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ubon farang

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Posts posted by ubon farang

  1. 1 hour ago, WhereIsMyRyeBread said:

    I was evacuated by the Aussie Gvt out of Cambodia once when things got a bit hairy and got myself a free ride on a Hercules plane as a consequence.

    I'm neither an Aussie or a Commonwealth passport holder or had even asked them for it. 

    Yet, there they were to help. And when I landed on safe grounds, free hot milo and smiles mate. 

    It was awhile ago, but still. Bloody Legends.

    Good for you mate. It all depends who is in government at the time Ok  I am afraid and many governments are the same it all comes down to politics

  2. 2 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Once again the master bu++shi++er is up to his usual.

    Why would it take 8 years to cut the amount of generals in half?

    It could be done in months if wanted.

    The answer Col is simple Most of the older Generals will be retired by then Even the general who is Thailands Pm will be retired But mark my words before they leave the piggy banks will be full

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  3. 3 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Can this situation become even more pathetic than it is now?

    Crowd of muppets dreaming up anything they can to destroy any opposition.

    So sad, they are doing everything they can to take this country back into the dark ages.

    Well u know Col of coarse the government did not get any donations.They did not have to. They controlled the treasurey Plenty of cash in there Democracy in Thailand is dead well and truely. This Pm makes Hung Seng look like a saint

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  4. What a great idea no homework Now they can play with there mobile phones a lot more. Who cares if they dont do homework. Everybody passes in Thailand. I reckon the next best thing is for the students to stay home and do nothing and the teachers can do all their homework and tests. Kids dont need to learn anything do they? Just make them more lazier than they are now 

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