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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. Yes you did well selling your 2 year old Porsche EV With the UK used market its about timing 2-3 years ago after Covid interest rates were low there was a worldwide shortage of certain components and as a result people ordering new cars were told there is a 12 month waiting list at the time 6-9 month old used cars were selling for more than the current price of the same model just due to availability Last October in the Facebook groups I did see approx 10-20 Byd atto 3 appear from owners that want to sell and buy the Seal model used prices advertised were from B800,000 -B1,100,000 the top end pricing was very close to the official retail price for the extended version Problem for both sellers and buyers as finance wouldn't lend on used ev payment options were limited to cash or taking over the finance contract (Can be expensive if original buyer went for low down payment option and finance repayments over 72 months
  2. There is one brand that appears to be offering an battery inspection check RÊVER Inspected https://mgronline.com/motoring/detail/9660000071390 If you unlucky and the battery needs replacing due to an accident new insurance rules kick in from January 2024 Battery life not exceeding 4 years, 70% of the battery price will be paid from the vendor. Battery life up to 5 years, 60% of the battery price will be paid from the vendor. Battery life exceeding 5 years will pay a 50% battery compensation charge against the battery price from the vendor. https://www.amarintv.com/spotlight/business-marketing/detail/56923
  3. If you do a search in one2car for all electric vehicles for sale by a private seller the results will show 3 Porsche cars If you do a search in one2car for all fuel types for sale by private seller the results will show 797 vehicles
  4. Used Car market for electric cars is in early stages of development in Thailand Byd has announce an inspection service for car sellers and buyers there was an announcement they are planning to start selling used cars sometime in 2024 https://mgronline.com/motoring/detail/9660000071390 Biggest problem at the moment for used electric cars in Thailand is for some reason Banks and Finance companies when applying for finance for used electric cars answer is computer says no They offer finance for new EV's but not for Used EV's Most of the Facebook groups pages state impossible to get finance for used EV's I am sure their will be a used car market for EV's in the future Majority of cars are purchased in Thailand using finance
  5. Audi does have a clearance sale each year Q2 35 TFSI (white label) special price 750,000 baht, only one car. Installments start at just 9,700 baht/month. A4 40 TFSI S line (white label) special price 899,000 from the price of 2,699,000 baht, reduced by almost 2 million baht. Every car reserved at the event will receive a guarantee of continued after-sales service like new cars. With a continuous vehicle quality guarantee for 5 years or a distance of 150,000 kilometers, along with emergency Roadside Assistance service nationwide 24 hours a day from the date the warranty begins. https://www.autospinn.com/2024/01/audi-clearance-sale-2024-134953
  6. Hertz announced its EV sell-down plans in January, citing lackluster demand, costly depreciation and expensive repairs not just weak demand combination of all the above Rental Company Sixt Phases Out Tesla EVs From Fleet The German rental car giant says the reduced residual value, and high repair costs as the reasons why it's dropping Teslas. https://insideevs.com/news/699689/tesla-sixt-ev-fleet/ meanwhile more bad news for BYD international sales BYD’s Quality Problems Hit International Markets: Report EVs piling in European warehouses and logistics-related quality issues are new headaches for the world’s largest EV maker. While mold can be a common occurrence in cars, especially when they’re stored for a long duration in humid weather, the issue with BYD cars in Europe was that they didn’t receive the proper treatment to have the mold removed. In Thailand, where Chinese EVs have taken the domestic automotive market by storm, BYD’s quality issues seem to be mounting. Complaints of paint and plastic peeling have become public https://insideevs.com/news/712148/byd-quality-problems-hit-international-markets/ China EV imports are ‘landing in Europe with mold’ - 10,000 unsold cars sit in warehouses At the end of 2023, BYD had over 10,000 passenger cars sitting in European warehouses; the certificates authorizing their sale in the European Union will expire soon, The Wall Street Journal reports. https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/cars/1877252/china-ev-imports-europe-mold-cars-warehouses UK electric share of the market is 2.1% https://uk.motor1.com/news/710991/car-numbers-european-roads-by-country/
