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Everything posted by Stevey

  1. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    I was hoping for one of your stories, you must have a few tales surely ?
  2. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    Teung laiw ! Tam Mai ?
  3. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    How very dare you ! I’m giving you this content out of the goodness of my heart because you’ve got absolutely nothing to do and Fairplay to you to be in that position. I’ve Gotta get back to the UK in a couple of weeks after being here over two years and I’ve got a lot of electrical work, gardening, planting trees, et cetera to get done. When I take time out of my busy schedule to allow you into my life because you haven’t got one, I’m doing it out of the goodness of heart. I’m dictating into my iPhone then having to go back and edit out the mistakes and publish it. And then you and your other troll mate ( who is probably you) decide to say that everything I said was lies ? Come on what have you got on ? you must have a story in you lad ? if I get over five favourable emoticons for this post. I’ll tell her Colin story, Saturday listening, and then @youreavinalaff and @save the frogs can give us one of their stories, about when they were a travelling sales man and the ink ran out in his pen. or the time it kicked off in a burger joint and he paid the waitress to sell her her uniform so he could pretend he was a woman?
  4. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    @youreavinalaff @save the frogs I know you’re a pair of trolls and that’s fine, I’m partial to a little trolling myself. But I do wonder what you look like and what your circumstances are. Theres a bare knuckle fighter in the UK called Danny Christie. he made a video about a year ago which really hit home for me, he discussed trolls. And what he had to say it was quite pertinent. He said that when you see a troll like you pair just wonder what could you possibly have going on in your life to be writing such negativity. And that’s how people see you.
  5. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    Yes, it’s all coming back to me now has Céline Dion sang. When he got back, she said that she had put the money into some kind of pyramid scheme that was on the news at the time and that they were going to get all the money back. And he actually believed her for awhile. It was all in the papers about two years ago. Celebrities getting ripped off and everything in Thailand. She decided as a fantasist that she would pretend she was involved in it. On multiple occasions he would say to me oh yeah a class action against the bank or something. You couldn’t make it up
  6. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    Some guys get all the luck
  7. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    You’re wrong and you’re welcome to come to the village and ask people I’ll take you around. I’ve only sold half the story. why can you not believe that they only had intercourse once ? This is Thailand, full of the strangest, weirdest man going. Why is it not possible that he had sex with her and then when she was pregnant she knew she got him and that was it. Actually, no, now I think about it his words were the last time they had intercourse was conceiving the boy so they may have had intercourse before then but the boy he’s over 10 years old so it’s immaterial how many times they had intercourse for then? Ps. I don’t care whether you read it or not it wasn’t for you to read
  8. I just take any 5hit of anyone and I’ve got zero embarrassment. This is life not a rehearsal. You mentioned there that you give people the eye contact and the nod and move on about your day. Perfectly acceptable. What I’m getting in town is or sometimes the village is a pretty much 90% of every Falang I meet makes eye contact for a second then mulls it over in the noggin for another half a second then the internal network says to him “ look away !! “. Very strange. So that where having zero embarrassment comes in. Like I said to a guy at big C a few weeks ago. He turned around from the ATM at the entrance all 60years of him and looks straight in my eyes. His mouth opened very slightly as I’d to say Hello and then thought better of it and he looked away. The poor boy did not know what he had let himself in for ????. So he got the treatment that they all get if they dare to make eye contact and look away, even if they are with their family. In a voice like I’m talking slowly to a child I say “ Go on…. you were gonna say Hi weren’t you ? Are you shy ? At which point this 60year old says in his continental accent with his bleached hair stammering like Boris Johnson “ Wwwwell I dddddont have to tttalk to you ! “ These boys are not men. How these lads are shy at 60 plus is a mystery. It’s called the land of smiles for a reason and I see this every day being able to speak the lingo and communicate with the locals in markets and in shops. But for these buffoons it is the land of frowns or Land of looking away. I am not interested in making friends with everyone I catch a glance of, I made that mistake last year and the guy would call me up and talk utter rubbish for 3-4 hours at 9pm and couldn’t get him to end the call, a whole night of relaxing lost to a sociopath pensioner. But IF it’s normal for a Thai to make eye contact with his fellow humans with a nod of acknowledgment then why are these oldies carrying on like they are above it all ? I think a lot of it is based on they get here , get in the local club, make enough contacts and think that’s me I’m set ! Not acknowledging another non-Thai man again ! I’ve lost count of the boys I’ve dressed down good and proper ???? great fun catching them out.
