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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. I can remember recently where Five automakers have issued recalls linked to defective lithium-ion cells. for approx. 300,000 vehicles due to risk of fire
  2. I recall between 3-4 million Labour voters voted to leave the EU in 2016 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-48039984 Or Course some of those voters may have been expelled from the labour party now
  3. Really Starmer says no case for joining EU as he insists Brexit policy hasn’t changed “There’s no case for going back to the EU – no case for going into the single market or customs union and no freedom of movement. I’ve been really clear that that’s the parameter.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/starmer-brexit-labour-eu-migrants-b2411420.html
  4. Doesn't really matter what the numbers are on the rejoin marches Number 1 priority for the EU is getting Ukraine onboard and the other 8/9 countries
  5. Yet 73% of leave voters would still vote leave The results show that one in six Leave voters (18%) now say that they would vote to Remain were the EU referendum being held now. Almost three quarters (73%) say they would still vote to leave the EU. https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2023/07/18/britons-would-vote-rejoin-eu
  6. The trade barriers are there because at least 1 party has erected them If you have apples to sell and I have oranges to sell and we both agree a fair price for both products there should be no issue with exchanging goods However if one party wants something extra for example prima nocta the right to sleep with the other party wife on the first night of her marriage this in my view is an unfair trade At the end of the day British industries have to accept the vote of the people or move somewhere else
  7. The UK had an EU referendum in 2016 where everyone was told a vote for leave would mean leaving the EU, single market and the customs union of the 33,577,342 million people that took part in the vote the majority 17,410,742 decided to leave
  8. What trade barriers have the UK put up against their major trading partners I am not aware of any
  9. And in the same article Another reason LCM is prioritizing expansion outside the UK is the company’s intention to expand its customer base and diversify its revenue streams. LCM is one of only two companies outside China that can produce rare earth metal and alloys. https://www.mining.com/uks-only-rare-earths-producer-eyes-us-eu-markets/ There are some companies that will move to which ever country is offering the most free money
  10. Speaking to Financial Times, Albert Slot said several factors weighed in on the strategic decision, being the main one the substantial subsidies offered by the Joe Biden Administration to critical minerals and metals companies. https://www.mining.com/uks-only-rare-earths-producer-eyes-us-eu-markets/
  11. Mar 28, 2023 A new opinion from the EU food safety agency (EFSA) has found 10 nitrosamine substances, found in many processed foods, to be carcinogenic, concluding current exposure levels are a ‘health concern’ for all ages. https://www.euractiv.com/section/agriculture-food/news/eu-food-agency-sounds-alarm-over-cancer-causing-food-substances/ We have created a database(link is external) on the 50 most hazardous substances approved in the EU. The file includes detailed information on their toxicity to humans and the environment, and the level of exposure of consumers. In March 2023 the EU decided to ban 2 of them from 2024 onwards, and in May 2023 another ban was decided. So there are now 50 to go. This is good news, but the progress is too slow and the substitution rules are still ignored by Member States. https://www.pan-europe.info/campaigns/ban-toxic-12 So its looks like one of the EU freedoms is to allow freedom to use poisonous and carcinogenic chemicals in EU food production.
  12. The EV 3.0 policy, which exempts taxes for EV importers and provides subsidies for purchasing electric vehicles at a maximum of 150,000 baht per vehicle, is set to expire on December 31, 2023. However, the funding for EV purchase subsidies will end this September due to increased public interest in electric vehicle purchases, leading to the depletion of the support funds before the end of this year. https://www.nationthailand.com/special-edition/ev/40030655 Should be an interesting Motor show in December if no subsidies are on the table
  13. Enlargement could require significant EU budget reforms. Seven out of eight candidate countries have a GDP per capita below that of Bulgaria, the poorest EU country, meaning the distribution of funds could leave some current member states with a smaller slice of the EU pie following enlargement. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2023/08/28/eu-must-be-ready-to-accept-new-members-by-2030-charles-michel
  14. Also from the same article Thirty of the 36 were allowed for use in the EU when the UK left on 31 January 2020 but have since been banned by the bloc, and the remaining six have been approved by the UK government but not the EU since then.
  15. The Guardian has a different line UK-India trade deal ‘not guaranteed’, says Sunak before Modi meeting PM’s crunch meeting with Indian counterpart at G20 hoped to smooth way for free trade deal https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/08/uk-india-trade-deal-not-guaranteed-says-sunak-before-modi-meeting You appear to be the only person expecting him to come back with a fully signed trade deal
  16. I do see in Facebook groups some people are cancelling their orders because they ordered before the B100,000 announcement Not sure if they are staying with MG now or moving to a different brand Personally I think people that have placed orders before the B100,000 should look at total ownership costs for 5 years before and after the B100,000 announcement
  17. The initial discussion was around who should fund cost the of install Charging Stations and associated costs in condo buildings Then the forum pillocks ( POTV) jumped on board
  18. Do you know of any gas stations that have been installed in Condo / apartment buildings I don't
  19. I am not sure if the government wants everyone to go EV if it does it should have divided the subsidies into 3 phases with the early adopters getting the least amount of subsidy the next phase getting slightly more and then the final subsidy to get every ICE car off the road We have already seen in China since their government ended the subsidy in December 2022 that EV manufacturers have been forced to reduce prices in order to incentivize sales
  20. I not sure what common funds are available for condo buildings other than maintenance funds which comes from a levy charged against each condo owner and normally expenditure of those funds has to be approved by a management committee which is elected by the condos owners if a new condo owner wants an ev charging facility to be installed and he wants everyone to pay for the cost of that facility plus ongoing maintenance and servicing costs and they are the only ev owner in the building i suspect they have an uphill battle
  21. Loads of posts from MG dealers on Facebook stating the B100,000 additional discount but there is a catch 1 week ago there was 3 years 1st class insurance on the table that has been reduced to 1 year And the free servicing for 5 years and the wall charger appears to be no longer available so if you look at the total cost for ownership for the 1st 5 years is there an additional B100,000 saving or just clever marketing Already there are a number of MG4 owners bitching about the price reduction and stating they will never buy another MG again
  22. I think your living in fantasy land the cost of install Charging Stations and associated costs where possible should be funded by EV owners
  23. Cant see how legislation will help for existing apartment & condo buildings in some cases its impossible to refit charging equipment and in many cases there is a huge distance between the apartment buildings and where the vehicles are parked Yes legislation will help for new buildings going forward but once again it will come down to some people want the charging facility but don't want to pay an additional cost for it
  24. Problem for a lot of people is they simply don't have the facilities for BEV as they don't have access to a charging point at home At the moment their options are limited to Toyota Mira, Nio Battery swapping station model or expensive charging station away from home and hoping they always have sufficent charge to get to a number of charging stations as the nearest may be out of order I am sure in 5-10 years other options might come available but at the moment its limited
  25. There is 2 generations of the Mirai you must be referring to Gen 1 as Gen 2 seems to have plenty of space in the back seat similar size to a Toyota Camry And although hydrogen is the principle source of the power that drives it, the Mirai is actually an electric car driven by electricity and electric motors. https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cars/article-9540603/Toyota-Mirai-review-second-generation-hydrogen-fuel-cell-car.html
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