  7. CEO steps down after being hit with expensive EV repairs and low resale prices following purchase of 100,000 Teslas https://fortune.com/2024/03/15/ceo-steps-down-prices-following-purchase-teslas/ Musk's price cuts crash Tesla values https://www.fudzilla.com/news/58616-musk-s-price-cuts-crash-tesla-values Rental Company Sixt Phases Out Tesla EVs From Fleet The German rental car giant says the reduced residual value, and high repair costs as the reasons why it's dropping Teslas. https://insideevs.com/news/699689/tesla-sixt-ev-fleet/ Musk said Tesla cars would rise in value, but the opposite happened Its simple cutting prices because your sales are falling does have a knoc https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/03/cars/musk-tesla-cars-value-ev-prices/index.html cutting prices due to falling sales does affect the value of the cars for existing customers
  8. European Car of the year 2024 The Renault Scenic E-Tech has achieved first place thanks to 329 votes obtained. For 22 Jurors, this SUV has been chosen as the best of the seven finalists. The BMW 5-Series, second, has been close to Renault Scenic, with a total of 308 votes and 19 best votes, followed by the new Peugeot 3008, third, with 197 and 3 best votes. The rest of the finalist for the award were Kia EV9 (190 points), Volvo EX30 (168), BYD Seal (131) and Toyota C-HR (127). https://www.caroftheyear.org/index.php
  9. The exro article explains the background of the article here In this article, we apply Everett Rogers’ theory, Diffusion of Innovations, to electric car innovations in order to understand some of the characteristics of current early adopters of electric vehicles. In our examination of the EV adoption curve, we find five segments of adopter groups: Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, and Laggards. https://www.exro.com/industry-insights/early-adopters-of-electric-vehicles-the-ev-adoption-curve Diffusion of Innovation Theory https://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/mph-modules/sb/behavioralchangetheories/behavioralchangetheories4.html A few years ago companies would publish their annual reports with great fanfare we have 400,000 new subscribers because they offered special deals for new customers only ( A law in the UK has since banned this any deal has to be offered to all customers) Look how well our sales team is doing 400,000 new customers what they made very difficult to find is the number of subscribers that had ceased or cancelled their service as gaining 400,000 new subscribers and losing 600,000 existing subscribers means your shareholders could work out overall you have lost 200,000 subscribers EV adoption curve has to include all vehicles on the road otherwise EV will never be considered mass market if the majority of vehicles on the road are ICE
  10. I can never understand Nissan marketing they withdrew the Teana, x-trail and march from sale and replaced them with nothing
  11. Total number of registered vehicles in Norway is currently 6,431,432 Total number of registered private cars in Norway is 2,917,435 Total number of registered electric cars in Norway is 599,169 When we look at total number of registered vehicles current electric cars represent a share of approx 10% If we look at electric car share of just private cars the electric cars share of total registered cars is 20.5% https://www.ssb.no/en/transport-og-reiseliv/landtransport/statistikk/bilparken If the whole point of electric cars people need to stop focusing on just new car sales they need to focus on total number of all registered cars on the road if we look at total number of registered vehicles in Norway they clearly are at the Innovators (2.5% of vehicles): The first stage goes from 0 – 2.5% of vehicles being electric in relation to overall on-the-road vehicles. Not sure what your point of being from an IT background was I have a background of being in IT since 1974 and have worked it IT for 40 years
  12. Total number of cars on the road in Norway 2024 2,876,313 Cars on the road that are over 10 years old Norway - 1,289,250 Norway - 28.7
  13. Its funny you quote % when it suits you and now it doesn't suit you you want to forget % As I said maybe 10 years time when there nearly 6 million EV's on the road Thailand will be considered at the early adopter stage
  14. Years away from the early adoption phase current number of ev's including motorcyles approx 132,000 Early Adopters of Electric Vehicles (13.5% of vehicles): The second stage goes from 2.5% - 16% of vehicles on the road being electric. https://www.exro.com/industry-insights/early-adopters-of-electric-vehicles-the-ev-adoption-curve 13.5% of 44 million equals 5 million 9 hundred and 40,000 thousand vehicles Maybe in 10 years time Thailand might be at the early adoption phase
  15. The EV Adoption Curve If we look to see where Thailand is at currently its early stage 1 Innovators: These are the first individuals to adopt electric vehicles. They tend to be risk-takers who are both open to trying new ideas and technologies and have the means to do so. Innovators (2.5% of vehicles): The first stage goes from 0 – 2.5% of vehicles being electric in relation to overall on-the-road vehicles With over 44 million vehicles registered in Thailand February 2024 including motorcycles To get to 2.5% of all vehicles on the road , the number of EV's would need to be 1 million 1 hundred thousand Currently the number of EV's registered in Thailand February including motorcycles represents 0.3% of total vehicles registered in Thailand February 2024 or approx 132,000 https://www.exro.com/industry-insights/early-adopters-of-electric-vehicles-the-ev-adoption-curve
