouble but no Simp is mugging me off in public. I would never resort to violence, I’m not violent but seeing these guys melt is fun.
  22. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    Colin’s was taken B20k at a time. He showed me the statements and his name written at the top and her email address and phone number below. I think I remember she left him about B20k out of the 6.5M. Although there must’ve been a large transaction made because as he was travelling back on that final ever off shore trip from Indonesia, they paid his money into that bank account, which I do believe was $50,000 after many months work , about $700 a day for 2plus months, as he was travelling back. She must’ve done a large transaction to extract it quickly. Nobody’s asked what happened when he got back and found out.
  23. I’d hazard a guess that you’re shy in the wild, yeah ? Look away do yer when someone coming at yer ? What are you afraid of ?? I’m not sure why these so called men are so shy. I’ll talk to anybody and I’ve been in a boxing ring a fair few times in front of a baying crowd so I’m not exactly easily scared. At one time I thought it was because they were German but I’ve had it a couple of times where after I’ve berated them in front of their wife they’ve spoken back and there English is okay and sometimes they are even English !! then I always say “your English, that’s even worse ! “ ????
  24. That’s exactly correct the Wives are more friendly than the husbands. Strange lads they are.
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