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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. I agree stealth camping out of a serial killer mobiles isnt what the cool kids are doing n these days. It has become much harder just to "park" somewhere.
  2. I am just talking about what might occur at different political venues. One is the gop in Milwaukee and one is the dem in Chicago. I would be very surprised if the conventi9n in Milwaukee' is diruoted or undermined. None of this is on topics anyway.
  3. That makes up the dem base. They are scared of their own constituents .
  4. From the river to the sea, genocide Joe has got to go, death to America type stuff?
  5. I was actually replying to a post that suggested the GOP convention would face protests. That was actually news to me. Next time if you are going to take the time to engage me or the content i create please at least make it something worthy of thought.
  6. The official immigration statistics are available so you admit it is a fact?
  7. Back in the real world there are realistic concerns of massive protests in Chicago should the dem convention take place there.
  8. I dont believe that Trump or Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent. Other than that i didn't vote for trump or biden and don't care. It seems like you taken online, unenforceable avatar bets a litttle too seriously which adds to the fun. Lighten up Francis.
  9. is Fox News making uo facts when they release statistics saying that more than 10 million people have been allowed in, largely unvetted and more than a million have got away with no scrutiny of any kind? Do you want these people as your neighbors in your Jom Tien condo?
  10. i would have changed my avatar to an asterisk to denote a win by cheating if it would make you feel better. Like the baseball from Barry Bonds in the HOF.
  11. I anticipate that the dem convention will have much more serious issues in that regard. There is talk they won't even hold one except for a virtual event,
  12. I noticed lately the weather people use the "heat index" to make the temps seem higher. In the winter they also commonly display the wind chill index as if it is the actual temperatures. When i was a kid the index was called Fahrenheit. The heat here doesn't even beat records going back 10 or 20 years. Wake me up when you get a recorded temperature of around 111 in the summer and -60 in the winter somewhere like Minnesota. That's how it was when i grew up.
  13. It's impossible to have a coherent conversation with you. I am not going to further engage in this meaningless drivel.
  14. no, Poland realized their alternative was to rely on places like Germany for their security. Ever wonder why there are some trust issues there? poland is also aware of who supplied the energy requirements for the EU. That would be Russia. When i lived in Poland it was record cold and Russia was playing games with the pipelines back then. Poland embraced America because it was the best offer. this is in part a reason why the USA was able to stage the war in Ukraine as limited as our help has been.
  15. Why even bother saying something so asinine? Sometimes it can be wiser to let people think you are stupid than open your mouth and confirm it.
  16. It's easy to belittle people for convictions when you were ruled mentally incompetent to face prosecution. Lets hear Joe continue down that road and talk about how there are too many gun felons and how they should have the book thrown at them. i like what Newt Gingrich said ask Joe if he really believes his uncle was eaten by cannibals. All Trump really needs to do is explain in a few seconds what his policies were especially in the border and then ask Joe to explains his. My guess is Joe goes into a prescripted MAGA fueled rage. the only thing i wonder is if the mods can turn the mics off during the time a person has to speak.
  17. the Germans were content to mooch off of everybody else and pretend to be green while they sucked their energy out of Nordstream. Funny how that exploded inexplicably. Germany wouldn't exist if left to it's own devices. America rebuilt it and they have never done much since. They have a handful of good companies but that's about it.
  18. Trump was instrumental in helping Poland do this. They were even going to name a base after him. Plland has always been a very strong Poland first type of place they have been effed with a lot. I lived there for nearly a decade.
  19. I know that will cost at least $1,000 to remedy given the price of wages. Setting up the scaffold and renting it will cost more than that. All involved need to be charged with felonies. Upon arrest confiscate some DNA evidence and match it to see who was on the wall. Open and shut case and the mug shot can be searched so no potential employer gets stuck with them. Also many landlords frown upon criminals damage to oroperty charges.i am not sure many schools would want them as transfer students either.
  20. They sort of lost my sympathy for what happened in the past. Call me unusual but i can't find a way to forgive or forget that they en masse, raped women, cut their breasts off and for the cherry on the top, killed the women before the husband. Their tactics were so gruesome and despicable that they have placed themselves on the total extermination list. When you take such actions you completely change the rules of engagement. Gaza has no future if Hamas remains. Once they are wiped off the face of the earth and the only remnant left of them are memorials that tell the story of their war crimes Gaza can be redeveloped and has promise. If it weren't for the hostages israel wouldn't even care about going in they would just leave them to starve.
  21. News laws are not required. The secret sauce is the political willpower to enforce existing laws. The tools are already in the box waiting to go. I am not sure why people keep vapor locking on this point. Stop directing law enforcement to be a concierge facility to welcome people and move them in as rapidly as possible. Go back to a normal state o affairs where your first duty is to secure the borders, confirm identities, process claims of asylum in that order. If you can not be verified you are detained. Period. Not sure why people think we owe anybody the benefit of the doubt.
  22. They hate it because it seems to be effective for Trump. What compounds the problem is that they can not replicate it. This opens new areas of attack for Trump who obviously can put together a rally anywhere. Biden showing up in Alabama would only be an embarrassing spectacle. But that's what makes blue locales great after all. They have enough diversity to welcome any number of political persuasions and all are respected equally. Lol It sure is amusing that the left seem to feel their home turf is somehow off limits ir that any candidate would feel threatened or unwelcome to engage in the American political process anywhere. Shouldn't they be welcoming people of all kind to share their diversity?
  23. In made no assumptions or prediction of the election. I just gave some basic facts observations that dispelled the notion that Trump is somehow afraid to go into blue states or is unwilling to go anywhere. Maybe i am new to elections and maybe i am not. I am more knowledgeable and well versed on the topic than you are regardless of my length of experience.
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