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Everything posted by Stevey

  1. I don’t remember working with you in the 90’s … let’s get this straight. You ignore all unknown numbers ( a number that you don’t know like a delivery guy on in the next village with a jumbo sized pizza you’ve just ordered ). If you ignore the unknown numbers how do you know they are telling you a package is enroute ? What if that unknown number is telling you that they are in the next village with a COD Cash on Delivery package ? Kerry won’t even come to you if you don’t pick up. Also I think we are establishing that picking up the phone is not the danger it’s listening to a fake story and executing their instructions. Or opening an executable file on your device. The point of my question is that all of Thailand is not picking up the phone to anybody they don’t know in fear that as soon as they do a fraudster will access their phone and that all the money gone. I even to it myself coz more often than not it is an automated voice. I recently wanted to buy some really well made but old and unused sliding gates residing at a farm. Amazing I tracked the owner down to a phone number. We called and called to no avail. Later she said she was petrified to answer as she was afraid by answering an unknown number her phone would be accessed and all money in her back lost. The idiot is a teacher at the local school.
  2. My Missus who is a total idiot. When I started to talk about this subject with as we watched a Thai news article. Admitted she had fallen for this. I remember her talking about it a couple of years ago but because she crosses the line of truth and fiction so often I don’t believe anything she says and I tell her that to. I was explaining how a member on the group i asked the question on about scams had said that they even go as far as calling you on a video call and impersonating the police. She nodded away like this happened to her. I don’t want to know her story in fear of how much of my money she lost. 😞 Btw. I’m only with her because that the only way to be with my 6year old stepson that expats always tell me “ just walk away”
  3. Ah yes person’s is possessive so my credibility is indeed in tatters, oh well 😄
  4. Here is a good take on it from a commenter on Reddit, where I posted the question originally but it was not published immediately so I came here to TV where I am loved and knew I would get many answers. Well one answer anyway which was great. Reddit commenter opinion. “I don't think they go this far with foreigners yet, but the Thai scams are actually surprisingly elaborate production when it comes to tricking Thai people. I'm sure as a foreigner, you are aware of the old "Hey, you hang on to this for me." and it turns out it's something illegal and you ended up in Thai prison schtick. Well, scammers know people are deathly afraid of something like this, so this is their plan: First, they know everything about you, including your Citizen ID. There's been news about banking official or insurance agents selling clients' data to these people but that's a whole other story. They will know you order something from Lazada or Shopee. They will say your package is on hold at a center because the police found there's something illegal inside. Their people will DRESS UP in police uniform, video call you, they know your Citizen ID, your address, and they will threaten you with jail, and demand that you send them money or, latest incarnation, install an app. That app is a backdoor to drain money from your mobile banking account They target the elderlies, young teenager, and white-collar criminals who has a lot to lose. They are very smart and invested, because each scam they pull give them MILLIONS OF BAHT. If you want American example, type William Brock, 81, Ohio into Google. It's in Thai news everyday for a long while. There was also some slight fear mongering. Like the victims (who range from PhD doctors to high ranking politicians to celebrities) would not admit they transferred the money willingly, or download virus app, so they make up stories about how "I just opened an email and the money in banking app was wiped out...." Which is impossible.”
  5. Great answer. The problem is Thai people will not answer the phone because they think answering the phone can let a hacker in. The government should make a campaign saying what to do and what not to do because it’s stupid just everybody thinking they can’t answer the phone to anybody because it may be the call centre, for 4ucks sake it could be me on the phone !! but also, how are people losing money by people knowing their ID card number or address? I don’t understand this.
  6. 🚨🚨Dad Alert 🚨 🚨 Dad Alert 🚨 Alert 🚨 we got a Chiang Mai Dad here !!
  7. Just watching the TV with my girlfriend and she was talking about these CallCenter scams and how they've just been doing a new operation called "purge". She's saying that the reason why people don't pick up their phone to a new number they don't recognise it's because they believe that just by picking the number up they can have all their information stolen and have all the money taken out of their bank account. I can't believe this. I then enlightened her on the thing that happens in Falangland in that people get called up by Indian call centres and are pumped for their information by hoodwinking them into believing they are a real bank and that's how they take their money or that they access their computer remotely with the program. I then say but this isn't everybody. It's generally people who are naive or just plain stupid. Then she let me into a bit of a secret she had in that, she had answered and actually been scammed herself and lost money. From the looks of it this is in the last couple of years while l've been with her. So my question to my beloved members so I can educate my girlfriend how are these scammers actually getting hold of their victims money? she talked about it's about ID card numbers addresses et cetera.
