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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. The article does state With no family, Lily has lived on her own in the Vale of Glamorgan for decades. I don't believe anyone would be allowed to work 12 hour shifts without breaks 7 days a week Most council offer home carers for getting out of bed, toilet assistance showering breakfast taking medicine Morning visit normally lasting between 1-1.5 hours Lunchtime visit preparing lunch visit lasting between 30 minutes to 1 hour Evening visit preparing evening meal, toilet assistance taking medicine getting person into bed visit lasting between 1.5 hours In addition to all of the above 2-3 times a week laundry and shopping Dependent on the person mobility it can take 2 carers to get someone into a bath if a shower isn't available or 2 carers to get someone out of bed and into bed And it seems for asda workers outside the M25 area they now get £11.11 per hour https://www.westerntelegraph.co.uk/news/23331769.asda-give-store-colleagues-10-pay-rise-april-2023/
  2. Here is the relevant article for those that can't access i-player https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-66260332 Keri Lewellyn runs a care company in Barry, south Wales, and said staff have "left in their droves" since the pandemic, meaning she only has enough carers for half the number of clients she used to. "A local Asda pays £13 an hour with no previous experience, so we can't really compete," she said. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-66260332 Depending on their health and fitness some people require 4 to 5 carers each day
  3. Everyone accepts that you have to pay some tax but when a politician decides that they are going to milk you to fund their spending programmes that when people will leave Jeremy Corbyn’s £48B manifesto plan Labour leader wants to raise taxes for higher earners to fund education and re-nationalization plans. https://www.politico.eu/article/jeremy-corbyns-48bn-manifesto-plan/ I have seen thousands of posts on this forum with people complaining about a B500 tax loaded onto international airfares and thousands of posts about how unfair that foreigners are expected to pay more at National Parks in Thailand With Both National Parks and international airfares people have a choice don't go to the parks or for international airfares exit the country via a land border and catch a flight in a different country
  4. Super-rich prepare to leave UK 'within minutes' if Labour wins election Wealthy see potential taxes imposed by Jeremy Corbyn as bigger threat than Brexit The super-rich are preparing to immediately leave the UK if Jeremy Corbyn becomes prime minister, fearing they will lose billions of pounds if the Labour leader does “go after” the wealthy elite with new taxes, possible capital controls and a clampdown on private schools. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/nov/02/super-rich-leave-uk-labour-election-win-jeremy-corbyn-wealth-taxes North Sea oil and gas losing investments - report Industry body Offshore Energies UK estimates that 90% of offshore firms are cutting spending worth billions. It says a continued lack of investment would see production fall by 80% by 2030, increasing reliance on imports. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-65093274 I don't know anyone that is happy or willing to pay more tax than they are required to do
  5. The Government tried to bring in additional support to pay for Health and Social Care support by raising National Insurance 1.25% but no-one wanted to pay the increase https://www.unbiased.co.uk/news/financial-advice/national-insurance-threshold-changes-how-they-will-affect-you Taxing the richest 20% wouldn't work as they would simply go elsewhere leaving everyone else to pick up the bill
  6. There are border checks in some European countries they are listed here https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/policies/schengen-borders-and-visa/schengen-area/temporary-reintroduction-border-control_en
  7. Coutts relaxes £1m threshold to cater for Adam clients The private bank has eased its deposit rules after being left with a number of lower net worth clients following Canaccord's acquisition of Adam & Co's investment arm. The spokesperson added that the private bank has a 'broad spectrum' of customers that have significantly less than the £1m minimum, such as the .. https://citywire.com/wealth-manager/news/coutts-relaxes-1m-threshold-to-cater-for-adam-clients/a2400689
  8. There are no government care homes what you have is private care homes that either accept local council funded residents or self funding residents costs for a residential care home ranges from £900-1600 per week and nursing residential homes range from £1500-2500 per week depending on location increasing care home costs = larger council tax to fund the residents that are council funded. some care homes refused to accept local council funded residents - payments are slow some care homes have a 3 year waiting list and can pick and choose who they accept
  9. Steer clear of the Heathrow Hotel hoppa buses they charge a wopping £6.80 for a single journey quite often they stop at the same stops as TLF red buses https://www.mylondon.news/lifestyle/travel/heathrow-londons-most-expensive-bus-23478475 TLF buses were offering £2 per day max fare with oyster not sure if same applies if your using cashless instead of oyster
  10. The cargo ship was transporting 2,857 cars from Bremen, Germany to Port Said, Egypt, 25 of which were electric cars. It was one of the electric cars that caught fire, a spokesperson for the coastguard told Reuters. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12338705/One-sailor-dead-23-evacuated-burning-18-500-tonne-cargo-ship-carrying-3-000-cars-North-Sea-Holland-electric-vehicle-caught-fire.html
  11. Its Good to see that your finally admitting that your EV isn't as green as you like to make out
  12. MG or SAIC cars not sold in USA as to pricing website it lists cars for sale in Thailand that will never be imported and ignores any chinese brands that are currently on sale in Thailand not everything posted on the internet is correct and MG Cars USA not found SAIC Cars USA not found reviews of MG cars tested in the USA not found
  13. You might say silly but my post in factual correct EV's are totally reliant on petrochemical by products
  14. I didn't say that just pointing out that while EV's may be a little greener than ICE vehicles they still require a large number of petrochemical by products
  15. Remove all the petrochemical by products from EV's and what are you left with no glass, no dashboard, no seats, no carpets, no tyres. no rims, no steering wheel, no plastics, no rubber, no seat frames, no mirrors, no paint
  16. Wasn't aware that anyone reading this thread was expected to be a mind reader and when you post "Nottingham University report I linked above" what you meant was refer to another post i made earlier
  17. You keep referring to a "Nottingham University report I linked above". but in your posts but don't provide a link as stated
  18. Clearly you are unable or unwilling to provide a link that you refer to No problems
  19. Why underline words when the underline has no meaning You underline the words care sector and state you have provided a link and then no link is provided
  20. My reply was to your original post which isn't relevant in relation to the ops post as the ops post is related to domiciliary carers there are people that provide social care in people homes
  21. And when you click on the link it list all the cars available for sale and the Nissan Leaf is not listed and the link I posted yes its 1 year old but the clue was in the title Final Call
  22. Nissan is well known for not updating their English web pages you can't order new Nissan leaf on their Thai web page According to this article there was a total of 40 Nissan leaf cars available for sale last July 2022 Final Call ! Nissan LEAF 100% electric car: 959,000 baht (imported CBU) | 311 km. distance (NEDC) https://autolifethailand.tv/final-call-nissan-leaf-ev-bev-959000/
  23. This article is about domiciliary carers they don't work in care homes also another clue The car she had been promised to travel between clients did not materialise, so she had to walk to appointments Not something that would be required by someone working in a care home
  24. Its strange that your comparing MG ZS EV 2022 model instead of the MG ZS EV 2019 44.5 kWh. battery or the new version of the Nissan Leaf 62 kWh. battery
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