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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. i am not so much of a gun nerd but can make knowledgable posts on the subject. Try it some time.
  2. It can put a hole in your head in your M-fing head. Cypress Hill . i am nit sure why the size of the bullet is a matter of discussion.
  3. it was a slight miss. It could be a shift in the wind. It could be many things. It was close. Let's just all be thankful that Trump survived. That's all that matters really.
  4. A .22 is lethal. For pest control we normally use something like a pellet gun to shoot birds off of eaves or keep raccoons at bay. Otherwise you end up with holes in your siding. To say a 22 isn't worthy of killing a person is a moronic assessment. Anyway, all kidding aside, you can't fire a 22 into the air or anything other than an earthen burm or you will be charged with reckless discharge.
  5. Security is much easier when you have ten people in attendance. Including your wife and sons.
  6. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmattdominance.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F02%2Fjoe-biden-hair-plugs.jpg&tbnid=YYqczY6Ex6m1aM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmattdominance.com%2Fjoe-biden-hair-plugs%2F&docid=tjwwRnJoePeN5M&w=1100&h=825&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F7&kgs=a4f6148fa264131e&shem=abme%2Ctrie
  7. that is basic common sense.
  8. i don't think he will not be with us much longer.
  9. This poster has a dizen posts all in this thread or section. Normally you come here to ask about Thailand or find some info. Anybody with such a short post history, all concentrated in one section points to a troll or sock puppets.
  10. The photo with the blood and USA flag in the background was a nice campaign gift. The fact that Trump survived is proof that God protects the virtuous from evil
  11. I didn't apply to be a contestant on a game show. As such you can google the answer to your own clown questions
  12. her name was Bhutto.
  13. Pakistan car bomb. Just ti start it off.
  14. Can you show me the post? Unlike you I don't post border line hates speech every time i post.
  15. The there is a reported the shot might have struck a piece of the teleprompter. Wouldn't that be ironic? Saved by the prompter
  16. Well he has in the past advocated some pretty gruesome things. He has suggested Trump be hung off a a balcony like Mussolini for example. Maybe now is a time to be more circumspect.
  17. Trump has done unscripted interviews with hostile media figures in the past. You might not know that because back in the day that was considered normal not extraordinary.
  18. Trump just said he would go with Joe and take one together. I guess this will give joe another big guzzle from the can of STFU. Don't hear him talk about golf these days,
  19. I wish they would put the worms back in his brain and let it finish its meal.
  20. The sheer LULZ if the left having to backtrack on the convicted felon moniker would be hilarious. You know they will consider the case being tossed a trivial technicality because he is guilty lol.
  21. Funny thing is the reports I hear say NATO officials are alarmed by Joe's decline.
  22. Lol. Suddenly there is a surge in the key battleground states. lol All kidding aside, well anyway...
  23. Obama, Clinton, and Pelosi are trying to pry him out. Joe has gone rogue. If he doesn't have his shot i don't think he cares if the house burns down. Cockamamie shenanigans and malarkey aside. He was whispering like a raving lunatic about how nobody would change their delegates during the conventions or turn on him. i say give his new approach a chance.
  24. I was surprised that it was all rehearsed and scripted. So my pfediction was right it wasn't a press conference it was a campaign event. Happy it seems it will keep Joe in the game.
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