  9. Stevey

    Isaan Woman

    Ok. About Colin he is/was a clever guy obviously to be an LSS on dive ships you can’t be stupid. People are intelligent in different ways. I think he started here about 12 years ago. I have inside knowledge, because somebody who knew his wife told me her history which he doesn’t know. He was a mark from day one, and he told me himself, they’ve only had intercourse once, and that’s how he has the child. Then he was trapped. Because he was making good money offshore. They started doing big things, but she was someone who would just go to the ATM and take out 10,000 Bart many times she got used to that lifestyle. He buried his head in the sand and accepts that this is his life, and because he earns good money, he went with it. So how did She get the money? Firstly, Colin had his money in his own account in the Thai bank and the only way you could access it was by going in the bank or for using the ATM card. He told me that something like 7 years earlier, he’s had 7 million in an account that she could access and when he came back from a trip they went to the Visa office to make a Visa, and when the paperwork for his bank was pulled out the IO says you’ve got no money, and when he looked, she was right the money was gone out of the account. She told him that she had bought a share in a hotel in Maha Sara cam. I remember him telling me the story and thinking there’s no way she’s stolen 7 million of your money and then bought into a hotel, even as the words are coming out of his mouth. I was thinking she’s just paid the so-called partner who is the real owner of the hotel to say that’s where the 7 million went. I remember him telling me how he to advise them on things to do with the mechanical side of the building. He thinks he’s like an engineer but he’s absolutely useless. You can’t workout highway pressure switch works on his well pump. Anyway, I digress. The main point is he didn’t have Internet banking and once she opened up Internet banking on his account, she was able to just transfer money straight out of the account without him knowing while he was at sea. Either of the two ways this was opened is she either had a friend in the bank, that’s green in the local town or as he later said she admitted to she opened the Internet banking using an ATM card and do it using the ATM machine. People might say how did you get the ATM card ? He told me that away for a short trip, he would just give her the ATM card thinking that how much damage can she do with an ATM card in a week. It was maybe in one of these weeks that she opened up Internet banking on the account. He also told me that recently he had gone to the bank to use his ATM card and the ATM card got swallowed. Instead of follow it up, he just thought well that money is safe anyway. So I’ll leave it there. Andy forgot about that account and just let money get paid into it when he went and did trips. This was the account that she took over. He told me in early 2021 about all that happened and also showed me the statements. So when she made Internet banking, she also changed the phone number for the account to her phone number, so she got any correspondence from the bank in the form of messages and also she had her email at the top of the statement, but it had his name in big letters across the top. It was definitely his account. then he showed me where out of that account was being transferred 20,000 Bart many many many times until the account was empty. The crazy thing is she must’ve had a surprise because when he was doing his last ever pre retirement trip which he was coming back from as the money was being sent to his account he told me that he’d made US$50,000 on that trip and that into the account and she stole that as well. so when I arrived in 2021, he was glad to have a friend to talk to because he didn’t have a pot to piss in, although he did have a window to throw it out of that time which he hasn’t now because they had to sell the house to pay off debts. It works out that not only stealing all his money. She’d also lent money on every asset. They had cars, land apartments he bought 10 years. Etc. About a year ago he managed to get on a long trip due to a shortage of guys in diving as Thailand had banned everyone from India which I’m told is killing the money in diving. Now understand something. People will think this Stevey is a right piece of work throwing his so-called mate under the bus. As his and her life were melting down financially (that’s actually a good term, because in Thai language bankruptcy is pronounced ‘ ‘ ‘ Lum La Lai ‘ and la Lai is to melt ) I was in England and his wife, via my girlfriend, her cousin, contacted me and asked me to lend £1000 for a month. I eventually got that money off Colin but it wasn’t a month. It was over a year I think. The idea was that she would finesse that money out of him for some bull<deleted> reason and she would give me the money back but because he didn’t have any money in the end there was no money to give so she couldn’t finesse it out of him. what I didn’t know was that on top of the thousand pound I lent her but got back, she asked my girlfriend for the green book to a Yamaha Finn bike I had on a Saleng Sidecar. When I got here at the start of 2021, escaping the U.K.’s ridiculous Covid measures and lockdowns, I enquired about the green book to this bike which I just bought before Covid hit a year previous. All I got was lies for a whole year but she would sort out the tax disc