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Posts posted by WalkingOrders

  1. 12 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I believe you are correct in your forecast of the outcome, but also there is something else.


    Wealth has been stripped from blue collar workers and is now being stripped from the middle class, it is being funneled to the hyper wealthy.


    The US economy will not remain stable without the working and the middle class having money to spend.


    The stripping of incomes and wealth, and loading with debt will in itself topple the economy.

    You might want to focus on your own stellar economy. How is doing?



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  2. 17 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

    A communist would have absolutely no power as POTUS. Where would he find consensus to achieve communisty goals? Congress? The Supreme Court? The military? Nowhere, that's where. You should try to come up with a lighter shade of red herring.

    If the word socialist helps you to feel warm and fuzzy inside when describing "communisty" Sanders go ahead and call him one. Or even call him a Democrat. Just don't expect the same from me.

  3. 10 hours ago, genericptr said:

    If Bernie had a plan to claw back corporate subsidies then I would support that. If that was his platform to FIRST get back taxes revenue from other areas and then spend it on health care that would be interesting but that's not what's going to happen.

    Clawing back all corporate subsidy will soon become a necessary part of American policy for either party in power. Lowering taxes may work to stimulate, but Gov expenditures must be cut, as debt is unsustainable in the longterm.


    Immigration needs to be fixed now! Fenced border, and a chip/barcode photo social security card to prevent illegals working, which is a net drain on the treasury.


    Important also, as LEGAL immigration, may well likewise become quite important in coming decades, but on our terms.


    The United States defense posture must change, Europe must be left in totality. Let France and Germany decide who leads the EU army to oppose potential Russian aggression. Maritime nations need to rebuild their Navy's to real strength to be able to protect their own trade.


    China is doing something not seen since the pre world war II era, a global power is rising, a power which has publicly stated it is building an armed forces to have the ability to fight and win conflicts in any global theater. 


    They have elected a President for life, something which has always gone well in this world. Two full battle groups in the water, a 3rd about to roll out, and 20 on the drawing board. The belt and road initiative gives ability to move forces rapidly. In Southeast Asia Chinese money is eroding Western alliances, and Chinese soft power is growing, as well as Chinese weapon sales.


    While Obama slept the Chinese built south China sea military bases upon disputed territories leaving the Trump administration with the unsavory, and unlikely method of direct war with China as the only method to dislodge them.


    China claims the entire south China sea, and seems to eerily be modeling Imperial Japan. Japanese generals have stated they expect China to attack Japanese out lying disputed territories in coming decades, as well as Taiwan.


    To counter a foe with a global roaming Navy, and deep pockets ( unlike the Soviets who had empty pockets) the United States needs a massive ship building program! Massive!


    Unfortunately, as you mention the USA has imported a massive 20 million base of illegals who in one generation are changing forever the voting base of the country.


    A leftist lean, increasing entitlement programs, redux in military spending, and a fracturing national will is what can be expected from this permanent left majority when it takes power.


    Sanders is but a shadow of the power the left will bring in another 20 years if allowed to continue. Dark times ahead.


  4. 4 minutes ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    Yes you MUST go on I need to hear your reasoning Is this too hard to answer other than mentioning some people he sees some  agreement with 

    My reasoning....is found in the word and deed of Comandante Sanders as captured in text and video. Pretend you are one of us so you can begin your refutations. Take a quick walk through the 40 year historical record!


    If you don't feel like hunting this down, no worries, soon enough it will be in virtually every television commercial supporting Donald J Trump for re-election. To the point that, I bet your question as to how my conclusions are arrived at never rises again.

  5. 9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    More Americans are afraid of commies than are afraid of idiots. 


    Also what 45 is is already well baked in. 


    Also 45 is one of the most skilled propagandists in world history. 

    We are afraid of Communists, and we find that all communist sympathizers are idiots.


    The Democrat party is in process of putting a Marxist Trotskyite on the top of their ticket. The Democrat convention is likely to be a laugh riot inside, and a real riot outside.


    Donald J Trump has fought back against a mob posing as political party, and beat them down every step of the way. And someone earlier said apathetic people vote because of their 401k. That's not apathy, that is called a vote cast in confidence!


    Time to put an end to this bunch. Let them resurface with a new name, but Democrats is a name disgraced forever. 


    Approximately, 6 months until John Durham shows up to shower the Democrats with love.




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  6. 5 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

    If there are only a few millions is it OK. But I hope instantly America would show once social conscience, equal rights for whites and Blacks, or rich or poor. And no racism anymore. 

    If you are preaching as a non American citizen, from another Country please stop we are the most ethnically diverse nation on Earth, and people still want to get in. Perfection no, but above others preaching to us? Yes.

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