  8. @theshu25 Yeah I just looked him up. Every comment is pretty nasty. I don’t agree with your idea that he is clad like. Wannabe rapper. He comes across as a genuine 5hithouse though. Can’t be a nice person to interact with. Can you imagine being his family or partners with that lot going round his head. Although I totally defend his free speech. More worryingly, too me, is his insistence that DJT the Orange Conman should be locked up. We will see or not how the people of the US think about that after a living a nightmare over the last few years of the Puppets reign and who ever is controlling him. How could the orange conman getting into power be worse than what has gone on till now ? I’m ‘an English’ if Brandon is not shown the door soon I will be sorely disappointed in the US people. Back to @theshu25 i would love to know what he’s got going on in his life. I’m building an outside kitchen.
  9. I’m gonna look him up.
  10. I will second that 👍
  11. It wasn’t wasted time i enjoy a wind up.
  12. Have you seen the Young guy yet ? He’s the poster boy. Appears to be loaded got a nice looking wife and some half breed children. I had a run in with him when he kept posting pics from his daily life but he was always in them. Eventually i couldn’t take any more and accused him of being a narcissist. I got some hate for that. He’s French I believe.
  13. AN again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolute UUankers !!!!! I went away from the page to acknowledge an iPhone clock Alarm and when I went back to this ANow tab the page re-loaded and the text box I had been writing one of my much loved replies had disappeared!!!! This happened to me once when I was writing my Epic Savannahket visa run report. It had loads of funny’s in it and it all disappeared with 30 mins writing completed. Anyway in answer to your question I will not be going to that FB Group again under a new name. Although ( and this is what I wrote but just vanished ) I may check out the comment’s section on their YouTube channel if they have one. Although my issue with that is I have a problem where I can’t comment on YouTube. About a year ago I realised my nightly amusement of clicking the Bell on YouTube and seeing that I had like to my previous nights comment were gone and now all I saw was a feed of suggestions of content from my subscriptions. As somebody who comments against the grain as I have for years since the new Post Covid no borders UniParty Era has arrived YouTube just turned my comments off. It’s really weird I’m the only one who can see my comments. I have a channel of my own and people will comment on my videos so I will reply but like last night I looked at a video of mine which said it had two comments. The first comment was my friend and the 2nd comment was my reply some time back but when I looked at what my reply was it is not there anymore. It’s as if there are thousands of YouTube operatives going thru channels just deleting comments guided to the comments by particular red flagged words. It’s all very weird. More annoying is we are probably being censored by a third world countries workers. I can remember when YouTube was the free-ist place on the net. You could pretty much say what you wanted. NB. If there is a font issue, I have just copied this text from the text box of my iPhone messages so it didn’t disappear like the last epic post did
  14. just to be clear are you saying “ can’t see a problem “ to what they want, boring as hell content, or what a large contingent of new joiners want ‘ Cry Havoc and release the dogs of war ‘ and full scale disagreement, basically interesting.
  15. I’m not trying not to be racist but I can’t think of a situation when anyone ( other than another old German) could realise anything good emanating from and encounter with a German 🇩🇪. We all know the age old phrase “ Germans Gonna German “ ? Actually that reminds my I was in PhonPhiSai the other week with the lad and he sees a Falang. Excitedly he points him out we were walking past the restaurant he was sitting out front of. He was about 30 and sitting at a table with with 4 other Thai girls in there very early 20’s. I later found one girls was a his girlfriend. As we passed by he looked at me for a couple of seconds and then looked away. Not one one person gets away with that. “ Are you shy ? “ i asked him. “ Your European?” … ”Yes I’m German “ he said. Turned out he was a nice guy, they many times turn out to be alright these shy guys. I’ve pulled this 5hit countless times. A handful of times they are negative and I just take the piss out of them in front of their handler. ” There’s a lot of Germans here “ I said. “Yes maybe.. I’ve been here a few days and I’ve seen a few westerner but your the first person to actually speak to me”. Interestingly his girlfriend, who was not bad looking but definitely not a supermodel, was in Germany when he met her and could not speak when I asked her , didn’t believe her for a a second, she spoke German. He was up to met the family. If only I could have filled him in but sometimes there’s no opportunity to save someone.