somehow. I was convinced she had lent money against a green book herself. Until at the start of 2022, she told me it was her cousin Colin’s wife who had the book in the shop, with my girlfriend’s permission. I informed Colin of this situation because his wife didn’t want Colin to be angry with her. She told him I was lying. I think about six months ago, or more the shop came for the bike. Nobody was paying the monthly instalments I was asked to pay the bike off 20,000 Bart loan. I refused because 1. If I paid back the money the whole saga would be forgotten and my girlfriend and her cousin his wife will be back friends again like nothing happened at my expense and 2. My girlfriend had said previously. The 15-year-old son a motorbike, which I was dead against because I hate the 5hithouse. And she jokingly said oh well when you go back home, I’ll just take the Yamaha thing off the Sidecar and he can have that. So when I took the bike away, I was well happy. But it works as her sister stepped in and she bought the bike and ended up with a cheap nearly new bike which her daughter had for going to school in the local town? By the way, I know there will be people saying here. This is all rubbish and the OP has believed it all coming from his girlfriend. But I am pretty confident at all True. Now Colin had been away working, trying to get back to 6,5M she had stolen from him but one day I bumped into him in the village and I said to him what’s happening about this Yamaha and he said my wife says you’ve had the money back so that’s the end of it your girlfriend has had the money she’s lying to you. I’ll remember him saying that in the street and I didn’t know what to say because my girlfriend can tell some lies as well ha ha ha. Anyway, long and short of it is he owes me 20,000 Bart, plus I had to go and buy another bike to put on the side car which cost me about 7000 Bart in all, with no book so nobody can sell it from underneath my feet, or should I say ass? Anyway, that’s enough about Colin for now Sorry if that’s all a bit rambling, but I dictated it to the phone. It’s a long story and that’s just a little bit of it. I could write a book on Colin ???? I horrible piece of work. Who got NRB’d from the regular month on month of job he had for years because he kept upsetting people in management in Qatar and one day. When he got back to the beach they told him that was your last trip. Because of his important pivotal position, they probably wanted to do it before, but hadn’t got someone to replace him. That was when his problems started at the age of approaching 60, and been letting his missus take as much money as she wanted out of the bank and driving Flash cars for the last 10 years and now approaching retirement, and then his Mrs steals his retirement fund.
  10. Ahh ! Perfect I can get this off my chest. So you’re one of the ones who won’t make eye contact with other Falangs ? Yes I’ve been here a few years in Isaan near NongKhai. 4 years ago was the first time I experienced an old man blank me. I was in a little electrical shop browsing. A sixty up year old man had walked into the shop and as I turned around he was about a foot away from me. We made eye contact and I made some kind of remark such as Hi. He responded with a frowned questioning look and a made a face which is internationally known to mean “ why are you interrupting my life ? I entered this shop with my wife who understands about 25% of Zee Verds I speaken can you please get away from me “ I gave him a piece of my mind and I’ve been doing it ever since. Never seen so many shy sixty plus year olds. For a while I started to think it maybe them not being very good on the old English. But I let a guy a few months ago know what time it was as he walked right past me wearing a Panama hat on an empty street , I could have touched him he was that close. There is no way in the world I could possibly let someone mug me off like that in public so he got it too. Worked out he was English. Weirdos indeed but they think it’s weird to acknowledge a fellow foreigner that is standing next to you in a remote village corner shop. I’ve had that multiple times.
  11. Unfortunately she will more that likely be a lefty too. Maybe direct her to Andrew Tate for re-education. He should be able to talk some sense into her.
  12. Enjoying the discussion. I’ll post more soon been busy with SongKhran. Jesus it was hot today and yesterday. Seems to have cooled tonight thank the lord !
  13. Yes little Dang 5 has had a hill to climb as far as getting civilised is concerned. Dropping litter has been instilled as normal and I have had to reverse this. And other bad habits. One thing that really grinds my gears and I’m sure it irks some other members of the Isaan Section is when one of your dogs comes walking around the corner with a brown moustache only to realise it’s one of Dangs massive excrements that one of the dogs has sniffed out and is now running off with. I’ve pretty much got him passing his legendary logs exclusively via the toilet now.
  14. Don’t worry about my motives for posting my situation here. It’s cathartic to share it and I believe interesting for people reading about it. What does attention seeking mean btw. Just by the fact that I’ve posted gives me attention. I’m not seeking attention. I’m just sharing it. As I’ve said before you are a piece of work. You know that inside. Do you post under YouTube videos in the comments This channel is seeking attention ? You’re a strange kid.