  16. And based on current sales it will take 162 years before every single ice car is replaced with an EV in Thailand
  17. Betamax owners used to say that their product was superior unfortunately software providers choose VHS
  18. I think mass EV adoption in Thailand is years away, It will be interesting times over the next 3 years as all sales that were of a result of EV 3.0 and EV 3.5 need to build locally the equivalent of between 1.5-3 vehicles per vehicles sold under EV 3.0 and EV 3.5 the problem will be where to sell those vehicles most countries have a local content requirement of 40% that can be achieved in the battery is built in Thailand if the battery is not built in Thailand they are unlikely to hit the 40% target as the majority of parts are built in China The other issue is Thailand wants to reach have a FTA with Europe where vehicles built in Thailand will be exported to Europe tariff free while at the same time imposing tariffs of between 40-80% on European vehicle exports to Thailand. The Europeans are unlikely to fall for that one I expect Europe will imposed the same tariffs on vehicles built in Thailand as they are planning for Chinese vehicles as they will see Made in Thailand is just Made in China but using a different route This article is predicting if Thailand fails on the local content requirement of 40% and fail to secure FTA agreements with Europe If the “40% local content” requirement cannot be met, the majority of BEVs produced in Thailand will remain in the domestic market. If there is an oversupply, the entire market will be affected if discount sales become rampant, similar to what happened in China https://www.thinkchina.sg/made-thailand-chinese-evs-could-fill-auto-market Remember that all sales under EV 3.0 and EV 3.5 are committed to to build locally the equivalent of between 1.5-3 vehicles If export markets not available they can only sell in Thailand and if there are more vehicles built than sellers prices will only go one way and that's down
  19. Thailand Number of Registered Vehicles was reported at 20,493,253 Unit in Feb 2024 excluding motorcycles if you include motorcycles the total would be closer to 44 million Once you exclude commercial and agricultural vehicles that leaves approx 12.5 million vehicles on the road remove all the EV registered between January 2020 and 31st January 2024 approx 102,090 or in % terms 0.8% so approx 12.4 million ice vehicles registered on the road January 2024 https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/thailand/number-of-registered-vehicles#:~:text=Thailand The figures can be found on the internet unfortunately from media links that are not allowed on these forums
  20. It will be a very long time before your local petrol station will close in Thailand EV's in Thailand currently represent 0.08% of all registered cars in Thailand
  21. You should checkout the cars for sale on this forum Here is one example already sold
  22. Thailand Number of Registered Vehicles was reported at 20,493,253 Unit in Feb 2024 excluding motorcycles if you include motorcycles the total would be closer to 44 million Once you exclude commercial and agricultural vehicles that leaves approx 12.5 million vehicles on the road remove all the EV registered between January 2020 and 31st January 2024 approx 102,090 or in % terms 0.8% so approx 12.4 million ice vehicles registered on the road January 2024 https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/thailand/number-of-registered-vehicles#:~:text=Thailand The figures can be found on the internet unfortunately from media links that are not allowed on these forums
  23. from the link provided Lithium-ion batteries may pose a serious risk of explosion and fire under prolonged exposure to extreme heat. I assume if you want dash cam to record after parking you would want one with a proximity sensor that turns the camera on for a short period and then turns the camera off again normally this dash cam is either connected to an always on fuse in the fuse box or an OBD-2 port
  24. The two main types of batteries used in dash cams are capacitors and lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are common and can last between 5 to 10 minutes on a full charge, enough to wake up and record an incident while your car is parked. A capacitor on the other hand does not hold a charge but will require a constant power source. While both have pros and cons, understanding which type best suits your needs can help with your overall experience. https://www.grdian.com/resources/lithium-ion-vs-supercapacitor-understanding-the-difference-in-dash-cam-batteries You should look for a dash cam with Capacitor Batteries This is a useful site with lots of information also check which brands do firmware updates as not all do https://dashcamtalk.com/
  25. Total Tesla sales for 2023 according to link you provided is 8,206 https://autolifethailand.tv/register-ev-bev-thailand-dec-2023/
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