  16. Yeah they made this after some of the straight types went crazy about some of my posts. That group was 5hit when I got there but I was single handedly turning it around. If they want to ruin it agains so be it I did my best. Anyway I’m happy to report that it’s been a few days now and I’ve picked my self up, dusted myself off and decided to give life another go.
  17. Be sure to report back with the most interesting talking point you discover. “ He my name is Wolfsgang and I live in Sisaket with my lovely wife. We love it here and are greatly enjoying this FB group now that UUANKER HAS gone ! queue 90 thumbs up.
  18. You should really of quoted the section you were complaining about. Yes half of half is less than half so is what I meant. I was being self deprecating, as I remember. Please post a link to a subject you have posted that gave the boys something to read. Thanks. Re: Ageist comments Well I’m a little younger than the average Expat. So throwing a few insults out at the elderly usual works as an all round mechanism to get a parting shot in. Although I’m well aware many of my fans are from those ranks and sincerely don’t mean to offend those people.
  19. What are you talking about ? I’m not wearing a Hat !!
  20. Well I knew of the guy from a long time ago and I remember seeing him on YouTube. It was a video where people are asking him how he met his wife and he talked about how He met her at the airport in Bangkok. But then when I looked at her I thought she looks pretty entertainment zone to me but hey whatever, I married a bar girl, did I say married now I’ve never married her she’s my girlfriend 12 years. I was actually pretty honoured when after I posted some posts, not exactly praising Isaan wives and then getting agreeable replies within a week The place was going mental with people coming out the woodwork with the balance opinion versus aren’t all Isaan peoples just the 80lloks . When the big boss came on saying this has got to stop I couldn’t help thinking this is me that started this… oh 5hit. As I say, I laid low for a while, but it was deathly boring. Not worth even looking at that page. It’s all these old guys, just posting pictures of their wives or girlfriends. And then there was this younger guy who looks like Peter Andre, from France apparently from the looks of it and out of nowhere he starts posting all these pictures with him in the shots. I think first there was a picture of him in a straw hat watering some straw , which was weird. Then a picture of his house under construction. Then a picture of his wife she looked decent and he appeared loaded and 40 FairPlay but turn it in mate. Then he decided to say I’ve got a Facebook page if people wanna follow me and what my family are up to after while I couldn’t stick the and accused him of being a narcissist and posted a link to Carly Simon’s ‘ You so vain ‘ , got a few like a that boosted my ego. It was as if he was trying to create a following the same as the Isaan Farang. I actually was sick on one occasion, just looking at one of his photos with him in it. I bet that guy is running the place now in that straw hat now I’ve gone. 😭
  21. Mate ? I’m being ironic ? It’s a Shtick ? Go on make me laugh or tell me a time you ever made anyone laugh. The fact that your little post referencing Swifty that made you laugh out loud is something that you found funny enough to write down is pretty sad. From the sound of it it looks like you think your a bit of a laugh ? I can guarantee you’ve never written or said anything anyone has ever laughed at. You’ve either got it or you haven’t and you haven’t , leave all the funny stuff to me 😀 👍
  22. I was enjoying winding the oldies up who have no clue about Isaan but what is fed to them by there circle they are financing. I cannot believe I lasted so long but I got a lot of like and some enjoyment from replies in agreement but when the main guy came on saying people were gonna be kicked due to said oldies complaining that lots were complaining about Isaan rather than posting pictures of there handler, bushes or a squirrel 🐿️. I kept on the low low for a day or so but it was absolute death and I ended up getting rubbed out. Not really a loss. Like losing a really boring friend..” well that’s a uuanker I won’t be able to call when I’ve run out of fuel !”
  23. Yeah read my post about getting a visa at Savannahket I posted recently in Visas.
  24. So you appear to be intimating that you are going to ban me ? I’m a very, no scrub that , Extremely valued member here at AN. I bring in a lot of views and money for the shareholders, which I have yet to see a red cent of !! How about linking us all to a thread you have written that has brought as much joy to members as one of mine.
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