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Posts posted by overt2016

  1. 19 minutes ago, Benmart said:

    Seems the current PM didn't reform the RTP afterall. Crooks stealing from crooks.

    The current PM has not EVEN halted the sale of lottery tickets above their listed price of 80 Baht

    in the six years he has been in power.

    I would have thought that something this simple would have been an ease for someone this powerful.

      After all having proved he has to live in an army barracks, for protection surely he would be safe from the Lottery  ticket mafia.



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  2. Thai prisons have come into the news recently for the lack of humanity provided to inmates.

    Don't come at me  with lines like "do the crime etc  BS. It is irrelevant. The loss of freedom

    and being unable to decide when to sleep, eat, ETC.  Is decided by others is punishment.

    We have heard recently about food issues and the question of the budget provided

    whether it is sufficient or skimmed.

    No common person expects or wants prisons to be homes away from homes, but

    things like in this instance [lack of sanitary pads] is degrading.




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  3. 5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    Huge amount for the hotel owners, probably affluent already, and probably paid a bung for the privilege of being an ASQ hotel.

    Not much being spent in the economy when people are holed up there for 2 weeks ! 

    OK, I give-up, I am confused and stupid or stupid and confused!

    Is the country benefitting from the pandemic or sinking from  the lack of tourists?

  4. As a surrogate father to my Thai so, i would like to place some Thai women

    as the biggest instigators of violence to children.

    Before you shout and scream at me, hear me out.

    nearly 30 years ago my then Thai partner were left with her brother's son to care for.

    All seemed OK for a few years as she took reasonable care of him, taking to the child health clinics as required 

    After he started to attend school she began to mentally and physically abuse him for any minor error in his school work.

    As I was working days and evenings [and he was threatened with more abuse if he told me] I was unaware of the extent of the abuse.

    If she abused him while I was home I told her in no uncertain manner never to do it again.

    to cut a long story short, I needed to return to my home country frequently and obviously leave him in her care. I financially provided for them while i was away.

    Cut to the present and given the facts by my son I got him away from her and have taken complete care of him much to his daily delight. 

    Sorry for such a long winded reply , but i understand that all Thai women are not like this , but when they are they can be bloody mean.



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  5. A lot of these responses refer to driving on highways and are quite relevant.

    However city driving is just as dangerous.

    the complete in-attention to road laws and other motorists is abhorrent.

    My great bugbear is the complete disregard shown to pedestrians by motorists. 

    Faded paint on crossings, signage at only 2 metres from the crossing, the lack of controlled red lights etc etc.

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