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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. The government intends to extend recognition of the CE marking for placing most goods on the market in Great Britain, indefinitely, beyond December 2024. These updates apply to the 18 regulations that fall under the Department for Business and Trade (DBT). These are: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/using-the-ukca-marking
  2. 2019 General Election Conservative majority 7,210 https://members.parliament.uk/constituency/3817/election-history
  3. Your must be wearing your Mystic Chomper Higgot hat today if you know the outcome of the next General Election I am not a betting man but all the media reports stated that Labour would win Uxbridge & South Ruislip by a landslide I might have a punt at Corbyn as independent for the next Mayor of London I would have lost money if I had place a bet that Coutts would never offer Nigel banking facilities again as it appears they now have
  4. Where to start fake posts, deviation from topic off topic my remainer friends must be right you are a closet Brexiteer as its only brexiteer's that post false information
  5. Farage says Coutts is offering to keep his accounts open Coutts has offered to reinstate Nigel Farage's personal and business bank accounts, the former Ukip politician has claimed. Mr Farage said the new boss of Coutts had written to him to say he could keep the accounts. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-66367896
  6. Did you read the article that in the original link that you posted Businesses had called on the government to extend the use of the CE mark, saying that forcing them to meet new UK rules, which would initially duplicate EU product standards, would add significant costs at a time when many have been trying to get over the disruption caused by the pandemic and stubbornly high inflation. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/aug/01/uk-eu-safety-mark-brexit-climbdown So more rubbish posted by you as the Businesses had called on the government to extend the use of the CE mark, saying that forcing them to meet new UK rules, which would initially duplicate EU product standards, Its quite simply if you have a product that is intended for the UK market only you would use the UKCA mark if you have a product that you plan to sell in Europe you would use the CE mark Are you a closet Brexiteer as all my remainer friends advise me that its only brexiteers that post false information
  7. From your original post link . Companies will also be able to choose whether to use either the UKCA or the CE mark when selling their products in Great Britain. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/aug/01/uk-eu-safety-mark-brexit-climbdown
  8. Another fake statement even the Guardian doesn't agree with you
  9. You have already stated this incorrect statement and your post was corrected by @JayClay No plans to ditch the UKCA mark if Businesses are only selling there products in the UK markets and other markets they can still continue to use the UKCA mark if they want to sell their products exclusively to the EU market they use the CE mark or if they want to sell to UK and EU markets they can use CE mark or UKCA mark for UK and other markets outside the EU and CE mark for products sold in the EU As stated in your original link Tina McKenzie, the policy chair of the Federation of Small Businesses, said the continued recognition of CE-marked products would “allow time for small firms to adjust to the UKCA marking system and focus on growing their business both at home and overseas”. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/aug/01/uk-eu-safety-mark-brexit-climbdown
  10. But still its a possibility but as shown some industries prefer to see the BSI Kitemark as a mark of trust and confidence, demonstrating a level of quality, safety, sustainablity and/ or security over and above any basic legal requirements such as CE or UKCA markings
  11. Equally the UKCA mark might have an application for products that are sold in the UK that conformed to a higher standard than the CE Mark The mark of higher quality products for the UK market A real Brexit bonus
  12. What's the difference between CE mark, UKCA mark, BSI Kitemark™ and G-Mark? The most basic difference is that the CE mark, UKCA mark and G-Mark demonstrate that a product or service meets legal requirements, whereas the BSI Kitemark is a mark of trust and confidence, demonstrating a level of quality, safety, sustainablity and/ or security over and above any basic legal requirements. This means the CE and UKCA marks are often mandatory, whereas Kitemark certification is often voluntary. In many cases Kitemark certification is required for market access or as a tender requirement at an industry level. https://www.bsigroup.com/en-IN/blog/kitemark-blog/ce-mark-ukca-mark-bsi-kitemark-and-g-mark---whats-the-difference/ UKCA and CE marks states the product meets the legal requirements for the country the product is sold in
  13. Problem with that statement is not everyone agrees with rtiings a Canadian web site rates TCL tv's as quite high https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/tcl avforums a UK website seems to regard both TCL and Hisense as brands worth taking a look at https://www.avforums.com/forums/tcl-tvs-forum.591/ A TCL tv gets HDTV best value award in 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HylMkGKTycE