  15. I get around everywhere in the area on my ADV bike. I see lots of different villages and you can see the ones with money and the ones without money and I can tell you now the one I’m in is one with money. Everybody here has money from rubber trees and rice fields handed down through the generations. These people do not know they are born, obviously they have to work for it but to just be bestowed by your family generations before a massive piece of land to grow eucalyptus trees or rubber trees on is good money. Lots of the people in this village have got big New trucks, but they’re probably paying off over 20 years, but generally don’t leave the driveway because they haven’t got enough money for fuel in it. anyway, that’s not my point I know if I wasn’t here to go on at her all the time this place will be far worse than this. I’ve ridden by houses many a time that look like a landfill. It’s funny because I can’t say she’s lazy she gets up at stupid o’clock and cooks the sticky rice. And then get to work in a factory where she works all day in the heat and drives back home for 1730. But the problem is when she wasn’t working for the first year of me living here through Covid she would sit around and do nothing and still the place was worse than it is now.
  16. There are recycle people who come round and collect stuff and give a little bit of money for bottles and cardboard, but mostly everything gets picked up every few days by the refuge collectors and get taken to a secluded spot landfill in the farmland near to the villages and it’s all dumped there. They are called บ่อขยะ Bore Ka-Ya.
  17. She is a hoarder. I remember one of the first jobs I did when I go here 4 years ago to live the dream. I replaced the Bakelite 25amp fuse that all the circuits were screwed together into and fitted a 15mA RCCB. In the process the Bakelite ceramic got broken. that is still in a <deleted> filled drawer somewhere, I come across it from time to time and I remember the time I first got here and the promise of the future. ????
  18. During the rat season (my girlfriend tells me it’s a season). Masses of rats brown in colour run across the roof and then make their way down to this bunch of bags pictured. Holding old rice and whatnot inside and then run back up onto the roof and then jump onto tree branches down the trunk of the tree and across the floor to where they live under the ground. My girlfriend sees them as absolutely no problem at all as if they were sparrows.
  19. I know ???? it’s mental.
  20. Yes well as my last two post have gone down a storm. I thought I’d bring up an other issue I have with my girlfriend and ask other members is this normal ? I tried to have the place ship shape but she is just not having it. I thought I’d present some of the scenes from the house externally and one of the garden I’ve installed. This 5hit is actually reclaimed and added to from a pile I made out front in the front near the Soi a couple of years ago when I could stand the ants that were nested under all the piles of items. That was quite a heap 3 m long 2m wide and at points a Metre high.
  21. I think you did well. I have to hope my oxygen thief clears off Asap Worst case scenario is he hangs around for the foreseeable and on my future visits he’s enjoying the treed Garden I’ve created with his friends and that’s my view.
  22. I just cannot talk with anyone who cannot accept others lifestyle choices. People are born with their own predilection as far as how they want to be as a human. Everyone is different. Someone who prefers women or men or ladybirds has no choice in the choice and is still an equal human as the next man or woman. Many people have secret desires and project the opposite of what they prefer.
  23. I just don’t see how it’s my fault ? My girlfriend is crazy 35% of the time. Any mention of the the teen ( named Boss) and I get all or one of the Thai translation of ‘ shut up about it ‘ and a bad mood. This has been the situation for a couple of years and she just says she is bored of telling him. Just can’t get her to try and cajole him by just placing sanctions on him , no washing machine use unless you buy your own powder, no food. He appears to be living a life where he can do anything he wants with impunity. When I go up the sisters house, where all the family congregate, every 3rd word from everyone is enquiring after the whereabouts of ‘BoT’ ( how Boss is pronounced) or just saying he name as he moodily sits around on his phone. These boys seem to be revered for no actual good reason. I have a theory that this treatment of these feral young males is the reason why half the society is not developed. Letting 13-year-olds ride round on motorbikes and have absolutely no boundaries is the total opposite of the west where children are kept on a leash, at least in the UK till 17 years old where they are allowed to drive and even then the financial side prevents that happening so we can protect ourselves from these young idiots. While in Thailand, these children have been allowed to run riot from the age of 13 out till the early hours riding illega mechanically propelled vehicles with no lights on at night with nobody commenting, because it’s “not my business” , it’ll be your business when you pull out of a T-junction in the dark and don’t see a 14-year-old boy, hurtling towards you on a Honda wave with no lights on. But back to you saying it’s my fault him having a room that stinks, has bottles of piss lined up, a trash cans worth of sweet wrappers strewn on the floor with two lines of ants travelling back and forth to the sugar. We don’t speak. And haven’t for over a year. It’s like each other doesn’t exist. There is only so many times I can turn the other cheek. If he thinks he can behave badly and then get me redecorating his room what message does it send. Although I’m am open enough to take the advice to kill it with kindness and two wrongs don’t make a right.
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