  14. It doesn't matter where TV's are made , more important is who makes them and what sort of quality control and design input does the Brand retain exampleWho Makes Sony TVs? Who Makes Sony TVs? The multinational conglomerate Sony Corporation makes Sony TVs. Sony Corporation is known for its electronics products, including televisions, which are often recognized for their quality and innovative features. The company manufactures its TVs as well as outsources some of its production to third-party manufacturers under strict quality control guidelines. However, Sony retains full control over the design, development, and marketing of its products. https://brandcritica.com/where-are-sony-tvs-made/#more-824
  15. The days when Panasonic made their own TV's are long gone Does Panasonic make their TVs? Unfortunately, Panasonic does not manufacture in-house TVs. They have closed their plants in China, the Czech Republic, and India. Now Panasonic is partnered with different OEM and ODM companies to produce TVs. In China, all Panasonic TVs are now being made by TCL. https://brandcritica.com/where-are-panasonic-tvs-made/
  16. Here are prices and USA reviews of one of the top Samsung models these are not the top models but gives you an idea of pricing and what you gain and what you lose out on in terms of picture quality QA75QN90CAKXXT 2023 model B99,900 Homepro https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/samsung/qn90c-qn90cd-qled QA75QN90BAKXXT 2022 model B68,888 Luckydigital https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/samsung/qn90b-qled You can get 75" TV starting from around B16,000 example Hisense 75A6500H Homepro USA review of similar model https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/hisense/u6h USA reviews chosen as they are in english they might not be exactly the same tv but it will give you an idea on what to expect
  17. Here is a review of the US version of your TV https://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/lg/uq8000
  18. I don't think anyone can say that about any brand When you see TV on display in a showroom they are normally set for demo mode and all the settings are set for maximum brightness and highest contrast levels Sony has a pre set picture option on their TV's Vivid If you watch a Sony TV with picture preset of Vivid it becomes unwatchable are a short period of time more so if the content contains very bright colours this video is a good example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyhrYis509A
  19. Some TV's the picture is worse when viewed from an angle, some TV's don't cope very well if there is a constant banner displayed on the TV, some TV's produced blacks better than others some TV's black are more like grey choosing a tv just on size is like walking into a car showroom and saying I want to buy a car need information such as usage viewing distance from screen is the content that you watching mainly 4k For 4k Sony suggest you the viewing distance shouldn't be more than 1.4 meters / 4.60 feet for a 75 inch tv https://www.sony.co.th/en/electronics/support/articles/00008601 you can still watch if the viewing distance is further away just you wouldn't be able to see the details that 4K brings
  20. And it wouldn't change as both employers and employees are unwilling to pay more In Germany excluding income tax Everyone including Employers and employees and the a certain group of unemployed people that are in receipt of Unemployment benefit Arbeitslosengeld are require to pay 19.324% of their net income towards Statutory health insurance in Germany statutory pension insurance system Unemployment insurance Long-term care insurance So that is 19.325% for employers 19.325% for employees or other working groups and 19.325% for unemployed people in receipt of the Arbeitslosengeld Unemployment benefit https://www.iamexpat.de/expat-info/social-security/unemployment-benefits-germany-arbeitslosengeld
  21. A number of groups are looking at using care robots for caring https://ec.europa.eu/research-and-innovation/en/horizon-magazine/elderly-care-bring-robots Do robots have a role in care? https://caring-times.co.uk/feature/do-robots-have-a-role-in-care/ I think there will need to be a huge rethink on taxation more so when 50% of the working population is not working due to Ai and Robotics the OECD is already research this one of the suggestions in income tax on Robots https://www.oecd.org/forum/oecdyearbook/how-taxing-robots-could-help-bridge-future-revenue-gaps.htm Many people with dementia and alzheimer don't recognise their own family over a period of time Here is Jennie Tombot Now if you could get the tombot to monitor its owner and send an alert to someone if they think that something is not right
  22. lack of care workers in the Uk is a short-term issue longer term in care homes workers will be replaced by robots and leaving humans as decision makers until sufficient trust by the public to allow the decision makers positions to be filled by robots Personally I think there should be a recruitment drive aimed at potential university candidates paid current rates but with a bonus for each year you complete working in the care sector all your university fees are paid for if you complete 3 years working in the care sector then all your university fees are paid for which would mean you leave university without a huge debt burden
  23. if they are caring for someone for more than 35 hrs per week there is nothing stopping anyone from claiming carers allowance it is not restricted to family members only
  24. And many people do as the DWP figures show In February 2022 there was 1,320,000 people claiming carers allowance
  25. And many people do, according to DWP figures in February 2022 number of people claiming carers allowance was 1.3 million People with Dementia and alzheimer their condition gets worse over time to the point its no longer possible for them to remain at home https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jul/31/families-caring-for-dementia-patients-in-uk-reaching-crisis-point-says-charity
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